Cascade of Light, Can I please have a reading?

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Cascade of Light, Can I please have a reading?

Post by jld » Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:30 pm

Hi Cascade of light, I was wondering if you could please give me some insight about my house hunting endeavors. I have been looking at moving. Do you have any messages from spirit about this. I feel it's an important step and want to find the right place. I was also curious if you see any love relationships in my future. I was a rough summer...of hard work and I am hoping to begin to see that hard work pay off eventually with regard to having a healthy relationshp....whenever that may be.  Blessings, J

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Post by jld » Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:53 pm

I am also open to readings from anyone else if they could give any insight. I would appreciate any reading, general or otherwise.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:37 pm

Crumbs, I am so sorry, I felt sure I had posted here and then pm'd you, but thanks for understanding jld. Hopefully another reader will pcik up this request whilst I recover a little more,

many thanks :)

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Double or triple crumbs!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:36 pm

Double or triple crumbs! :smt005

I had not realised before this posting finally caught my eye that you had been patiently waiting for that long, or that Cascade of Light was in the process of recovering and was therefore currently unavailable for a reading.

You asked as part of your request, and I quote............
I was wondering if you could please give me some insight about my house hunting endeavours. I have been looking at moving. Do you have any messages from spirit about this. I feel it's an important step and want to find the right place.
Due mainly to time and space restrictions placed upon the both of us, your question about matters of your heart will unfortunately need to wait for another reading in the future in order to be properly answered to your satisfaction.

Not being a medium myself my guess about what messages Spirit may have for you concerning you moving house during the next six months or so thought to be covered by this intuitive psychic reading is about as good as your own (or maybe even worse, as you have access to important and relevant information which I do not).

And to be perfectly honest, unless by chance one of your dearly departed family members has a special interest in where you are living at any time, Earthly matters such as your living arrangements are not usually seen as a valid basis for a spirit or mediumship reading.

Your best bet or the "right" place for you depends exactly upon your understanding of the meaning of that particular word. If by right you mean within a price range which is affordable when considering the present state of your finances, I see that your options and chances to find another suitable house to live in before approximately the end of April 2011 are fairly good (although I unfortunately cannot see it happening before the new year).  

But if instead by right you meant to find another place to live in which would help you to develop more fully as both a human and spiritual being (your personal as well as your psychic development), then your choices on offer within an affordable price range are definitely much thinner on the ground.

Based upon this one isolated reading, my feelings are that in order for any house which you find during this period to be both affordable and to best fit in with your particular personality type, your job and your stage of development at the same time, you are going to need to be willing to compromise to some extent.  

The situation which you end up with will not be an ideal one, but if you are willing to be patient for long enough and try to make the best of what you already have, then there is every good reason for you to hope that you can make it work.

In addition to continuing to monitor the real estate web sites on the internet (the days of house hunting through newspapers are rapidly drawing to a close), as well as making it known to all the people in your local area who could help you that your current home (if not rented) is on the market, your reading is encouraging you to mentally prepare yourself to the best of your abilities so that you can take maximum advantage of any opportunities to move to another place when they eventually do appear.

I realise that it might sound a little strange and perhaps embarrassing to you for me to suggest that regularly visualising or imagining yourself living in a house and area which meets your unique requirements could possibly affect the chances of it happening in the real outer world, but that is the strongest message which I am getting on your behalf.

By itself without you doing anything else to help yourself to move as soon as possible, visualising or imagining yourself in the home of your dreams is unlikely to have any significant impact on the result, but when combined with you continuing to do all the usual practical things, rehearsing it vividly in your mind well before it happens in your everyday reality could make the difference between you moving soon, or on the other hand not moving within the next few years.

And to make things even easier for you than they might have been otherwise, just a little extra effort on your part in this manner could potentially give you rewards out of all proportion to the effort which you put into mentally rehearsing settling into your new home.

