Simple New Year reading?

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Simple New Year reading?

Post by lstar33 » Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:10 pm

I have put allot of work in to betterment for me and the things I want and need and the things I need to move on from and would like to request a reading to know if this year things will look up and that I am on the right path? So I guess what this new year will be filled with for me?

Thank you so much in advance!

:)  :smt007  :)  :smt007

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Post by cedars » Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:09 pm

Hello Istar

I did a brief reading for you using the Rider Waite Original deck which goes  as follows:

The Heirophant.
Feels to me you are in a phase or a stage in your life seeking advice, counselling from people of faith, family members or even therapeutic counselling. This may also signify issues like marriage/wedding, or seeking the blessing of someone of spiritual/religious authority. If you have been conforming or having difficulties to conform to certain aspects of society and need guidance on aspects of faith in conflict within yourself, it is best to seek for that advice from anyone who may be able to guide you into the right path.

Nine of Wands.
You have worked hard to reach your goal(s) and you've got the 'scars' to show for your hard work. You are very protective of what you have achieved thus far and are clining to them for dear life.  Hard work always pays good dividends and I do not blame you for defening your corner with your life.

Four of Cups.
In spite of your success and success, a sense of stagnation is bewildering you and you cant help but wonder if things would have been different. Almost like wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. You have a tendency of rejecting what is on offer to you doubting if it is the right thing for you or if you should try your hand at something different.  I wonder if your hard work is not a good reminder to you as to what you may have achieved thus far.

Seven of Pentacles.
In answer to your hard work with the Nine of Wands. this is telling you to be patient for you have done what you can and it is now time to sit and wait for the outcome of your hard work. You almost feel: what have I got to show for after all the hard work? But..... patience will reveal all.

Nine of Swords.
If this waiting period is giving you cause to have sleepless nights, worrying what might happen and what tomorrow might bring, please note that it is the effect of the dark that makes us feel that way. Let the waiting period not put you through unnecessary grief for before you know it, you will see sunrise and all will be revealed.

I would say you have worked hard, you have done all the right things so far, so perhaps it is best that you give that Waiting Period its fair share and those sleepless nights will be a thing of the past.

I was reshuffling the cards to pick an additional 'guidance' card and the Queen of Wands fell off the deck.
Queen of Wands.
A woman of substance, charisma, business attributes, a mother figure, energetic and creative may walk into your life to shed further light into your situation. If you do not relate to such a person, then I would suggest you adopt some her qualities in order to convert your sleepless nights into bright ideas.

Patience my dear and do not give up.

blessings to you.

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Hi There

Post by Rosemary » Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:02 pm


I can see that you are fairly determined for this year to be better than last year as I feel last year you felt like you were just on a treadmill getting no where fast.

Its takes time to change habits of a life time and thats what you are doing I feel, especially regarding your emotions.  You may be doing something quite major like trying to lose weight or to change your personality and it will take time.  You can be fairly impatient and you are a black and white person, either this or how you feel you generally don't have a lot of in betweens about things so that can be hard.  You also are a set person and like familiarity and sometimes do find it hard getting out of your comfort zone so don't be too hard on yourself if sometimes you just want to go and hide for a while because its all too hard.

You have done very well and its great that you have the foresight to change yourself, something which I would love to do as well sometimes!  You also are a very determined person and once you set your mind to something well, there is really no stopping you so keep up the good work.

I do feel that you will achieve your goal, whatever it is and I also feel that you will change lots of other little things along the way.  I feel that you have just taken a long hard look at yourself as things haven't been going your way in the past few years and you have tended to blame yourself.  Some of it may be you but it wasn't all of your fault.  I think you expect a lot from yourself and can be a bit of a perfectionist when you could lighten up abit and just enjoy your life a bit more.



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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:22 am

Hello Istar

When I re-read my posting, I realised some silly typo errors.... please forgive me and here is the corrected version.

I did a brief reading for you using the Rider Waite Original deck which goes  as follows:

The Heirophant.
Feels to me you are in a phase or a stage in your life seeking advice, counselling from people of faith, family members or even therapeutic counselling. This may also signify issues like marriage/wedding, or seeking the blessing of someone of spiritual/religious authority. If you have been conforming or having difficulties to conform to certain aspects of society and need guidance on aspects of faith in conflict within yourself, it is best to seek for that advice from anyone who may be able to guide you into the right path.

Nine of Wands.
You have worked hard to reach your goal(s) and you've got the 'scars' to show for your hard work. You are very protective of what you have achieved thus far and are clinging to them for dear life.  Hard work always pays good dividends and I do not blame you for defending your corner with your life.

Four of Cups.
In spite of your success a sense of stagnation is bewildering you and you cant help but wonder if things would have been different. Almost like wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. You have a tendency of rejecting what is on offer to you doubting if it is the right thing for you or if you should try your hand at something different.  I wonder if your hard work is not a good reminder to you as to what you have achieved thus far.

Seven of Pentacles.
In answer to your hard work with the Nine of Wands. this is telling you to be patient, for you have done what you can and it is now time to sit and wait for the outcome of your hard work. You almost feel: what have I got to show for after all the hard work? But..... patience will reveal all.

Nine of Swords.
If this waiting period is giving you cause to have sleepless nights, worrying what might happen and what tomorrow might bring, please note that it is the effect of the dark that makes us feel that way. Let the waiting period not put you through unnecessary grief for before you know it, you will see sunrise and all will be revealed.

I would say you have worked hard, you have done all the right things so far, so perhaps it is best that you give that Waiting Period its fair share and those sleepless nights will be a thing of the past.

I was re-shuffling the cards to pick an additional 'guidance' card and the Queen of Wands fell off the deck.
Queen of Wands.
A woman of substance, charisma, business attributes, a mother figure, energetic and creative may walk into your life to shed further light into your situation. If you do not relate to such a person, then I would suggest you adopt some  of her qualities in order to convert your sleepless nights into bright ideas.

Patience my dear and do not give up.

blessings to you.

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:11 pm

Hi Rosemeray,

Is yours a psychic to Istar33 or are you developing on top of the cards I got for her as per my above reading?
Or, have you made your own spread and so on?


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