Should I join the military?

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Should I join the military?

Post by caithiggs » Wed May 14, 2014 9:06 pm

It's not an option I would ever have thought for myself, but am suddenly playing with the idea. (My spouse is in the military and lightly suggested it). I wouldn't go until my daughter was school age (so4-5 years from now). But I feel like my "career" path has just been stifled by indecision, and even a minimum time serving would probably be a big help financially, and I've always dreamed about doing something adventurous to push my limits, but have never had the motivation. I just have so many dream jobs that have never manifested and although being a mom at home right now is great for me, I feel in my heart I will need something drastic to push me to the next level. I sometimes feel as though I will never recognize my potential in this life and hold myself back from myself forever. But, from what you can tell, is the military the right answer for me? Thanks in advance.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu May 15, 2014 11:42 pm

Ask this question again in four to five years when your child reaches school age. There are likely to be far too many things which might happen between now and then which could potentially influence your decision in either direction (whether to go into the military or not to).

These readings are only thought to apply to the period of the next six months: not four or five years. If prospective employers hear about your plans to join the military once your child starts school, the reading does not like your chances of even getting an interview, let alone the position for which you are applying.

If joining the military is to become a solution to your unemployment and associated financial difficulties, what will your short term solutions be until your child reaches school age?

A reading should never replace your right and responsibility to make your own decisions about anything, including this. Put the idea of going into the services on the back burner for the next few years, as it is not after all a valid solution or available option at least until your child starts school. Other things will have markedly changed by then with your situation, that could make this decision no longer a decision to make.

Use a combination of logic and your own instincts to help guide you and your husband to these alternative solutions, for the next up to five years. Then once your child starts school review all factors which could affect your decision as they are then: not as they are now. Use both logic and intuition as your compass at all times when needing to decide what to do next.

Take good care of yourself and of your family.

EoT  :)  :)  :)

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Post by caithiggs » Sun May 18, 2014 2:51 am

All fair points, EoT. Thanks for responding. We are fine as is for now. But would be in a much better position with a second income. For myself, I have a lot of personal hurtles to face or I will continue accumulating debt from being totally groundless and indecisive in my career path. Unfortunately the structure of the economy is pathetic and it is pretty well impossible to live comfortably on a single paycheck these days. Middle class is an illusion, and i consider us basically servants to corporate giants. Not to mention their knack for holding the public emotionally hostage. So we may never live as we want...But that is another story...

My issue lies with my mind and spirit being totally focused in so many different directions and my general low self esteem I came to this life to struggle with contributing to my lack of a worthy paycheck in my past, and I fear in my future also. I guess I was wondering if the military would be a worthy option for me. Would it do any good for me. I am nearing my Saturn return and I have barely skimmed the surface of my blocks and issues.

I want to learn a hundred different subjects and skill sets, discovering the world and myself and how to interact between the two. If it were up to my heart I would go to school, flitting from subject to subject and never making a paycheck to pay back the loans. But this world does not work that way--alas!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 18, 2014 11:13 pm

It was my pleasure to be of some assistance. :)

There is no doubt that a second income would come in handy and the reading is still encouraging you in that direction, but the military option is not a valid one at least until your child attains school age.

I am also wondering what you will be doing for child care when both of you are in the forces, and what will be the availability of part time jobs which will allow you to also be there for your child when he is home from school. Just as with studies subsidised by any employer or training given, the conditions are that once your course is completed, basically you are theirs to do what they want you to. They would not take kindly to you going somewhere else after they have just trained you.

But at least from the military perspective this is not an issue at until around 2018 - 2019, and in this rapidly changing world and economic situation these days, five years is like an eternity. So many things including your own life choices  could potentially have altered significantly by then, which is why the reading is extremely hesitant to make any predictions so far into the future.

The reading suggests that whatever does happen between now and then will effectively make this decision to get your second family income from the forces completely off your radar. But the ongoing need to complete any courses and not become a permanent student and to supplement your husband's existing income to keep the family budget afloat will always be there in one form or another for many more years to come.

Adult children often need to live much longer with their parents these days, mainly for the same economic or financial reasons that you are considering a second income now.

Loving regards,

EoT    :smt023

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Post by caithiggs » Wed May 21, 2014 11:09 am

Yes, I would be questioning other families in the forces about how they do it/what trades each partner is in/etc. If they work around each other's deployments. I would preferably opt for a trade that doesn't go anywhere, although it may be unrealistic because my interest may lie in a trade which requires ... More school for training which the military does not provide (physiotherapy, as an example).

Besides the benefits though, I'd be interested in a new life altering adventure like boot camp. I like the idea of transformative experiences like that. I also feel as though I need something that will tether me down (like a contract) because I have no focus in my drive for a career--I just want to do EVERYTHING.

If I do end up dropping the idea I would prefer to work at home. But things like obtaining a home (big enough and nice enough to bring clients into), going back to school, and overcoming most of my mental and emotional blocks, are obstacles for me. A minimum contract with the forces could level out current debts if I played it right. And, I would hope it could change my perspective/help me get out of my own way. Otherwise, I just can't think of any other resources at my fingertips that would directly clear out certain obstacles.

At the same time I am dreaming of having a second child ASAP. Staying at home til they are in school. Which prolongs the whole issue even more.

You are right though, it is a long time! I guess having a child makes me feel as if the world is standing still until I enter it again.

I will probably change my mind five times over in five years. If only there were a switch to turn that aspect of myself off!

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Final comments

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu May 22, 2014 10:55 pm

If only there were a switch to turn that aspect of myself off!
Why would you want to turn off that aspect of yourself which is always looking for ways for you to better yourself, and to help you and your husband to give your child or children the very best opportunities in life?

The aspect within all of us which makes us uncomfortable and dissatisfied with our current situation is often the primary reason or motivation for us making positive changes in the present moment, which could potentially lead to a much better situation for our families in the future.

It is frequently when we become too comfortable and complacent about our present circumstances, that this motivation within us to make improvements is most likely to significantly decrease or be lost.
At the same time I am dreaming of having a second child ASAP. Staying at home til they are in school. Which prolongs the whole issue even more.
Other things will have markedly changed by then with your situation, that could make this decision no longer a decision to make.
As I am not permitted by law to make any predictions about whether you are likely to further increase the size of your family within the next four to five years, I will have to leave these two quotes with you and allow you to draw your own conclusions about what this part of your reading could possibly be referring to.


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Post by caithiggs » Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:06 pm

Thanks EoT ;)

I want to shut that aspect off because I'm in a world where the most financially reasonable thing to do is immediately find a career and stick around with it. My soul however wants to take every interesting course there is until I have a broad spectrum of knowledge at my fingertips before I find the one I would most like to hang out in (or perhaps an amalgamation of all these various skills). However, this would take money I simply don't have so it is impractical.

I believe it takes ten years to master any field of knowledge or subject and I seem to desire to spend like a month here a year there a couple years here a week there. Flitting from one to another, and never focusing.

Oddly enough being a mom is the perfect trade for me because I can't just go get interested in something else and leave it behind ;) I just don't feel I have the skills or confidence to add another career along side motherhood the way that is the norm these days. I guess its one of those internal struggles we have over what we are doing and how we could be better if only this or that were different. Probably just best to chill out and take things one step at a time ;)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:00 pm

Message received and understood.

Although there will always to some extent be an internal conflict going on between what you would like to happen and what your financial situation dictates, you appear to have a good understanding of the challenges which still lay ahead for you and your loved ones.

Chill out and take things one step at a time?

Sounds like wise advice to me.

Take care,

EoT  :smt045

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