A reading from the eye_of_tiger please

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A reading from the eye_of_tiger please

Post by revangabriel » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:51 pm

A reading from the eye_of_tiger as a continuation from the past reading please. I dont know If I should ask for anything specific.

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Postive thoughts--->Positive actions--->Positive habits--->Positive results

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:29 pm

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 084#296084

Hello again Revangabriel,

No there is no need whatsoever for you to ask a specific question. I will simply make this a general reading, then leave it entirely to my inner guidance to decide where from or indeed if it wishes to continue from your earlier reading given in May of this year (a direct link to said reading has been provided above for your convenience).

The main theme of your May reading was your perceived tendency to CATASTROPHIZE, or to take your understandable concerns about the future and magnify and exaggerate them out of all reasonable proportion (make a mountain out of every molehill) to the point that you could frighten yourself so much that you might feel paralysed from taking any positive action to make what changes are required for you to turn things around for yourself in a more positive direction once again.
It is felt based entirely upon this one isolated reading that almost all of the regret, guilt and personal embarrassment which you are currently experiencing concerning what you did or did not do but feel that you should have as part of your past relationships have little or no basis in reality. The reading is not saying that the emotional pain from your past which you are feeling is not real, or that you are being told that you should not be feeling that way, but it is questioning what useful purpose you may reel is being served by constantly beating up on or punishing yourself for what was only human nature and nowhere near as serious as your mind is making out it was.

The most popular word for what your unconscious mind appears to be doing is CATASTROPHIZING.  

You unconscious mind is taking every small and relatively trivial detail from your past relationships, and is magnifying or blowing them out of all reasonable proportion into this being a major disaster where there is no turning back, and on the other hand no way that you can see to continue to move forwards with your plans. Not only is your unconscious making mountains out of molehills about what you said or did in your past relationships, but it is projecting every little piece of your past well into the present moment and future as absolute evidence to support its shaky theory that things can never get any better for you relationship wise, than they were way back then.
It was on the basis of these parts of your reading suggested that you badly and urgently need to (perhaps with the help of a professional who possesses both the knowledge and special techniques which will allow you to access the most troublesome contents of your unconscious mind).........
Root out and methodically destroy these negative thought weeds which are choking your progress towards having happier and more satisfying over the longer run relationships, before they can get too well established and therefore as a result much more difficult to remove as time moves on. Lighten your emotional burden of unnecessary regret, guilt, shame and embarrassment concerning your perceived past failed relationships, so as to give yourself an above average chance of moving forwards again with renewed self confidence and self respect.

Now there is a general principle that whatever thoughts we most strongly and regularly focus our minds upon draws into our lives many or most of the factors which might cause where these thoughts are leading sooner rather than later. By continuously focusing on and harbouring negative thoughts we place ourselves in danger of unintentionally creating a negative self fulfilling prophecy in our future.

This new reading is therefore not saying that you do not need to as advised.........
Root out and methodically destroy these negative thought weeds which are choking your progress towards having happier and more satisfying over the longer run relationships

But if this is all you are doing most of the time, you are actually feeding or nourishing your negative thought weeds, encouraging them to spread like wildfire until they completely suffocate any reasonable hope of further forward progress being made. This would be similar to someone trying to extinguish or put out a fire by throwing gasoline upon it. Not very bright, and almost guaranteed to end in an even greater and more uncontrollable disaster!

And so we finally come to the suggested alternative to only throwing more fertiliser on our negative thought weeds, and that is POSITIVE THINKING.

Positive thinking is possibly one of the most misunderstood concepts for people to grasp and to apply in their daily lives. Many New Age thinkers and authors of top selling self improvement books assure us that if we believe long and hard enough that something good is going to happen to us, it automatically will. While it is true that thinking positively can significantly increase our ability to cope with our life's many challenges, when practised in isolation by itself positive thinking will never deliver what it promises to be able to.

What follows is a flow chart of what your reading is talking about. If positive thoughts do not lead to us taking positive action to improve things, thereby eventually developing new positive habits of thought and action in us, then the chance of us obtaining the positive results which we are looking for is next to zero.


Many people who are doing their very best to neutralise or remove decades of negative thinking get stuck between POSITIVE THOUGHTS and POSITIVE ACTION.


Because they are so frustrated that the positive thoughts have not automatically given them the positive results which the self help authors promised them repeatedly, they are understandably disappointed and disillusioned and therefore more likely to give up on positive thinking in the future as being a total waste of time and effort. This New Age positive thinking is all that you will ever need mentality creates totally unrealistic expectations in people who are struggling with their negative thoughts on a daily basis, and has a lot to answer for in the way of only increasing ongoing human misery and feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness (when hope and a feeling of having some power to influence your future for the better are most needed).

This reading is aimed squarely at encouraging you to take the next critically important step beyond positive thinking by itself. Look closely at one area of your life at a time (for example your close relationships with others) and identify the positive thoughts which you could use to make you more likely to take positive and carefully planned action towards eventually developing new positive relationship habits, and then on to the positive relationship results which up until then had seemed impossible.

I commend the contents of your updated reading to you as a possible way of restoring the temporary imbalance created by my previous effort on your behalf, which advised you to focus almost exclusively on negative thoughts with the best of intentions to get rid of them, which can sometimes unknowingly give you exactly the opposite results to what you wanted. The purpose of this reading update was to try to stop this from happening in the life of my young but deep thinking internet friend.

Take better care of and have more compassion for yourself,

EoT  :smt006

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Post by revangabriel » Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:33 pm

Hi again EoT,

Is it possible for you through your readings to find out why certain things had to happened? I've had the most awful past couple of weeks. I'm feeling so incredibly depressed and sad right now I have no idea what to do.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:05 pm

revangabriel wrote:Hi again EoT,

Is it possible for you through your readings to find out why certain things had to happened? I've had the most awful past couple of weeks. I'm feeling so incredibly depressed and sad right now I have no idea what to do.
The answer to your question is possibly, but if determining whether the things which have happened to you require me to directly read the thoughts and intentions of a person other than yourself, then we do have a problem as third party readings are not allowed on Mystic Board.

Why not explain to me under a new thread the details of your need to know why these things have happened to you, and I will give you my honest suggestions about whether I feel that a reading would be the best way for you to deal with these issues at the moment?

A combined approach of a reading as well as other practical measures is often more effective at giving you comfort and solace when compared to only one of them.

If however the depression continues beyond several days in a row then it would be irresponsible of me not to advise you to seek immediate medical and/or psychological professional help as soon as possible.

If you are already deeply depressed, a reading at this time is not likely in my opinion to help you, and may possibly makes things even worse than they already are. Not seeking immediate professional help when your depression is deep and persistent can have fatal consequences.


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