Everything else of a positive you are presently doing is slowly but surely increasing your chances of a relatively smooth and painless transition before May next year, but a small amount of regular effort in mentally imagining yourself in what you would regard as your ideal surroundings, could possibly be the single most important factor to finally get you over the line.

Your focus card for this reading which was the Queen of Pentacles (with any member of that Tarot suit being associated with money) strongly suggests to me that you have a good head for business and responsible money management.

Also your reading is emphasising that while this is all going on, your health is especially vulnerable at this point. It would consequently be in your best interests to develop a healthy diet and exercise plan during this period, and to keep your doctor fully informed concerning any unexplained symptoms which are presently worrying you, and have gone on for more than a few consecutive days at a time.

You enjoy having the best that money can offer you, but at the same time you need to be realistic and practical. If your entire existence is focussed upon continually saving yourself from drowning in a sea of financial troubles, then there will be little time either for your spiritual development or any close relationships.

And increasingly these days, having a job and having a close relationship both cost a lot of money. If all or most of your hard earned cash is going to be swallowed up each week in paying your household bills and medical expenses because you did not take good care of yourself and your health as you were asked to, you ill have nothing left over in reserve for either of these to be affordable.

The type of person who is best represented by this particular card is usually not that good at imagining new possibilities, so learning to visualise your new home before you have actually found it is going to be an especially large but also reachable challenge to a person of your considerable intelligence and good strength of character.

You are not a quitter but rather you are one of life's survivors, and if you do not get too impatient in the meantime and allow yourself to get too stressed out about all the things which could possibly go wrong, before, during and after the move, I sense that your home address come May 2011 will be a different one from where you are living a present.

Watch your health over the next six months and consult your doctor if necessary, but at the same time do not become a hypochondriac, and see every little unexplained symptom as a sign that your end is drawing ever nearer. There is no need for you, nor would it be wise for you to exaggerate.

While there is no way I can offer you any solid guarantee of quick success or predict with any reasonable degree of certainty if the move will happen within the next few months, if you do not take enough care of the issues some of which I have mentioned above, then your home address could be the least of your worries.

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Post by jld » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:27 pm

No problem Cascade of Light. I hope you have a fast recovery and feel better soon!

Thanks Eye of Tiger for your reading also. I will continue trying to visualize myself in an ideal place. I am hoping to find a place with a space for me to set up my reiki table and that is in a good school district as my daughter is starting school next fall. Hopefully something will present itself by the spring or summer as you suggested. I have been looking on the internet and have looked at some houses. I want to find a place too that my cats can go outside more safely...such as a quiet or no outlet street. I'll be patient and keep looking around. I will also pay attention to my health. I see all readings coming from spirit & thanks for taking the time to read for me.

Much Love, J

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Closing comments

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:23 pm

You are very welcome for the reading, and I also wish Cascade Of Light a full and speedy recovery.

You do have some fairly specific requirements as with regards to finding a place which fits in best with your own unique needs, such as finding enough space for your Reiki table or finding a location where there is a quiet or no outlet street (presumably to help you protect your cats from getting run over by a car).

While this carefully defined list of criteria must make your search for a suitable property that much more difficult than it would have been otherwise if you had not practised Reiki or owned any pets, this reading is saying that it is still quite possible that you will be successful within the next six months.

But unfortunately I cannot use this reading to pin my prediction down to this either necessarily happening or not happening for you, before the new year arrives.

It simply does not work that way.

Sorry that I cannot be more exact with the time scale,

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Post by jld » Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:28 am

Thanks again. Within the next 6 months will work. I figure something will come along, maybe this spring...or early summer.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:13 pm

jld wrote:Thanks again. Within the next 6 months will work. I figure something will come along, maybe this spring...or early summer.
That should not be a problem.

The exact predicted time scale of any particular reading is fairly flexible, especially when you begin to take into account all of the many factors which may potentially influence the outcome.

Thank you for both your understanding and patience.

Take care,

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