Relationship Reading from EOT, please?

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Relationship Reading from EOT, please?

Post by tarotcurious » Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:01 am

Dear EOT,

I hope all is well with you and the rest of the posters on here. You have been very much accurate about my probability to return home for a short visit within a six-month period. Now, I need your advice about my love life. I am dating two people, I am open to these people and they are fine with it since there's an agreement that it's non-exclusive. My question is, is one of them a better choice than the other in terms of a good relationship forming in the future... or should I just wait for someone else to come into my life? lol I will give you the personal details including the name and DOB through private messaging, if you need it, please let me know. I appreciate your help. :)


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:33 am

H my friend,  Image

Please do not send me any further personal information about the two men involved, either on this forum or though a private message. Promise me now categorically, that you will not send me any further info. :smt002

These either/or or yes/no questions are frustratingly difficult to answer through a reading even at the best of times, and having too much logical information before the reading begins fires up the left side of my reader's brain, when it is the right side through which the intuitive information comes. If it comes at all.

For the purposes of helping you to decide with which of the two of these potential suitors there is a greater probability that there is a future for you as a couple, the reading will simply refer to them from now on as A and B. If you do not clearly recognise by the personality traits and other descriptions which of them is A or B, then the reading is unlikely to be of any practical use to you in helping you to make your mind up.

As you already know there is no way that any reading or reader can predict with anything approaching a 100% level of certainty that either of these relationships will go the distance, but however this turns out it is a valuable opportunity for you to get clearer on your own mind exactly what you are looking or in your life partner.

And what you could not or would not be willing to tolerate under the same roof, for more than one day in your man. In other words even if neither of them turns out to be the one this time (and there is no way to predict that), the extra experience which you gain from deciding between A and B now, should better prepare you to make a more balanced and more fully informed decision in the future with someone else.

Instead of me having to draw a card on your behalf, it immediately appeared in my mind's eye. It is the Seven of Cups (SOC).

Any of the members of the Cups Tarot suit are always associated with the nature and depth of our closest relationships, so we are definitely looking in the right place when asking your question. In most situations the SOC refers to a love relationship which is what you are looking or, but I have given readings in the past where this particular card was talking instead about a life long friendship which was not by any stretch of the imagination of the romantic variety. Not that relevant or important in your situation, but I still needed to make this point regardless.

Specifically this seven is about us having to make a choice between two or more different options, where none of the options on offer to us is clearly a winner. Both A and B have good and not so good qualities about them which could help you to decide which of them if any is worth pursuing, but to which of their good and not so good points do you assign a higher priority?

Is it more important that the man you choose is a good money manager or that he wants children? If he is so good looking that you will be constantly in competition with every other red blooded woman who still has a pulse, are you willing to put up with this to get those qualities of character which make A or B a good catch in your eyes? And just how much are you willing to be tolerant and patient of his weaknesses to be able to have his strengths?

The phrase which jumps out at me is "all that glitters is not necessarily gold", or few men are whom they may first appear to be on the surface. And to be politically correct and fair so are few women. Our true characters are often multiple layered and incredibly complex. And yet here you are making what could be a potentially life changing decision about who we want to spend the rest of our life with, based mainly upon outward appearances or our first impressions.

Too many choices and decisions which need to be made too quickly are probably worse than us not having enough choices to make, for they can so easily and rapidly overload our abilities to use both logic and intuition in a balanced manner to make a reliable judgement. If you wait until you can be guaranteed to get most of what you want in your man and least of what you do not want in your other half, you could in both theory and practice be waiting indefinitely.

OK! So here is where the reading really gets practical and unfortunately more cryptic in us properly interpreting which of A and B should be your first choice, if no other factors either known or still unknown do not come in at the eleventh hour, and confuse things even further for us (which is terribly common).  

In choosing between A and B, focus mainly upon the following personality or behaviour traits, while keeping those further down the list at the back of your mind.

Look for the man who is the more experienced (not necessarily older) in knowing what a woman needs to feel valued and respected (loved).

Look for the man who is more in line or agreement with your own moral and spiritual values and beliefs. Do not confuse his religion with his spirituality.

Look for the man who is good at managing money, but at the same time is not so tight with his money that moths come out of his wallet every time that he opens it. If he ALWAYS puts money ahead of you and your relationship (sometimes you will need to do this temporarily to avert a major financial crisis), show him where the door is.

Look for the man to whom family is at least as important, as your family is to you. If both of his parents are still alive, you can often but not always get a better idea of what being married to him could be like. Many of us use our parent's marriage as a guide or measure to what our marriage could or should be, but some of us seeing the things which have gone wrong in their marriage go to the opposite extreme in our own.

We frequently overcompensate for our parents' mistakes in their relationship by making new and very different ones with our chosen partners. Because I cannot read the minds of these two men directly through a third party reading, I cannot tell you if one or both of them are likely to want the reverse extreme of their mother and father's marriage if you got it together. Understood?

Do not go into a relationship with either man A or B with rose coloured glasses (love can be blind), but at the same time if you keep picking on him and questioning everything which he does or does not do, you will surely lose him. You may have been hurt in the past and understandably do not want to ever be hurt again, but if you always only looking for signs that he has his weaknesses and bad habits you will most likely find ones to complain about, even if they do not exist in reality. Hurt people can easily imagine themselves out of having a happier and more loving relationship because they are conditioned by past negative experiences to look for bad signs, and conveniently and selectively ignore any good signs.

