urgent please answer immediately regarding health and life

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Re: urgent please answer immediately regarding health and life

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:55 am

When will I be content with my life?
You are asking me to predict the future, which I am not allowed or able to do. What are you doing now in the present moment to bring into your life the things or people who would make you feel more content with the cards which life has dealt you?
I've started to socialize with my college friends will my friends support me
In order to predict whether your friends will support you I would need to foretell the future, read their thoughts and give you a third party reading about each one of them in turn. Third party readings are banned on Mystic Board under the forum rules. All that can be said here is that if they are really your friends then they should support you through both the good and bad times.

If you do not treat them or yourself well, you are likely to lose both their friendship and any support which they could have provided you with. Most people including friends prefer to only support a person who is first willing to do what they are reasonably able to help and support themselves. How much you value and respect yourself can be measured by how well you treat yourself. In other words how much self love you practise.

How you treat yourself tells other people whether you feel worthy of them keeping you as their friend. If you show them by not taking good enough care of yourself that you do not feel that you deserve to have them as your friends, they will often tend to agree with you and not stay around you any longer than is necessary.
When will my.parents understand my problems with dads sister
And doctor's nurses
Predicting the future: reading their minds. Third party, fourth party, fifth party reading. This is supposed to be a reading for and about you. Not about your parents, your dad's sister or the doctor's nurses. You are only responsible for your own actions and decisions. Not everybody else's!
I am meant to be starting a new medication
Will I start it or rebel
Or will I be ok without medicine
This is a medical reading question. It is entirely your decision to make what you do or do not do. If you are similarly asking your other friends to decide whether or not you should take the medication prescribed by your doctor and take proper care of yourself by doing so, again your friends are going to desert you. They have quite enough problems deciding what they will do or not do, without also having the responsibility to make your decisions on top of their own.

If you choose not to take the medication, then you are basically on your own and must accept the potential negative consequences of rejecting the treatment which in the professional opinion of your doctor is most likely to get you better again. If you do not take it as prescribed, or you do not take it at all, you are effectively gambling with your health and your life.

As an adult nobody can force you to take it (unless you are assessed as incapable of making rational decisions in your best interests), but how much are you willing to lose if it turns out that this is the only way that you will ever find happiness and love and regain your health to a much more bearable level? Spin the wheel, flip the coin or roll the dice. The odds are heavily stacked against you surviving physically, mentally or emotionally, if you do not take this medication.

And in the process I will be losing another dear friend.

EoT  :smt010
Last edited by eye_of_tiger on Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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This reading and thread are now both finished

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:30 am

You are welcome, but you are pressuring yourself into accepting any advice they offer you, because you feel that if you do not accept their advice without question, they will leave you without any help.

While you should always listen to their advice, because if you do not do this you might miss something useful to help you get out of this mess, you have to decide what of their advice if any you should take.

It is your life and not theirs, so it is your decision alone to make if you are going to take notice of any of their advice.

So how do you sort out the good or bad advice? Or the advice which could help you become healthier, happier, more successful and content with your life?

Basically by trying whatever they advised you to do as long as it sounds reasonable and safe. Nothing too extreme. Try one piece of advice at a time, as if you try too many at once and you get an improvement, how will you know which of the advice was good advice?

Before trying any piece of advice, ask yourself this question?

Does this sound like it could make me more healthy, happy, successful and content, without taking any unnecessary or dangerous risks?

You have now had the reading and all the advice which I can offer you. Whether you decide to assert your right to make your own mind up about what is in your best interests, and take back control over your life from other people including your friends, you will always remain like a ship without a rudder. You are meant to be the captain of your own destiny boat. If you do not take back control over your own future fairly soon, other people will and probably not in your best interests but their own.

If your friends are really pressuring you to accept 100% of their advice, THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. But I seriously question if this is true. I believe that most of the pressure is coming from within you to try to please everybody else all of the time, which is an impossible task. When you should be pleasing yourself more.

I am not telling you that taking your medications is going to instantly solve all of your problems, or that it will magically make you 100% content with who you are and what challenges you still have to face, but without that medication I doubt that you will get the opportunity to discover if you could have been healthier, happier, more successful and content.

You have to survive long enough to be able to do that! Without it I do not like your chances of managing to survive for long enough, but in the end it must always be your decision. Nobody else can decide this on your behalf, unless you let them.

This reading and thread are now both finished, and will be locked.

Take good care of yourself,

EoT  :smt038


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