Please take the readings ONLY as a guideline

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Please take the readings ONLY as a guideline

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:59 am

"Please Read BEFORE Requesting a Reading" ... hp?t=73424
10. Please take the readings ONLY as a guideline. You need to take an active interest in your life to make things happen.
In this posting I would like to discuss and expand upon what is already written in the forum rule above.

A guideline as the word is used here is advice given to you based upon intuitive messages and insights which that reader is receiving on your behalf, as well as upon that reader's accumulated personal life experiences. A guideline is not intended to be an order or an instruction on what you should or must do in this particular situation, or at any particular time. A guideline is by nature mainly general advice, as there are always many factors still unknown to the reader which could potentially make the advice offered with the very best of intentions null and void. Indeed is possible that because of such unknown factors that the best advice for you to take could be the complete opposite of what is currently on offer.

So every reading comes with a WARNING that accepting that advice without full consideration of other possible factors which could potentially influence the outcome of you following such advice is not only unwise, but could in certain situations be incredibly dangerous to your success, happiness, health or survival. If you are going to use this advice effectively it must never be followed in total isolation from other relevant advice from non intuitive/non psychic sources, whether they be professional or non professional.

This is particularly true when the action being advised could be damaging to your health because of some medical condition known only to your doctor and yourself, but there are many other examples of where what is known to the reader and what is still unknown to the reader could seriously conflict with each other to unintentionally cause you harm or place you in unnecessary danger.

I am very cautious when giving advice to women who are currently in an abusive relationship, especially when there are also young children or babies involved, to ensure that the individual has a safe place to live in and an alternative source of income before advising them to leave him and seek refuge elsewhere, all the while not knowing if he is capable of violence and owns a firearm, and would pursue them.

We are meant to use both our logic and intuition when solving our problems, so attempting to solve your problems only using intuition (either the reader's or your own) could also get you into a lot of trouble; and fast. We are meant to use both in a balanced manner. If you use logic alone you will be machine or robot like and largely inflexible, while intuition by itself can lead to your emotions getting the best of your powers of good judgement and living your life exclusively by blind superstition.

The forum rule then goes on to tell you need to take an active interest in your life to make things happen. But taking an active interest in your life is NEVER enough in itself. You could be intensely interested in what is presently going on in your life, and have carefully planned what you are going to do in the future to help yourself. Motivation and intention alone are only going to get you part of the way there. With you taking a more active and less passive, spectator approach to resolving your difficulties and actually doing something practical to help improve your current circumstances, all the enthusiasm, good intentions, planning, positive thinking and praying will never be enough by it or themselves.

All of these measures are definitely a step in the right direction and combined with other such measures they can greatly accelerate your forward progress. This was never in doubt. But without you taking the deliberate and conscious action steps one step at a time, and having a vision about to where you feel that this is leading, you are like a tourist in a foreign country who does not speak the native language, and has no map(online or off) to guide him or her to where he or she wants to visit.

In summary, please carefully consider any advice offered to you through these readings in the context of your whole situation, including any factors unknown to the reader which could significantly affect the outcome in the negative. Balance the advice on offer to you with non psychic or non intuitive  relevant information gained from other external sources, both those of a professional and non professional nature.

Balance logic and intuition, and what the reading knows about your situation and what you and your other helpers know is the safest and best possible course of action for you to take in the present moment, which is your only true point of personal power to help co-create a happier, healthier and more successful and satisfying future for yourself. Finally, all the positive thoughts and good intentions in the world by themselves will never be enough in isolation from you taking deliberate, positive and carefully planned, practical actions, with the intention to get you what you think that you most want in your current lifetime.
If the future you expected from these readings does not turn out as you hoped that it might, please consider that the responsibility for this is rarely if ever the reader's.

There is no fault finding or blame or negative criticism of you implied by this statement, but in the end who is responsible for working out what advice of any type should be followed, and how that advice can be applied in your daily life for the purposes of your optimum growth and development as both a spiritual and human being (for we are all spiritual beings having a human experience)?

EoT  :smt024

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