Hi Again Everybody! :). I would like to request a reading if possible.

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Hi Again Everybody! :). I would like to request a reading if possible.

Post by Linz820709 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:15 pm

Hi everybody!. So I'm not really new here, but I am back after a little break. I was coming here cause I was having an issue with an ex-boyfriend of mine. Pretty much to make a long story short, we are not together anymore and I am actually very happy about it now. I took it pretty hard at first though, and ended up losing my job at the time and went through quite the rough patch. Well now I am in a much better place, have a job I love, and am just enjoying my life right now!. The only problem (not even sure if I'd call it a problem but....), is there is a new guy in my life, however I'm not really sure what to think about him (the situation), so I remembered coming here before and thought I'd stop back and say Hi to everybody and also request a reading if possible :). So here's what's going on....

When I started my new job, one of my co-workers came up and introduced himself to me and we seemed to hit it off pretty good!. We would just talk friendly at first but after a while, he came forward and told me of his interest in me. At that time, I just saw him as a friend and co-worker, so we kept it strictly friendly, but after a while, I started becoming interested in him as well. So for the past couple months, we've been hanging out outside of work and whatnot, but right after we hung out the first time, he all of a sudden started doing the "hot and cold" thing. Now right in the beginning he told me he wanted to take things slow and be able to get to know each other and not rush into anything, but he was almost straight out ignoring me sometimes. It's like sometimes he would be really friendly with me and other times it's like I was a stranger to him.....but after a while, he started acting more hot than cold and we hung out about 3 other times after that. We actually just hung out last week and for the past few weeks or so, he has been nothing but "hot" with me and really friendly and flirtatious and whatnot. But the reason I'm really confused and not sure what to think is because i'm not sure if he sees me as just a good friend (and only wants one thing) or if he is telling me the truth when he says he's open for possibly developing something more. I just can't really get a good read on him.

So I know from past experience on here that reading the other person isn't possible (if I remember correctly....), but if anybody can help me out in any way, I would GREATLY appreciate it!. Thank you so much for your help :).

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:43 am

So I know from past experience on here that reading the other person isn't possible (if I remember correctly....)
Welcome back Lyndsay,

There is a difference here between what is possible, and what is allowed according to the forum rules. While reading another person's thought and intentions towards you (a third party reading) is quite possible, it is not regarded as morally right to read someone without their knowledge or written permission.

Therefore your memory about the third party rule preventing me from telling you what you most want to know (what exactly does he feel about you - are you only his companion, friend or do you mean something much more to him than that) is accurate to some degree, but it is also partially incorrect.

Third party readings are possible in many but not all situations. But they are all not allowed to be given on these forums.
I was coming here cause I was having an issue with an ex-boyfriend of mine. Pretty much to make a long story short, we are not together any more and I am actually very happy about it now. I took it pretty hard at first though, and ended up losing my job at the time and went through quite the rough patch.
While according to you this past issue with your ex boyfriend is dead and buried, your self confidence and your ability to feel valued and respected have been and continue to be in the present moment seriously damaged by both the failure of the relationship, as well as you losing your job while simultaneously grieving for a relationship which once held out so much promise of lasting happiness for you, but can no longer happen.

So contrary to what you may be thinking, the reading is saying that your ex boyfriend issue may be over in your mind, but it is definitely not over in your heart, and that therefore it greatly affects how well or otherwise from then on you are able to respond to the huge extra stresses which have been placed upon you through little or no fault of your own by your current alternately running hot or cold relationship with your work colleague (the man whom I will represent for the rest of this reading simply by the letter W).

Quite understandably your negative experiences with your previous relationship combined with the extra burden of unemployment made you feel less secure in yourself, and consequently you may be more sensitive to confused situations such as the one in which you presently find yourself along with W, when compared to most other women of your personality type and age.

You always knew deep down that having a personal relationship with a work colleague is going to present its own unique challenges. In some companies close relationships between fellow employees are seen to be an advantage and asset to the harmony and efficiency of the working atmosphere, in others these are ignored as not being relevant or important to the worker's output, but in many others they are not only actively discouraged but have been used as an excuse to fire both of the people concerned "for the good of the company".

