career advice

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career advice

Post by akido » Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:53 pm


Can I seek for a little guide regarding a possible career move i am planning. I am considering transferring to another company. Do you feel it will be best interest to do it now?

Now I feel so small...almost nothing to give when needed the most.

Good you are still here to support and listen to us.
Thank you.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:53 am

Looking at the reasons as to why you feel so inadequate are definitely more important than the exact timing of this move. For if you do not do some soul searching now, you are very likely to see history repeating itself in your next job with the other company.

This reading gives you more questions to ask yourself than it provides you with any answers. The answers which you get from asking yourself the following questions are for your eyes only. They are none of mine or anybody else's business. This approach is based upon the belief that if you are the one who comes up with these answers yourself, then they are much more likely to take into account factors in your life which are unknown to your reader but could potentially have a huge impact upon the outcome of any advice given here. And by solving your own problems instead of depending upon a reading to do it on your behalf, this should help to greatly boost your feelings of self confidence and courage and hope for the future. Then you can no longer continue to feel small in the face of your life's many challenges.

So you really need to ask yourself why is it that a person with your qualifications and abilities feels so small and insignificant, when compared to your work colleagues. Or does this feeling of you not being good enough extend well beyond your job? Is it that you find the tasks which are given to you too challenging, or are you making the common error of always comparing yourself to someone else who has had a lot more experience than you?

Are you only experiencing certain problems working with some people, or is it a more generalized feeling of most of the staff not liking you or of them saying bad things about you behind your back? Whether or not either of these things is true? Before transferring to another company, it would be in your best interests to identify what the problem really is, and perhaps develop a different approach to solving it or you could take it with you into any future work environment.

Deciding whether or not to move to another company and the right timing to do so are too important decisions to be made exclusively on what comes out of any psychic reading. Any insights arising from a reading must only be used in combination with relevant information from other non psychic sources. Particularly in this highly competitive and highly volatile job market job security is largely a thing of the past, so this is not a decision to be taken lightly or made in haste.

If you are like most people these days you are probably carrying a high level of personal debt, and you consequently cannot afford to move to another company until there is at least a good chance that you will be better off in several ways in your next position in comparison to how well off you are now (including socially and financially).

Keeping all of the above in mind I asked the cards if it is felt that transferring to another company within the next six months would be in your best interests.

The major arcana card THE WORLD which was the first card which I drew, and which therefore becomes your answer/focus card. It is effectively asking you to take a huge leap of faith and trust in yourself enough that you are more than prepared for and highly capable of dealing successfully with the challenges and opportunities offered to you by the job with the other company.

The longest journey always begins with a single step. Simply having the faith that everything will turn out OK or better at the other company will never be enough by itself.  Unless you have done all of the preparation or your homework beforehand, a leap of faith could be your last step. But if instead you were to combine faith, hope, courage and positive and carefully considered action with thorough preparation and you are more than less likely to have a winning formula, AND ONLY THEN WOULD IT BE IN YOUR BEST INTERESTS TO MOVE TO THE OTHER COMPANY WITHIN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS.

The best way to prepare yourself for the move is to answer those questions for yourself, and to also seek professional career advice in your local area, in order to determine whether there are any other ways which we may not have thought about so far, but which could significantly boost your chances of a successful transfer to the other company. Your CV could do with a polish.


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Post by akido » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:45 pm

Thanks EOT,

Sometimes I just want to rest and leave everything behind. The face of being strong for the family and the responsibility I carry. I am trap to this feeling.
I am doing the plan, but I am praying really hard for a good opportunity. One that will help me and my family. Just want to rest with peace of mind.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:13 pm

Sometimes I just want to rest and leave everything behind.
I feel that almost everyone here can identify with having this feeling at some time in their own life. You just wander when all the pain and frustration of living in a physical body and world is going to stop, and when you will finally be able to get some well deserved time out from constantly having to watch so many of your dreams come to nothing.
The face of being strong for the family and the responsibility I carry. I am trap to this feeling.
In every family it is said that there is at least one person who acts as the peacemaker, although for the individual concerned their life itself is anything but being peaceful. Being the family peacemaker is often a significant challenge, which can frequently require us to hold our tongue and keep our own feelings suppressed over the longer term for the purpose of keeping our family from destroying itself.

We not only have to stay strong for ourselves but also remain strong for them, and this puts an enormous amount of extra stress upon us which makes it hardly surprising that peacemakers such as ourselves are more prone than the average person to stress related and emotional illnesses, of both the mind and body.

To be a successful peacemaker one must remain within the situation over an extended period of time, which inevitably gives us a feeling of being trapped by something which has been forced upon us. Something which we do not remember having agreed to?

All this talk about rebirth agreements being made between our soul and ascended beings of Light seems to be poor compensation for all the efforts our role as the family peacemaker can entail. Perhaps it is easier to consider such possibilities with the luxury of hindsight once the worst is over. While we are still going through an ordeal is probably not the best of times for other people to try to comfort us with spiritual platitudes. The time for that usually comes later, and usually when we have finally made some forward progress towards resolving our problems.
I am doing the plan, but I am praying really hard for a good opportunity. One that will help me and my family. Just want to rest with peace of mind.
Like most of us you are doing your best to keep your head above the water, and any God worth our praise should never expect anything more from us than to do our best. So why do we continually punish ourselves for our mistakes, and feel that our best efforts to help ourselves are never going to be quite good enough?

Unless we can recognise in enough time to turn things around that increased self love and self acceptance (mistakes included) are the only ways in which we can ultimately help ourselves regain our feelings of self confidence and self respect, then what possible help can we be to other family members? How can we give members of our own families something positive and inspiring, which we are unwilling or unable (or a little of both) to first give to ourselves?  How can we care for them, when we will not for whatever reasons care for ourselves?
I am doing the plan, but I am praying really hard for a good opportunity. One that will help me and my family. Just want to rest with peace of mind.

I am beginning to wonder whether what most of us really want (rest with peace of mind) is readily attainable over the shorter or longer term, while we are still using a physical body.  Presumably that is why we often see each other off into our last journey with the words rest in peace. In the hope and faith that finally we will be given the lasting rest and peace which we so badly wanted, but never quite reached during our lifetime.


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