Can i get a reading?

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Can i get a reading?

Post by Seema123 » Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:07 pm

I am currently unemployed with a lot of financial stress. I am thinking of opening a food catering business from home  and  wanted to know if its going to be good for me?


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Green Light! But do your market research and preparation beforehand.

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:33 am

Welcome Seema,

I am genuinely saddened to hear that the world and life in general are not treating you particularly well, or it appears very fairly.

But at the same time I am very positively encouraged by your brave fighting spirit in wanting to open your own home food catering business. Unlike a lot of other unemployed people you are most unwilling to join the long term unemployment queue, and I feel that you should give yourself a well deserved pat on the back for self enterprise and deciding to be your own boss (and being more in control of your own destiny).

Working from home undoubtedly requires one to have and develop considerable self discipline and self control, as there are so many distractions these days in our homes to take us away from doing our work. Is there much of a demand at the moment for such a catering business or service in your local community? Would you be in competition with much bigger companies?

Could I please ask you if you have any young (especially preschool age) children or dependent adults (such as a disabled son or daughter) under your care, and was your decision to create a home business based at least partly upon your desire to give your children and dependent adults under your roof the best possible start in life, but also have their mother/carer with them most of the time? The rest of this reading applies equally, whether or not you are also a stay home mother or carer, but it would help if I knew one way or the other for future readings.

Of course the significant financial stress which you are under is a good reason for wanting to get back to earning your living as soon as possible. But on the other hand starting your own business often requires an investment of part of your existing cash reserves to get it established. Will you be employing other staff to deliver or cook the food? Will you need to modify the layout of your home, will you need an extra dedicated phone line exclusively for FAX, what are the local government regulations concerning operating your own business from your home in a residentially zoned area?

There are quite a lot of practical things to be considered when thinking of doing this, and many associated challenges and risks to be taken. That is for sure. But you really need to balance for yourself the extra stress involved with setting up your home catering business against the increasing stress of not doing it and hoping that you can get a reasonably well paid job working for someone else. Or the stress of remaining long term unemployed with little or none of your life savings left in reserve, to keep a roof over your head.
I am thinking of opening a food catering business from home and  wanted to know if its going to be good for me?
If by "good" you are asking your reader if this process of starting your own home business is likely to be any easy one, and that everything is almost guaranteed to go smoothly without any real problems, then NO i do not feel that it is going to be good for you.

But if as I hope that you do you enjoy the challenges involved and are able and willing to take what risks are always involved and also make certain sacrifices in non essential areas to give it your best shot, then the reading feels that it should be very good for you.

Of course there are no guarantees being given either way that in 12 months time your home catering business will be going strong and growing in the financial return it will be giving you, but one thing this reading is certain about is that if you allow your understandable anxiety about your business's future to paralyse you and stop you from giving it your best effort, you could easily end up living a life full of regrets for not having the courage and compassion for yourself to give it a fair trial.  

Potentially if you do not at least give this business idea and yourself an opportunity to show the world and your critics of which there will never be a shortage that you have what it takes to make a success out of this business, the stress placed upon you will be much greater and last longer when compared to the stress of running the business, and controlling your own destiny.

Green light! Be sure to do all of your market research and preparation beforehand, in order to maximise (but never to guarantee) your chances of having a successful and reasonably well paying home based food catering business, within the first year after establishing it.

All the very best of good fortune with your business, and take good care of yourself as being independent and your own boss inevitably means that it all depends upon you being healthy and strong enough to survive life's punches, and still come up fighting fit in spite of the many challenges and opportunities which your business could offer you now and in the future.

Hoping that this reading will go some way towards helping you to make your mind up about this, but only when combined with you using non intuitive information from other sources, both professional and non professional in nature.  


EoT  :smt003

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Post by Seema123 » Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:25 pm

Thanks a lot for your reply. I appreciate how you take time out of your busy schedule to help people like me.
Coming to your questions , I don't have any dependent at the moment its only me and my husband. I was working 8-5 pm cubicle job for last couple of years and was not enjoying it at all. Cooking has always been my passion and has been told by friends and family to start something small. I knew it wont be that easy at all but i know at the end of my day i will have a smile on my face.
Also  i was experiencing anxiety and low confidence at work and hence was not able to perform. I was very stressful but when it comes to cooking it gives me peaceful serenity. Hence i decided to start it.
However i do have a fear of failing and that's the reason i decided to ask you here.
Once again very much thanks for your reply.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:06 pm


It was truly my pleasure to be of some help to you with this.

Thanking you in return for your excellent feedback, as it does assist me to improve both the quality and the usefulness of my readings over time.

Low self confidence is often associated with a fear of failure but which one of them causes the other is rather like the classic question of which comes first: the chicken or the egg?

Strangely a fear of success is also common in people lacking in self esteem, as they are afraid that doing anything well creates unrealistic expectations in the people around them which they know that they will never be able to live up to.

Wishing you and your husband all the very best of everything in your lives,

EoT  :smt024

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