Reading request from Eye of Tiger

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Reading request from Eye of Tiger

Post by horus1123 » Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:58 pm

Hello again EOT,

I would like a psychic reading for my career/finances for the next 6 months.

Thank you!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:25 am


In my response to your previous general reading written on February 20th, I wrote the following.....
Other than a very small chance that this will happen to you over the period of the next six months, you would need to specifically request a finance/money reading from me either on or any time after March 5th for further details, if indeed any more exist..
I want to sincerely apologise to you for there being no further details or predictions about your career/finances in this reading. Even though I prepared you for the possibility of this happening (or not happening) I know that you will be feeling understandably disappointed that your career and financial future during the next six months are almost as much hidden from me as they are from you. What a bummer!

When I say this I am however only talking about there not being any details of predictions. If on the other hand you come to this month's reading looking for further advice about what you could practically do to greatly increase your chances of getting a job and improving your finances over the next six month period, I have much better news to offer you in this area than the fortune telling one.

For your March reading is merely an extension of the one which I gave you on February 5th, but this time it is specifically applied to your question about your career and finances instead of being general. ... 128#330128

Possibly the most important part of that reading to be applied to this more recent one is.....
There is always the possibility that tomorrow your life is not going to go as well as it did today. That is not being pessimistic. It is being practical and realistic. Bad things continue to happen to good people, although the labels good and bad are often highly a matter of your own perspective. Live your life in a way which expects it to gradually get better, happier or easier, realising all the time that your progress will not be linear.
Now I am not going to patronise you and insult your intelligence by telling you that the only thing which you need to do to get a job and earn more money between now and September this year is to simply (?) improve your attitudes, and become much more optimistic about both of them than you have been in the past.

Of course I know that you will also be making job applications and attending any interviews, preparing your CV in such a way that any prospective employer would regard you as a great asset to their company or business. Just thinking positively that you will get the job is almost never enough by itself to do the trick.

And with your finances which are often tightly linked to your income from your main means of earning an honest living, you either have to earn more, spend less or better conserve and manage what money and other saleable goods and skills you already have in order to improve your bank balance (usually a combination of all three is necessary to turn the tide in a more positive and prosperous direction).

But now we come to what may turn out in the end to be your greatest advantage over your competition and that is what is often called WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS. Living your life more as if what you are wanting to happen in the future is coming your way if you are willing to make the necessary sacrifices and take the risks which are always associated with putting your name out there in the job market and ensuring your own future financial security.

Note that the two readings are NOT saying that you should act as though you already have the job and accordingly stop applying for any others, or that you should throw or give all your money away to others, blow it all on the gambling or make a silly investment which is almost guaranteed to fail and waste your existing life savings. Neither reading is asking you to do something foolish or potentially catastrophic in the areas of improving your future career or financial prospects.

But it is often the case that when a person has not had a job for an extended period of time or has rarely ever had enough money to pay their cost of living and have enough cash left over at the end each week to do something which they enjoy that they act as though they believe that things will never change for the better, and that even worse they do not deserve things to get better for them. So they talk, dress and constantly through their body language (largely unconsciously) signal everyone around them that they are extremely pessimistic about their chances and generally look sick, poor and defeated before they get the opportunities they so badly and urgently need.

In summary the two tandem readings are telling you that in addition to the usual practical measures to secure both your job and financial futures, you need to look more confident, optimistic and ready to have your finances boosted. The main challenge with this strategy is that especially when you begin practising wealth consciousness, within yourself you will often feel that you are play acting or an imposter. You are likely to feel the complete polar opposite of confident and optimistic or well prepared to receive more abundance in your finances. We are creatures of habit, and if you have practised poverty and unemployment consciousness for most of your adult life, understandably it is not going to be easy to change that habit effectively overnight to wealth consciousness.

The human mind or brain has a property (actually it is like a software bug in its programming) which may go in your favour against all the other people applying for the same job as you. Some might even call it a flaw or fault in our brain's wiring, but it is the fact that our brains cannot easily tell between an experience we are actually having, and an imagined experience which we only visualise is happening.

Whether you really feel employable and confident and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel or whether instead you are making out that you feel all these things and are imagining them happening, the brain releases the identical same nerve transmission chemicals and hormones equally in both cases. For all intensive purposes to the brain both the regularly imagined outcome and the real outcome are one and the same as each other.

If you do all of the sensible practical things to get a job and improve your finances over the next six months and also regularly imagine that these things are heading in your direction if you are willing to make the sacrifices and take the risks to get what you want, then you will naturally over time begin putting out very different wealth consciousness body signals to everyone whom you come in contact with in the future, including most importantly your job interviewers.

You will look, talk, act and dress the part of a person who genuinely has wealth consciousness, and who is most unwilling to become a professional victim of his life's career and financial challenges.

This profile sounds very much like that of my good friend Horus! :smt002

Take care, but simultaneously be more courageous and take more calculated risks,

EoT :smt003

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Post by horus1123 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:05 am

Thank you for your rapid response, and I totally agree with you about the Wealth Consciousness. I have been practicing that for a while now and I have seen some improvements, though I have slipped back at times into negative thinking. Overall though, I feel I have moved up a notch...

You mentioned that you didn't have any predictions for me, which is fine as the path may look foggy on a pure psychic level. However, you usually lay one tarot card for the reading which is reflective of the overall tone of the situation in question...How come you didn't lay one card for this particular reading?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:30 pm


You are welcome for the reading which on this occasion was dictated to me clairaudiently as a series of loud thoughts, and did not require any form of divination to be used including the Tarot.

I also wanted to make you and the other members who request a reading from me now or in the future aware that it was always my plan to progressively move away from using Tarot or numerology  as a starting point for a large proportion of my readings.

I have personally found them to be overly restrictive with clients who have a rigid, preconceived idea of what they believe a particular card must always mean, when it's true meaning is also determined within the context of the rest of the reading, as well as whose reading it is.

Thanking you for giving me this opportunity to offer other members a window into how I give my readings, as well as in particular why I only give a relatively small number of Tarot or numerology based intuitive readings these days.


EoT  :smt020

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