So while you are both working in the same place you will necessarily need to walk a thin line or tightrope between showing each other your true feelings, and not going so far as to give your supervisor or employer a reason to sack either one or both of you, under the rules agreed between the company and your union. While I cannot read him directly, I can read indirectly through you that W is particularly concerned that he might lose both you and his job at the same time, if he is not careful.

I do feel indirectly through your relationship with W that he has a lot riding on keeping this job for as long as possible (does he already have children from a past relationship, or does he have unusually large financial debts which need to be quickly repaid), requiring him to focus most of his time and energies on his work and leaving you as only his friend while you are at work, and as his companion when you both leave your place of employment.

It is also unfortunately for you as I know that you would not want me to be telling you this, but I do not see the situation significantly improving during the period of the next six months thought to be covered by this reading.

The real question here is exactly how long are you willing to wait for the situation to change for the better, in a manner which will allow you both to finally relax and fully enjoy being together this time as a couple, and no longer having to hide your true feelings about each other from the other workers, your supervisor, your boss and from anybody else whose negative opinion about your relationship could be used against you and/or W.

The main problem happening here is that when W is at work and you are present that it is in his as well as your own interests for him not to draw unnecessary attention to your personal involvement with each other, for reasons of job security and to stop idle gossip by the other employees getting back to your boss. And in turn being used by him or her against one or both as a weapon for forced termination of your employment.

Through your love struck eyes W may look as though he is overdoing his attempts to hide his true feelings about you from everyone other than yourself when you are both at work, but you really do not know what else has previously happened in W's life (including long before you met each other) that has lead to him now being so careful not to always wear his heart upon his sleeve. So in a way he needs to act as though there is no real relationship between you while you are both at work, out of practical and financial necessity.

And with regular practice over time he is definitely getting better at concealing his true feelings. But just like some of the most gifted actors in the world, when he leaves his place of work he experiences serious difficulties in taking off his acting hat which is no longer necessary, and reverting to his much more relaxed and consequently more likely to be openly romantic outside of the work environment role of being considerably more than just your good friend.

I do feel based upon this reading that there is a real potential for you to eventually become lovers, but that currently your chance of this desired goal being realised within the next half year period is not much better than 50%. However this is one of those times when I would enjoy being proven wrong about my impressions. So please do not let this apparently negative prediction from this reading put you off the whole idea of your relationship with W ever becoming more than a completely platonic friendship.

Mercifully I do sense that there are hidden factors operating behind the scenes in W's life at present (no details are given about what these factors are) which could quickly tip the scales in your favour, as long as you do not try to force him to declare his true feelings for you out in the open, where everyone else knows about it.

You need to find the right balance for you (always easier said than done) of continuing to show W that you care enough for him that you are willing to wait a reasonable period of time for him to sort out his personal life (outside of his relationship with you), but that you cannot wait for ever and that as soon as he fixes some of his unrelated to you personal problems, he can drop his act and be more spontaneous and uninhibited about showing his true feelings about you with little or no anxiety about either of you losing your job over it.

You must be willing to wait for him to fix his personal and possibly also financial problems which are not your fault, responsibility or business, but you are certainly not willing to wait beyond the time which you feel that you are unable and/or unwilling to extend any further. Only you can work out where you will draw the line in the sand between what you feel is a reasonable waiting time, and an unacceptably long waiting time.

Loving regards,

From your friend EoT :smt003

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Post by Linz820709 » Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:56 am

Thank you so much EoT for your reading and the warm welcome back :). I really do appreciate it more than words can describe!. It is so comforting coming here because I know the reading I will get will be truthful, no matter what the news is, all while keeping it warm and friendly. Thank you so much again :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:35 am


You are very welcome for any assistance rendered.

My readings DO often tell people what it is felt they most need to hear, instead of what they believe that they most want to hear.

They are consequently and frequently a complex mixture of good and apparently bad news.

I emphasised apparently bad news in italicised print because in most cases our anticipation of and understandable anxiety about exactly how bad the news will eventually turn out to be is highly exaggerated, and often far greater than the actual event when it does happen (if it happens at all).

While most of us have caught ourselves saying "I could not cope with this if it happened to me in the future, most people do cope reasonably well and can potentially become stronger within themselves as a direct result of not having given up prematurely on themselves, or having given up on life in general.

Always my pleasure and privilege.

From your humble reader,

EoT  :smt039

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