So far we have talked about you choosing him, as if he is an inanimate item on a supermarket shelf. Do you choose dish-washing detergent A or B? Instead of the idea of you making a shopping list of positive qualities you are looking for in a man, what sort of woman are you? What are your priorities? And are you really prepared to make reasonable sacrifices or compromises when your relationship inevitably and eventually hits a bad patch in the road.

Are you willing to give up your career to have children, give up on having your own family to be able to get to the top of the economic heap, or do you think that you could do both, with the right man by your side? You urgently need to ask yourself a lot of soul searching questions about your own priorities, as well as asking him about his in a way that he does not feel threatened, or as if he is constantly being interrogated by a lawyer or the police.

In summary no reading by itself can make this decision for you. In the end, it is only your decision to make. Hopefully the reading has provided you with some extra food for thought in helping you to better decide which of A and B is the man to try first (because if one fails you are not to feel that you cannot try the other man), but it cannot make the decision in your place.

As best you are able try to match as closely as possible  what you have been told above with what you already know about man A or man B from other non intuitive sources. Do you have any common friends with either man? Use both logic and your own instincts in combination and balance with each other, when choosing who will be your first preference.

Remember to be yourself and not to try to intentionally hide things about yourself away from him because you may imagine that he is doing the identical thing to you, as a serious lack of trust in each other is not a firm foundation upon which to build your closest and most intimate relationship.

Trust however does NOT mean blind faith and completely ignoring any physical evidence to the contrary. Wear neither rose coloured nor dark coloured glasses when going into your next relationship. The less filtered by your own attitudes and beliefs is the information which you will be receiving about him, the more reliable should be your choice.

Blessings to all three of you,

EoT  Image  Image  Image

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Post by tarotcurious » Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:31 am


Thank you for yet another insight! I'm not sure if you're describing just one person at first, but couldn't help but laugh since you have described aspects which I have noticed of both A & B! :)

Let me elaborate. A is good with money management and is practically budgeting due to unemployment. B, on the other hand, had clearly emphasized the need for 'children'.

You are spot on with the reading regarding me looking for negatives and disregarding the positives :/ because I can see that A has lied to me more than once, while B is still communicating with his ex... I wonder if the SOC suggests that I should only be friends with those and should have never dated them in the first place? lol

The issue I'm facing is I find those negative traits intolerable. B is fairly honest, but it has caused me to retreat to myself in, yes, you're correct, in a effort not to get hurt again. A, on the other hand, I couldn't trust, because it has been confirmed by mutual friends of ours that he has lied and even kept things from me...hence, I was wondering if I should just wait and if you see someone new coming into my life who is better and not causing so much incompatibility this early on. haha...just a thought. I am taking my time to decide and if I should really be pursuing any of them or just wait. lol Thanks,my friend. :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:16 pm

Dear TC,

Thank you for your very complete and honest feedback although I wish that the reading was not so right about the more negative aspects of both their personalities.

The phenomenon where the characteristics of one person "bleeds over"or contaminates the other is unfortunately one of the common down sides of giving this type of reading, where any information about either of the two men comes indirectly though you or your relationship with each of them in turn.

While some of these more undesirable personality traits are incorrectly attributed to the wrong person, it is clear that they are a big part of the reason why you are asking whether neither man is suitable and if you should forget both of them and look somewhere else.

I do not think that the card is actually saying that. I am very aware of how upsetting this all is and how it is always easier for me to tell you to  not give up on both of them than for you to be the one who has to do it.

But the reading is emphasizing that if you do this then that it is highly likely that it will continue to happen in future relationships with other men. The reason for this has nothing to do with you being destined never to know true love, or that you are somehow being punished for past transgressions (although it must feel that way to you at times).

If it does happen it will be mainly because of the Law of Attraction which basically draws men with this type of immature and irresponsible and untrustworthy personality into your life, due to your unconscious mind believing that all men are like this.

Whatever thoughts we most regularly focus on and practice in our daily lives have a great deal of power to shape our expectations and destinies. Negative thoughts like this about yourself lead to negative feelings and behaviour, which gets in the way of you getting through this.

It appears that the only way for you to break out of this cycle of low self confidence and attracting the type of man whom you do not want to have in your life is to confront these issues now, using your relationships with either of the two men as a valuable learning opportunity to help reverse the damage which this has done to your self respect and self dignity.

This does not mean that you should persevere with them if they are actually abusing you physically or otherwise. No reading is going to tell you that you should and must continue  to be tortured like that indefinitely, and that if you give up that you have lost any further opportunities to get out of this emotional black hole.

But if you do not try to make the best of a bad situation with either man and use these relationships to help finally break the cycle of attraction and low self esteem you are, it is felt that you are only more likely to have to do it again and again with other men, and eventually run out of all other options.

This having been said if the solid physical evidence keeps accumulating that neither of them is trustworthy beyond what is common human weakness (eventually we will all unintentionally fail and disappoint the people whom we most love), then getting rid of both of them is your only safe and sensible recourse.

Love, Light and Healing,

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Post by tarotcurious » Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:20 am

Dear EOT.

Thank you for the practical advice. I do completely understand what you've written. I guess, in the end, it will all boil down to how much I am willing to put up with to see if the relationship with either of them can go the distance. I did and still am considering all the lessons learned from all the relationships I've had and still having, including the two right now.  Interesting thought about the law of attraction! haha...I guess I should start thinking that I am worthy of true love and honest relationship so I could attract the right person. Again, thanks for the advice. :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:56 am

Again, thanks for the advice
Again, you are most welcome.


EoT  Image

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