help is appreciated

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help is appreciated

Post by gibo » Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:11 pm

Can anyone who is good willed and has spare time to do a quick reading on work?

The challenges and possibilities of going back to my old work face to face staying with what I have now.

Grand mother is sick might need financial assistance so I am looking for a work that is for the long run. Can do.

If you could rephrase it to a better one please do so.

Help is appreciated.   :smt008

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Re: help is appreciated

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:50 am

gibo wrote:Can anyone who is good willed and has spare time to do a quick reading on work?

The challenges and possibilities of going back to my old work face to face staying with what I have now.

Grand mother is sick might need financial assistance so I am looking for a work that is for the long run. Can do.

If you could rephrase it to a better one please do so.

Help is appreciated.   :smt008
Welcome Gibo,

The reading suggests that you ask yourself the following questions in private, in order to help you decide which of the two jobs are going to give you most of what you are looking for, as no job can guarantee that you will get all of what you are wanting. The answers to these questions are for your eyes only, and are none of my or any other person's business. For the rest of this reading your present job will be called job A, and any alternative jobs which may arise in the future will be called B.

1. Which of the two jobs A and B do you have now? This seems like a silly question but it is usually better to have the job you already have and be earning money, than to risk becoming long term unemployed and hope that you might get a better job sooner rather than later. This is of course unless job A is so terrible that you cannot stand it any longer, the pay is too low to keep you financially viable or you know for sure that you are about to be retrenched or fired anyway.

2. What do you see are the relative advantages and disadvantages of each of job A and job B? Make a list for job A  and one for job B. Writing it down on paper and not simply typing it on a computer has a psychological effect of forcing to you to be both as honest and complete as possible. Once you have exhausted all advantages and disadvantages you can think of for each job, balance one against the other to help you decide the job which gives you most of what you want, and least of what you do not want.

To start you off on this process look at the overall compensation package (not just your salary, wages or commission but extra hours, bonuses, other perks), how satisfying, how challenging, how stressful, does the job encourage you to develop new skills and what are the prospects for promotion and even better pay later on, is the company doing relatively well or in trouble (value of their shares rising or falling), is there likely to be much demand for that job in your local area over the next few years, how well do you or expect to get on with the other workers, do  you feel that the job is consistent with your moral values and spiritual path, how far do you have to travel each day to work, how much extra will having this job cost you in transport, clothes, food etc................................................????????????

3. How much of a factor is your grandmother's illness and two months stay in hospital in you making this decision? Do you live with your grandmother and is it likely that she will ask you for or accept any money from you? The feeling of the reading is that this is not going to be a major factor in you making your mind up between the two jobs. It will simply remain at the back of your mind when you are comparing the income after tax from jobs A and B. In other words you are not going to base your decision entirely on your ability or inability to provide support for your grandmother, which does NOT mean that you do not love or care for her.

4. Which of the following things do you fear most about each job?

a.The risks involved with the job may be too high.

Achieving anything which is important to us in this life necessarily involves us taking certain risks, especially the risk of feeling that we have failed. The secret is always to do whatever you practically can to minimise the risks you do take, and to make them planned or calculated ones. Which is not the same thing as you taking silly or dangerous risks which are almost guaranteed to get you into trouble, one way or the other.

b. The risk that you might not have enough money to be able to pay your cost of living, as well as having some money left over each week to do something which you enjoy, and which makes you feel that life is still worth living.

Is there some way by which you can supplement the income which you make from this job, by honest means and through your own efforts? Do you own any saleable goods which could be exchanged for cash in an emergency? Do you have any other interests, hobbies or work skills which could be turned into extra income if needed? What qualifications do you have which are relevant to each of jobs A and B, and are you able or willing to improve your qualifications if it means getting the other job?

c. The risk that you might get sick or seriously ill and have to voluntarily leave the job you have because of poor health, or that you are told by your boss that your services are no longer needed because you are not well enough to continue.

This is a possibility in any job which you have, but there are certain factors which could significantly increase the chances of it happening to you. Most of them are to do with stresses of the job, both from outside as well as from within yourself. Feeling unappreciated, unchallenged, isolated from the other workers, not having enough money to go to your doctor when you really should, having totally unrealistic expectations about your performance, not eating and drinking responsibly, money worries, poor interpersonal skills, not having your work recognised by your community as being valuable and worthwhile, poor education, pre-existing health problems, your country's economic situation, taxes.....................

Unfortunately some of these many factors will always remain outside of or beyond your control to change for the better (your country's economy is the first one which immediately comes to mind).
"The Serenity Prayer"

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

[Reinhold Niebuhr]
To summarise, the reading cannot and will not decide for you which of jobs A or B will have the longest run, or give you everything that you are wanting in your chosen job. Instead it is offering you some of the many important questions which you should be asking yourself in private, with the intention to make your decision as well balanced and as fully informed as is possible and practical, within the period of time which you have to make it. I am certain that you will think of many factors not suggested here which could also help you to do this and some of which may be unique to your personal situation.

You are absolutely correct when you state that every job no matter what it is has its own challenges and possibilities (opportunities). You cannot have the opportunities without at the same time accepting the challenges, and if you are unable and/or unwilling to take on those challenges then you will be unlikely to last long enough in the job to recognise these opportunities for what they are, and to take maximum advantage of them.

All the very best of job hunting,

EoT  Image

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Post by gibo » Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:02 pm


Not exactly I am going to be jobless. It's just a matter of staying or going back to the old. Can't decide so close in terms of disadvantage and advantages. Just want work that i can carry on.

Need to carry some of our finances because majority of our resources are allocated now for my grandmother.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:46 pm


You are welcome for the reading, and I now have a much better understanding of the extra financial burden you have chosen to carry with regards to your grandmother.

The reading was always about whether you should return to your previous job or move onto something else.

It only considered the possibility of you becoming unemployed because it was not clear in your request whether the job you were moving to was definitely in the bag or only a strong possibility. If you left job A but then job B is not there as you expected,  you are unemployed.

With the advantages and disadvantages of both jobs being reasonably equal I feel that especially with the extra financial responsibilities that you are carrying that staying with your current job would at least minimise the risks of financial insecurity.

If I was in your position, I would go back to my existing job every time  unless there were very good reasons and stay with what I have, instead of risk my financial security with what I might have.


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