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General Reading

Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:19 am

It has been some time now since last reading and I feel an update would help sort some issues.  Thank you for your effort.

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Balancing or juggling act?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:21 am

Dear J,

It must have been such a long time ago when you were given a reading by me on this forum, that I cannot remember doing so. Instead of updating you about earlier issues which could take me hours of searching to discover, I would prefer to give you something to help you with the valuable work which you are doing on behalf of so many of the members that I have lost count of exactly how many you may have helped during your time with us on Mystic Bord.

Another one of my internet friends reminded me only this morning through a private message, and I quote.....
Sometimes people who usually tend to others, their needs don’t get much attention.

Amen to that.

Maybe that first word "sometimes" should be replaced by the phrase "most of the time". People like the two of us who have a genuine desire to help people satisfy their needs, all too often in the process fail to ensure that at least some of their own equally important needs get met as well. And we must be crystal clear about this. We are ourselves completely responsible for making sure that some of our needs are satisfied, and not the person whom we are attempting to help. Therefore according to this argument we should never feel angry or resentful towards them if we should fail to live up to our responsibility to get some of our basic needs met.

But the sad fact of the matter is that human behaviour is often more based upon emotions, than it ever is on logic and reasoning. We are supposed to use both logic and our emotions in a balanced manner when deciding what is in our and the other person's best interests, but well over half of the time our emotions and feelings win out over logic hands down.

The number two card of any of the four Tarot suits is believed to represent the duality or two sided nature of reality, where everything exists as pairs of opposites. There is often a fine line between pleasure and pain, between genius and insanity, between black and white, or between right and wrong. But each member of the pair cannot exist or be fully experienced without there being at the very least the potential for its opposite to be expressed. How can we truly appreciate what it feels like to be loved, when we have never first felt lonely and unlovable? Getting our own needs met, and simultaneously getting other people's needs satisfied

And there is also another second aspect to this principle. The sum of the whole is always greater than the sum of its component parts. Each member of the pair makes certain things possible, but when combined new things become possible that would not have if  they had not been combined or mixed together and had remained separate. Two examples of this are when pleasure and pain are combined to bring a new baby/life into this world, or when an issue can be both black and white and both of them must be considered, if it is going to be of any practical use in solving your problem.

Having already established that your reading is generally meant to be about duality, I removed all four number two cards, then shuffled those four only with the intention to work out what should be your highest priority out of the Two of Pentacles (balancing your finances), the Two of Wands (looking towards and better preparing for the future), the Two of Swords (balancing logic and intuition) and finally the Two of Cups (balancing your closest relationship).

To help you decide which of your equally important needs must at least sometimes be met, if you are to continue to effectively help your friends on Mystic Board. Understood?

And the winner is......wait for it...........drum roll please......

The TWO OF SWORDS!!!!!!!  Image

I would interpret this two part reading in the context of it being yours that when it comes to helping other people on Mystic board, both their needs and your needs must always both be considered for it to be successful. If you do not satisfy some of your needs sometime, you are not likely to be of any further use to them, and getting angry at or resenting them for this emotional reason will only make you both lose each other and yourselves in the bargain.

The area of you needing to balance logic against intuition must be given a higher priority overall, although it may be necessary to temporarily move one of the others to the top of the list if things get overly serious or urgent in the short term. Logic without intuition makes you cold, insensitive and machine like, while intuition by itself spells superstition.

The reading is about the importance of you more efficiently balancing your needs against theirs, and intuition and your emotions against logic and reasoning. Doing or using either of the two members of the pair of opposites alone by itself would be it is felt a recipe for disaster on a major scale. The priority or order of importance of each member of the pair or list may temporarily reverse or re-order when required by the situation, but overall a better balance between each of them must be gradually worked towards. Avoid extremes in everything.

Loving regards,

EoT :smt003

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:44 pm

Thank you.  Totally unexpected response, but of great value in sorting my life!  I thank you for your insights.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:57 am

Dear J,

It was my pleasure, and I take your comment that the response was totally unexpected as very positive and encouraging feedback.

If the reading had said what you and I expected that it would say, it would be much more likely that these insights were only coming from me, instead of what should be happening from my inner source.

From one reader to another I felt that this information was coming from a higher level, when compared to the level which I often tap into during most of my readings given on this forum.

The inner thoughts or voice this time had an air of authority and urgency about them which makes me think that whoever was doing the talking was speaking to you from a much higher and more advanced spiritual plane than I am generally used to working with.

Loving regards,

EoT  :)

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:59 pm

thank you, yes, they keep trying to get through the thick material mind.  lol

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