Gathering Information from the Universe--General Reading

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Gathering Information from the Universe--General Reading

Post by Vrillin » Sat Feb 08, 2014 2:26 am


With the permission in service to others of the Universe and of Eye of the Tiger, "I" would like to ask this quarry for a general reading from an objective point of view.  It is in interest of mine knowing through knowledge of where I stand currently in this reality, and in preparation in continuation to seek the true self and of the lessons that need to be learned.

Further added if the reader has any questions regarding clarity, or perhaps a more specific question then please ask away.  What you ask you shall receive.  

I would further ask that without intending to insult the communicator that I do not want your "Love and Light," for that in my belief system is a violation of my freewill unless I ask for it.

Thank-You for Service


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Can you please change your request so that.......................?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:32 pm

Vrillin,  :smt017  :smt017  :smt017

You want all of that exactly as described, as part of a free mini reading???????   :smt009

I saw your request not that long after you had posted it, and have spent the last couple of days deciding whether I feel that I can help you answer your questions through an intuitive reading. And every time I think that I am getting closer to being able to give it I come up against something in your request which prevents me from giving you the type of reading which I freely offer on this forum.

In order for me to tell you where you "currently stand in this reality", I am assuming that you are asking for a progress report or current assessment of exactly where you are compared to where you should be according to your soul's Akashic records, which I do not unfortunately have any access to.

Also the depth of what you are asking me here would indicate the need for a mediumistic or spirit reading to be given, neither which I am either qualified nor allowed to offer you.

Giving you a general reading from an objective point of view usually means that you do not get to choose the subject, yet you are at the same time asking some very highly specific questions which make me giving you a general reading virtually impossible.

While I am not in any way offended by you saying that you do not want my Love and Light as in your belief system that would be a violation of your free will unless you asked for it, you have by making this request asked me to give you what I have to offer, which IS LOVE and LIGHT. So I cannot for the life of me understand how giving you what you have just requested is a violation of your free will since it was your conscious choice to do so.

Basically we come down to me giving you my intuitive impressions through a psychic reading as to the lessons which you still need to learn, or more precisely those which need to be learned within the next six months, which is the period of time commonly accepted to be covered by these readings.

LOVE means to help you to value and respect yourself more, while LIGHT means to shine a light into what has been up until now only darkness and confusion about the lessons with which you entered this current incarnation, and particularly how you could learn them in a way which would make your task easier and the associated challenges easier to bear with faith and courage because you now have a better idea as to how your lessons fit into the bigger picture or help you to  grow and develop as both a spiritual and human being (as that is what or who you are).

If I am asked to give someone a reading, I can only offer them what I have to give, and if I am not allowed to help them to value and respect themselves more or shine some light into their darkness and confusion, what am I to do?

I hope that I have satisfactorily explained to you why your request has left me feeling as though I am being asked to give you something which I cannot from several different aspects. LOVE and LIGHT are at the core of all my readings. If you are asking me for a reading (which is you exercising your right of free will to decide to ask me for one) THEN YOU ARE ASKING FOR LOVE AND LIGHT.

Of all the barriers to me helping you, this one is without doubt the major stumbling block. I can relatively easily get around not being able to offer you a spirit or Akashic reading, although I feel that the depth of the answers which you are seeking are beyond this method of gathering information from the universe, and that they are therefore it is felt by this reader unlikely to satisfy your thirst for clarity and reliability of any guidance given.

I can give you what amounts to a limited general reading ONLY about the lessons which need to be learned within the next six months, but if so doing with the best of intentions to serve you violates your right to your free will or in some way offends you or your system of beliefs, then I do not wish to take those very real risks and would in all honesty have to turn down your request as it presently stands.

Can you please accordingly change your request so that once more I feel that my readings and beliefs are being valued and respected for what they are and not what somebody wants them to be (I need to feel loved too), so that it shines some light into my darkness and confusion about how I am meant to help you with my psychic hands both tied tightly behind my back, and in a way that I am not in any danger of violating or offending your belief system or free will? The general reading from an objective point of view concerning the lessons which need to be learned theme can remain unaltered.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding and co-operation in these matters,

EoT  :smt031

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Post by Vrillin » Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:13 am

I shall restate the quarry in a more third density appropriate manner:

I am currently in a work program with my job placement coming up within the next 3 to 5 weeks.  I have participated in this job centre due to my own ignorance leading to chronic unemployment.  What I am requesting in the "now" is what is the universe saying to you whether there will be job opportunities through the job placement or after graduation.

(note--I whole hardly understand this is not a future prediction but rather if I am ready to confront the fear of failure and whether there is a possibility if I can utilize  my current knowledge to embrace the challenge.  In other words will fear stop me again because I do not have the courage.)

Programs taken:
Basic Office
Customer Service

My college education is that of a Cartography--Digital Mapping education.


You have my permission to use Love and Light only as a service to others, and retrieval of information in pursuit of knowledge.

If your curious--my resonance of information (as it pertains to the resistance of "Love and Light" as most humans understand it), comes from the Cassiopeia movement, the Law of One, and Fourth Way studies.  I am aware that I still have a lot research, and many lessons to learn, before I can progress to 4th density.  I am curious on the indicated quarry regarding job opportunities needed in this case to get me out there to learn the lesson of independence.

Hopefully this information provides clarity.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:01 am

My final comment before I begin your reading is that this method of communicating complex ideas and human feelings through the internet is highly imperfect, but it is the best way that we have at the moment without being in the same room as each other.  

Misunderstandings by both sides are therefore frustratingly common and almost inevitable at some point.

It is clear that we are experiencing communication difficulties of both language and culture, when you feel that you need to give me permission to use Love and Light only as a service to others. I will say no more about this.

