Reading request from eye_of_tiger

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Reading request from eye_of_tiger

Post by marlena » Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:02 pm

It has been quite a while and you're right, I am long overdue for a reading. I'm in a transition phase right now: moved back to the East coast,  realizing that I definitely don't want to be here for the long term and I feel that returning to San Francisco is going to be the last move for some time. Just this sense of now, my life is beginning,  you know? Any insight as to why is appreciated

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:49 am

Dear Marlena,

This is not only a time of transition for you, but it is also effectively a major crossroad in your life journey.

West coast, east coast now back to the west coast?

You are intuitively recognizing that the two coasts have two very different "spiritual atmospheres" about them, with in general the people living on the west coast being much more flexible and progressive, and those living on the east coast tending to be much more rigid and conservative in their attitudes towards spirituality.

But while it may be true that if you now moved back to San Francisco that the attitudes of your community would be more in harmony and more consistent with your own attitudes and approaches in the direction of developing yourself further spiritually, is it likely to give you enough advantages to make yet another move worth the extra stress and money which would necessarily be involved?

Yes this is a time of transition from one phase of your spiritual and social lives to the next, but the reading is saying that this is probably not the best possible time for your life to be an unstable one. And if you keep moving from one place to another searching for the best place to give you the maximum chance of making a major spiritual breakthrough, your life will continue to be unstable for some time yet to come.

If you do decide to go to San Francisco this time, the reading disagrees that it is likely to be the last move for sometime. You are very restless and unsettled in your energies, and it would therefore probably to stay in one place long enough for you to put down roots, and create an emotional support network for yourself.

You need a solid foundation on which to reinvent yourself and build your dream castle, and if you are constantly moving from one place to another, doing this will be difficult to impossible. So if you stay or if you move, put the suitcases away and commit yourself to living in the same place for at least the next couple of years.

You are looking from one coast to the other for a place of peace and light, as if these things can be found in the outside world. Yes the west coast probably gets more sunshine and the people living there on average tend to have a more peaceful and relaxed lifestyle, but much of this peace, light and relaxation is only on the surface. You will not have to scratch very deep to find that many west coast residents are the complete opposite of being peaceful and relaxed within themselves.

The kingdom of God or heaven lies within you basically means that in order to find a lasting peace amid what may often appear complete chaos, we must look within ourselves. So whether you live on the west or east coast is probably not that important. If the attitudes of people living in San Francisco tend to appear more relaxed and spirituality is more accepted there you might expect that finding the inner peace that you badly and urgent need would be easier and less challenging, but I feel that you will always need some challenge.

In summary, the reading is neither telling you to stay where you are or that you must move to San Francisco. It cannot and will not tell you what to do or not do. You must decide yourself, based upon any insights coming out of the reading as well as relevant information coming from all other sources. If you do decide in the end to move to San Francisco, make sure that the only reason for you moving there is NOT that you that it will make it easier for you to find peace and contentment.

The only lasting peace and contentment worth searching for is to be found within yourself, and it is there wherever you are living at the time. You may or may not need the extra challenge of the East coast attitudes to fully exercise your ability to find lasting peace within yourself, while at the same time living in a state of relative outer chaos and anything but peaceful.

You are being encouraged to keep this possibility in mind when making your final decision whether or not to move to the west coast in the  short to medium term future. Other factors which could also potentially influence your decision, especially your current financial status, may ultimately force your hand in one direction or the other.

Plenty of food for thought is contained within this reading?


EoT  Image

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