Reading Request from Eye Of Tiger

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Reading Request from Eye Of Tiger

Post by horus1123 » Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:53 pm

Hello EOT,

A very belated Happy New Year to you! I hope that 2014 is going well for you so far...

Its been a few months since we last spoke...I am requesting a General Reading. I am open to whatever messages the Universe has for me at this time.

Thank you


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Your six monthly emotional check-up

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:48 pm

Horus my friend, :smt026

But surely your greeting is not so belated when the new year is less than a week old.

Happy Chinese New Year (January 31st) - The Year of the Horse :smt003 ... 028#327028

According to our records your previous reading was given on August 23rd of last year (link provided above for your convenience), so your six months of potential catastrophising are now rapidly coming to an end. But the message of the Ten of Swords in that reading holds as much importance to you now, as it did back then.

Continuing on with the same theme in this reading, you are being asked to carefully and objectively compare your current situation with what it was in August 2013, and determine how many of the things you were worrying about almost six months ago have actually happened, and if they have happened were the results as bad as you predicted that they would be. How are you overall energy levels in comparison to late last year?

While it is clear that you have and will always continue to face significant challenges in your daily life because of your constantly swinging between two emotional extremes personality style, which immediately makes you more vulnerable than the average person to overestimating the seriousness of your position and becoming reactively depressed as a consequence, you really have not done too bad during the intervening period when you examine your life more closely with the luxury of hindsight.

This reading is giving you a golden opportunity to do what effectively amounts to a six monthly emotional check-up, where you are asked to compare what you were catastrophising about last August with your present reality. It is felt that this is the only way to make you realise that most of your worrying was for nothing, and how much you have at the same time underestimated your ability to deal with each day and its associated challenges as it comes.

Your focus card for this inaugural reading for 2014 is the major arcana Tarot card simply called JUSTICE.

Of course this card can always be interpreted in the usual legal sense as being a predictor that the person whose reading it is (the querent) is about to be if not already involved with courts, lawyers, the signing of legal documents or the negotiated distribution of money to each party according to the legal system. The reading does not however appear to indicate that this is likely in your case, although I suppose that it always remains a possibility.

NO! In the context of this being your reading and nobody else's I get the distinct impression that the true meaning of JUSTICE featuring in your reading is more concerned with the balancing of causes and their respective effects. Justice in the eyes of the Universe and your own soul's history, and not in the eyes of a man or woman wearing a silly wig.

Unfortunately because in the past justice and punishment have been by association permanently linked together in our minds, it is hardly surprising that the universal balancing mechanism called karma is similarly seen to have a correctional or punishing purpose and has consequently attracted some undeserved but decidedly bad attention because of this total misunderstanding and oversimplification of what it is really about.

Each thing that we consciously or most unconsciously do or decide to do in our lives has certain possible corresponding consequences or effects. Just as us not doing something which we really should have equally has its almost inevitable consequences if nothing changes in the meantime. Effects almost always follow the cause not because the Universe wants to be unfair and punish us for our many human failings or the sins of our fathers, but because that these are the laws of physics at this macroscopic level.

At the subatomic, microscopic, quantum level, the normal laws of physics are suspended and it is claimed to be possible for the effect to precede or come before its cause, but we do not have to confuse or complicate things any further for ourselves by considering the laws of quantum physics here. Life is difficult enough to figure out most of the time without us unnecessarily introducing more levels of complexity into the equation.

There is always the possibility that tomorrow your life is not going to go as well as it did today. That is not being pessimistic. It is being practical and realistic. Bad things continue to happen to good people, although the labels good and bad are often highly a matter of your own perspective. Live you life in a way which expects it to gradually get better, happier or easier, realising all the time that your progress will not be linear.

No matter how positive you think there will still always be those days when you have a valid reason to feel that it would have been better for all people concerned that you had stayed in bed. Some days are diamonds, but some days are definitely coal. But at the same time as you think positively about your future make your contingency plans, just in case things do suddenly go belly up.

The other alternative is to always expect the worst in everything and everyone (including oneself), and by so doing unintentionally attract into your life the very things which you most fear. In other words the cause of always expecting the worst to happen or catastrophising almost invariably leads to the terribly discouraging and depressing effects of a negative self fulfilling prophecy. Not as a form of punishment or correction, but in order to balance causes and their effects.

End of sermon (for now),


EoT  :smt002  :smt002  :smt005

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Post by horus1123 » Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:36 am

Hello Again EOT,

Thank you for the reading, and once again, you have very accurately described my situation. Actually, I am doing better than than I was 6 months ago and I'm trying to catastrophise less...things are looking up, though there is still a long way to go (at least it feels that way).

Would you be able to tell me how you see my finances for the near future?



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:00 pm


You are welcome for the reading but it is now complete and cannot therefore be reopened to new questions which were not included with your request. Since this was a general reading, there were no specific questions this time.

The only slightly possible reference to the expected state of your finances improving during the next six months thought to be covered by all my readings was mentioned in the part which read and I quote.......
Of course this card can always be interpreted in the usual legal sense as being a predictor that the person whose reading it is (the querent) is about to be if not already involved with courts, lawyers, the signing of legal documents or the negotiated distribution of money to each party according to the legal system.
The reading then greatly reduced the possibility (but not to zero) that you will receive extra funds this way by adding the following modifier......
The reading does not however appear to indicate that this is likely in your case, although I suppose that it always remains a possibility.
Other than a very small chance that this will happen to you over the period of the next six months, you would need to specifically request a finance/money reading from me either on or any time after March 5th for further details, if indeed any more exist..


EoT  :smt004

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