Romance reading

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Romance reading

Post by lilacbreeze » Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:50 pm

I'd like to request a romance reading from stephybabes92 :) If you're able to do my reading, I will PM you my details. Thanks!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:18 pm

Dear Lilac,

I originally planned to give you a general reading, but I decided in the meantime that romance does count as a specific question or subject on which to base your reading, and will therefore run with it on this occasion. Whether you are already in a reasonably steady long term relationship or whether instead you are still looking for that special person, a reading cannot predict with any acceptable degree of accuracy or reliability what still lies in the future.

There are no shortage of psychics who claim to be able to do this, and there are some who really do seem to have an uncanny gift for being able to predict the most likely future outcome of any relationship to an accuracy which is well above that which would be expected by chance alone (50%), but for the rest of us the future is just as much of a mystery as it is for everyone else.

The main problem is that every relationship involves at least two different people, both of them possessing the gift of free will. In order to predict the future of a relationship between them the psychic must necessarily be able to directly read your partner or your future partner's mind. Reading your own mind and understanding why you feel and behave the way that you do is often enough of a challenge without reading someone else's, but reading the mind of someone whom you still have not met is really something else.

Most reputable psychics work according to a set of moral values which see a third party reading as being an uninvited invasion of the right of an individual to the privacy of his or her own thoughts, without their knowledge or permission. And because a reading is only thought to apply to a period of the next six months or so, asking longer term questions which can only be answered after much more than that will almost always give a negative answer which can be terribly discouraging when you have just begun a relationship, or have made positive changes in an existing one and are hoping that by making these changes now that the relationship will eventually be saved.

In place of your reading telling you whether or not you are going to meet and fall madly in love with him during the next six months, or if your existing relationship is going to significantly improve over the same period, it is focussing upon the possible reasons for you wanting such a detailed picture as to what lies ahead for you: romantically. While it understands that you believe that you can never be too careful and that after having your feelings hurt or trust betrayed in he past you are looking for a guarantee that it will not happen again (when no such guarantees have ever existed, and never will).

Women may be more liberated these days when compared to their mother or grandmother, but when any relationship fails the woman often stands to lose the most as a result. And women in general have completely different priorities and expectations about what they want out of their relationships when compared to men. Possibly a typical woman's main priorities are a feeling of safety and security within their relationship, which is a carry over from the time when the sole purpose of any partnership was to have and bring up children.

The push for you to get married or to have as many children and only after you are married to each other may be less, but your reading is assuring me that this feeling of wanting safety and security and the need to be able to trust that he will be faithful to you in spite of any temptations, are still at the top of your wish list.

Now up to a point this an only be a good thing, but if you have been hurt before or someone close to you has, then it is very easy to see virtually any single one of his behaviours as being damning evidence of his unreliability and infidelity. In other words by almost expecting that he is going to do the wrong thing towards you at any tick of the clock you could be unknowingly creating a negative self fulfilling prophecy, and actually attract into your life the very situation which you most fear - that he will leave you for another woman (or for a man?).

The main message I am getting with you is while you should not enter into any relationship or stay in one with your eyes completely closed, there will be more than enough challenges for both of you in the future without you imagining ones which may or may not exist. Be vigilant, but not paranoiac? Be careful not to make any impulsive accusations without first having solid evidence of him letting both of you down, or you could in an instant undo all the progress which you have made up until then and destroy an otherwise good and healthy relationship because you let your fears temporarily cloud your judgement, and you said something to him which you now regret saying but cannot easily reverse or take back the damage done.

The above principles equally apply whether you are still at the beginning of your relationship, or alternately when you are already well into it. Your trust must be earned, but if he feels that no matter what he does or does not do you will never trust him enough to do the right thing by you, then all trust within your relationship in both directions could be simultaneously and irreversibly lost.

Take good care of yourself and of each other in any current or future relationships. Work more as a team, instead of as what often happens these days as two separate individuals.

EoT   :smt049  :smt049

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Thanks you

Post by lilacbreeze » Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:08 pm

Thank you so much for your insightful reading :) I truly do appreciate it.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:56 pm

Dear Lilac,

It was my pleasure and privilege to be of some assistance to my friend.

Romance readings, particularly when there is not already an existing relationship, are difficult to give at best.

At worst they are a reader's nightmare, mainly because they involve a third party who will always remain the biggest unknown factor in any equation.


EoT  :smt007

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