this year has been a swirl of negativity..needing a read to keep my chin up

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this year has been a swirl of negativity..needing a read to keep my chin up

Post by Kayray9011 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:10 am

My name is Katelyn and my birthday is 2/16/1990
I've been told I'm empathic and I think a great deal of that ability is why I'm where I am in my life. I recently was let go from my job, I am a single mother with little financial help and I'm dealing with a custody battle with someone who was abusive. When will I catch a break? I feel so washed away. Can anyone just give me words of hope?

Thank you.

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The other man or woman's grass always seems greener than your own, until...

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:59 pm

Kayray9011 wrote:My name is Katelyn and my birthday is 2/16/1990
I've been told I'm empathic and I think a great deal of that ability is why I'm where I am in my life. I recently was let go from my job, I am a single mother with little financial help and I'm dealing with a custody battle with someone who was abusive. When will I catch a break? I feel so washed away. Can anyone just give me words of hope?

Thank you.
Welcome Katelyn,

Something which many of our newer members have difficulty understanding is that the readings given on this forum are not intended to predict what their most likely future will be. To a certain extent such expectations are created by the most common definition of a psychic which  is currently doing the rounds on the internet - psychics are according to this people who predict or foretell the future.

While it is true that there are some readers who seem to have a special gift of being able to predict future trends if nothing changes in the meantime, these are the exception rather than the general rule and I do not count myself amongst these prophets. My readings are much more directed towards helping that person to create a more positive, happier and more successful future for themselves, mainly by whatever they decide to do to help themselves in the present moment.

So these words of hope and comfort are not necessarily dependent upon a predicted event happening or not happening. It is an unpopular truth of life that no matter how much we wish that something would happen and no matter how much time and effort we put into trying to make it happen, that life often has its own plans for us which may be totally out of line with our own. Bad and sad things will always continue to happen to good and decent and hard working people such as yourself, who have always done their very best to overcome the challenges which life has put in her path.

How then can we feel truly comforted or feel hopeful for a better future if nothing we do or say can guarantee that these disappointments or failures will not happen in spite of our best laid plans? How can we find lasting happiness in what can at times be an unfair and on the surface cruel world? What is it that we need extra to what we already have that is going to restore our faith and hope for a future where while unpleasant things can continue to happen, we will at the same time feel less powerless and alone.

You have clearly experienced more than what would seem to be your fair share of life's problems with an abusive partner, having just lost your job, being financially challenged and having to battle for the custody of your own child, and the worst thing of all is that feeling that you are are being left to do everything completely by yourself without any outside assistance or human compassion to give you the added strength which you need to keep going.

Firstly your reading is saying that you badly and urgently need to give yourself some long overdue but well deserved credit for what you have already achieved in spite of everything bad which has happened to you over the last few months to years which could have easily destroyed a lesser person than yourself. But the important point is that what has happened has only made you feel that much more committed and resolved to turn things around for the better for both yourself and your much loved child. It seems that in order to find the extra strength which we need to make a positive breakthrough we so often need to be tested in the school of hard knocks. But this is the same for everyone. None of this is personal or unique to us when compared to anyone else. Although it often feels that it is both of these and much more.

The answer which comes back to me through this reading when I ask my inner source what extra do you need which you do not already have to get through this psychologically stronger than you were before you started is NOTHING. You already possess all the inner and outer resources which you will ever need not only to survive this time of trial and testing, but to turn it around to something considerably more positive and comforting and hopeful than it presently feels.

The big problem is NOT that you lack any of the necessary resources to overcome the obstacles which have been placed in your path, but rather it is that you appear to have either forgotten you had them, or that if you did remember that you have them that you do not think that you know how to use them for your maximum benefit. This is not a lack of the required resources issue, but instead the results or symptoms of a noticeable lack of confidence in yourself.

At the very time which you most need confidence in yourself and in your abilities to meet these challenges head on with both your usual faith and courage, these are seriously in short supply. You understandably may as a direct consequence feel empty and exhausted, or washed out. As though you have nothing more to give or energy to fight with.

What you are being encouraged to do especially over the next six months thought to be covered by this reading, although it is always easier said than done is to draw upon the memories of when earlier in life you felt this confidence, and when because of this confidence you achieved a major emotional victory over the feelings of doom and gloom which surround you. When in a lightly relaxed meditative frame of mind think back to past experiences of yours (other people's achievements could only make you feel less self confident) where you made the most of what resources you had at the time.

Focussing regularly upon your past's little victories will attract into your life the very factors which are likely to increase your chances of having more wins and less losses in the future. While we each have many strengths and resources to help us through, one or two of them seem to be our special gifts of strength from Heaven. Resources which have worked well in the past more often than not work well again in the future, but now with a completely different set of factors.

Inner resources like faith and courage and balanced logic and intuition, and outer resources such as professionals who are trained in the areas where you need the most qualified assistance. This is especially the case with you in the financial and legal (child custody) areas. Seeking out and getting this professional help is not a sign of weakness or surrender, but rather it is a sign of your strength and your sheer determination to provide the best possible and most healthy atmosphere to bring up your child in.

What is it that you need to do to help yourself be seen by the authorities as your child's best option? Is there something that you need to either bring into your life, or remove from it, which could pave the way for you to regain or maintain custody of your child? To give your ex less ammunition to use against you, instead of what often happens more.

Showing yourself to your enemy as feeling washed out, hopeless, powerless and out of any useful resources to be able to keep your child with you instead of him is only likely to weaken your case and position in his eyes and in the law's eyes as well. But at the same time if you do not give yourself credit for past victories as well as appointing yourself your own judge, jury and executioner and do not take good care of yourself and in particular your health over this testing period, then I do not like your chances of helping anyone.

This is going to involve you having to admit to yourself (but not to your ex or his lawyers) that you need help, and swallowing your pride enough to allow this help to be given most quickly and effectively. Feel the fear but do it anyway, because if you allow it to be your master then it will control you even more as time moves on.

I only wish I had all the answers or a magic formula to help you over the worst bumps, but then I do not think by doing this I would be respecting your right to live your own life as you best see fit to do so. I also believe that if I was able to somehow remove all these challenges that I would be doing your soul's development a great disservice, and even your Creator him or herself would never want to do that. Neither would this reader want to interfere who is far short of being God or in any way being better, smarter, more intuitive or stronger or more resourceful than you are.

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done, IN SPITE OF ALL OUR MANY SHARED HUMAN FEARS AND SELF DOUBTS. Learn to control your fears, instead of them controlling you. One of your biggest fears is that others will discover that you feel fear and self doubt, but WE ALL DO. Some people are just better at covering it up than are others. Be careful what you wish for, as sometimes the worst possible thing to happen to you is to have your wish granted.

The other man or woman's grass always seems greener than your own, until you get the job of mowing it.


EoT :smt038

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