I am currently in a work program with my job placement coming up within the next 3 to 5 weeks.  I have participated in this job centre due to my own ignorance leading to chronic unemployment.  What I am requesting in the "now" is what is the universe saying to you whether there will be job opportunities through the job placement or after graduation.

(note--I whole hardly understand this is not a future prediction but rather if I am ready to confront the fear of failure and whether there is a possibility if I can utilize  my current knowledge to embrace the challenge.  In other words will fear stop me again because I do not have the courage.) .............I am curious on the indicated quarry regarding job opportunities needed in this case to get me out there to learn the lesson of independence.

The word independence has several different meanings. You are using it I believe to mean you becoming more financially independent of others, as well as making a life and career for yourself which is both consistent with your high moral and religious principles, but which also gives you enough money to live comfortably and experience an increased level of personal and professional satisfaction. You need to find a job/career which you believe is in harmony with your life purpose, which is being progressively revealed to you as you progress through your life's lessons.

But independence has other alternative meanings. And the lessons of independence which I feel that you need to confront if you are going to give yourself the maximum possible chance to make a reasonable go of this is independence from beliefs which unnecessarily restrict you or make you overly and unfairly criticise yourself for things which were never under your control to change. Beliefs which if carried to their conclusion turn you into your own self appointed judge, jury and executioner. Beliefs which stop you believing enough in yourself and in your abilities to deal responsibly and in a mature and balanced manner with the many challenges (including of the job/work/career variety) life is presenting you with at any given moment.

Consider for the moment how someone might feel if you said the following things to them.
You are often out of a job, and it is entirely your fault. You are ignorant, lazy, lacking in any courage, perseverance or any positive qualities which would make a prospective employer want to take the risk by giving you a job. Nobody least of all your family or friends or the government cares about what happens to you and  you are an unnecessary burden to them, and on your society. You are a failure, and you will always be a failure because you do not have the courage of your convictions. Even the Universe itself and your God are very disappointed with you, and as a result of the many mistakes which you have made, you will never be any better than you are now. So go around hanging your head in shame and embarrassment for not having either the vision or motivation to lift yourself out of the huge and hopeless mess which you have made of your life.
Try to imagine if you are capable of doing so what this person who is only an example might feel after being subjected to this cruel, inhuman treatment/torture over many months or years. How would you expect it to effect how they would deal with the many obstacles which are placed in their path. How do you think that hearing this day and night over the space of more than 30 years would effect this person's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual help? Do you think that it would make that person look forwards to getting up each day and want to try anything new which could be risky? What are the chances that this person might eventually turn to crime as a last desperate means of surviving?

Psychologists talk about each of us having an inner parent. An inner authoritative part of our personality or unconscious mind which has taken in and concentrated all the negative attitudes or criticisms made of us by not only our parents, but also by any person who had authority over or responsibility for our care and safety (teachers, priests, doctors, guardian etc). We will carry our inner parent around with us all our life, long after the person whose attitudes and soul destroying physical and psychological abuse we absorbed are dead and gone from this planet. Indeed the effects of all their cruel and heartless comments frequently grow stronger after they have died.

The next question then which your reading poses is what you are going to do about your unusually strict inner parent, which makes you so highly critical of yourself that you would even suggest that your chronic unemployment is due to your own ignorance. If ignorance means that you do not know everything there is to learn about every facet of your chosen career or profession, then welcome to the human race.

You have already admitted that you still like everyone have a way to go in learning the lessons of life in general, but you are beating up on yourself something terrible to the point that if a job or business opportunity came along through the job placement or after graduation you are likely to deny yourself the right to give it and yourself a fair trial, presumably because you are punishing yourself for a crime according to your system of beliefs of which you were never guilty in the first place.

Could the job placement or graduation potentially lead you to new opportunities and open previously locked doors?


But if you continue to unknowingly/unconsciously sabotage your own future by allowing your inner parent to take complete control over what is felt to be possible with regards to where these opportunities might take you, then no number of opportunities is going to have any positive impact on your ability to put your best foot forward with your next employer when you attend the job interview.

We must believe in something, for unless we really believe that our life has a higher purpose beyond being born, accumulating material possessions and people to serve our needs, then in some way losing them all again before or after we die, there will be no energy (motivation) left for us to persevere with our life's lessons. We may not win every battle, but one or two battles lost does not mean the war has also been lost. If we do not give ourselves permission to make mistakes and see every mistake which we make as a failure, then our inner parent has no hesitation and compassion in wanting to convince us that our destiny is to always fail.

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to do something to help ourselves in spite of our understandable fears as anything important to us worth doing carries with it certain risks. You cannot fail (or succeed) if you never try, which is perhaps why so many of us sabotage ourselves constantly. Strangely a fear of failure is often accompanied by a fear of success.

If we are too successful early on other people will expect us to do much better each time we do it. Like an elite athlete who wins an Olympic gold medal the only way is DOWN. Totally unrealistic expectations which they place upon us to have a 110% success rate every time we practise a new skill, or when our inner parent does this to us can often be much more effective than our fear of failure in holding us back from taking the calculated risks which are necessary to move forwards with both faith and courage as our loyal travelling companions.

As you have accepted this reading was never an attempt to predict if or when these job opportunities might arise, but the universe is saying through it and me that in order for you to take maximum advantage of any of these opportunities and openings, you will need to learn to increasingly agree to disagree with your inner parent's negative and pessimistic assessment of you. Then you only have your own fears to cope with, and not your inner parent's fears as well as your own.

Respectfully yours,


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Post by Vrillin » Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:39 pm

Yes indeed, thank-you and rejoice in the service and knowledge of the Creator.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:20 pm

Glad to be of some assistance.

Plenty of food for thought was contained within this reading.

Regards until next time

eye_of_tiger  :smt024

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