Need Some Guidance-Reading Please

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Need Some Guidance-Reading Please

Post by wow88 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:47 am

The last few years, especially last year, have been rough for me relationship wise.  I'm just wondering what there is in store for me?  I was told my ex is my soul mate, but she won't even talk to me.  What should I do?  Any help is appreciated.  :)

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Post by wow88 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:49 am

sorry.  Marc.  Age 29 DOB: April 12 1983

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Could I please suggest that a general reading would be more in order here?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:23 am

So if I understand you correctly, you are not currently in any relationship, including one with Marc.

Soul mates repeatedly come together in one life after another precisely because they have outstanding issues with one another, which somehow need to be resolved.

This means that most soul mates do not get on particularly well with their other half. That is the whole point of them meeting again. They have come here once more to learn how to get on better with each other. Conflicts and disagreements of opinion are par for the course. So are temporary break-ups or lover's tiffs.

The reading is making no promises that Marc will change his mind and come back to you, but the potential for him to do so still exists, even though logic would tell you that the chances of this happening any time soon are negligible.  Human love has very little to do with logic, so there is a slim hope that your relationship will survive this ordeal, and eventually be made that much stronger as a result of you both communicating honestly again.

To try to directly read his intentions towards getting back with you at a later date would be an invasion of the right to the privacy of the contents of his own thoughts Readings directly about any person other than yourself are third party, and are not allowed to be given on Mystic Board.  

"Please Read Before Requesting a Reading" ... hp?t=73424
12. Please do not ask for readings for others or third party readings as this is strictly against Mystic Board’s policies. Instead ask the person to join Mystic Board themselves, once they have contributed to the community by posting and introducing themselves they are much more likely to receive a successful reading in return.
And to make giving you this reading even more difficult, we cannot make predictions about some future relationship which has not even started yet.


My suggestion therefore would be to make this month's effort a general reading.

A general reading is one where my inner guidance gets to decide entirely what it is felt is most important and/or urgent for you to know at this moment in time. Next time it will be your turn to choose the subject of the reading, or ask a specific question only about yourself (not a third party request).

As Thursdays are my regular weekly day off from giving any readings, I will not get around to giving you yours until at least early Friday morning (South Australian Daylight Savings time - which is presently GMT or UTC plus 10.5 hours).

I will or plan to type to you again from Friday morning onwards (barring an emergency), with your general reading.

Kindest regards,

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Post by wow88 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:24 pm

I am sorry that I was being unclear.  I am Marc.  I am asking about myself and I am not currently in a relationship.  I have been broken up with my ex for almost about a year.  Just recently i was told she was my soul mate and then our relationship made more sense.  I have been trying to get back in touch with her but she won't talk to me at all.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:11 pm

Sorry Marc,

No it is entirely my fault for reading your request at 3.00 in the morning, without using my proper glasses.

If she will not talk to you at all there is nothing much which I can do through a reading which is likely to make her change her mind.

And because of the third party rule I am unfortunately unable to read her thoughts and intentions directly.

Normally I would partly get around this restriction by indirectly reading her through your relationship, but there is currently no relationship to do this through.

As I said before it is quite possible that you are soulmates and that you were meant to be together, but like a lot of soulmates you still have many issues to resolve between you to be able to make this work.

How can you resolve these issues if you are not both presently on friendly speaking terms? Especially as this wall of silence has already lasted a year.

Please leave this with me for the next day or so, and I will get back to you with a general reading from Friday morning onwards as promised. It will however be entirely your reading, and not involve her.

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Post by chaosone » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:20 pm

thank you :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:28 pm

What happened to wow88?  :smt017

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Post by chaosone » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:31 pm

I thought the other sn was too confusing.  this one i use more often.  thought it might help with getting a connection with me on this board.  sorry for the confusion.  just emotional at the moment.  working on opening up my 3rd eye

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:34 pm


Not a problem.

There is no need to start another thread, as I already have this reading covered and will give it here on Friday.


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You must end this three person relationship soon

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:58 pm

Hello again Marc,

The question here to which your reading does not immediately provide an answer is what you could possibly do which is going to get her to come back to you after a year has passed, which is not at the same time going to make matters worse than they already are between you. If she has not or will not admit that she was a big part of the problems which developed between you and which eventually lead to you going your separate ways, logic should tell you that your chances of getting her to reconsider and take you back on a probationary basis currently range between minute and zero.

It is as if both of you have moved on since then. Both of you have your own emotional baggage being dragged behind you, some of which significantly was there long before you met each other. You admit that you have already met someone else, and I strongly suspect without being able to do a third party reading to confirm this that your ex is in a way relieved that you have met someone else and are getting on with your life without her in it.

You are also presently in the process of opening your third eye which often causes considerable emotional turmoil within even the strongest of us. The whole feeling behind your reading is that each of you are moving on in your own different ways towards a life which does not include your ex. And if you have met and love someone else, would you be disappointed if your ex does not feel like contacting you?

You obviously still have feelings for her, but fanning the flames of your passion for her could easily destabilize your new relationship. I know that you are in a highly confused emotionally charged and vulnerable state of mind at present, but your reading is basically saying that you are doing both yourself and your new girl friend a terrible disservice by continuing to hope that your ex will give you both her blessing. You must once and for all decide which of the two women you want, then forget the other one in both your mind and heart. Which is always much easier said than done. \

Regardless of some unidentified psychic or friend  having told you recently that you are soul mates and I must agree that this is very likely, there is no written law that you must stay together permanently, once the lessons which you have come together to learn have been completed. Consider the real possibility that you were never intended to stay together over the longer term, and that your current girlfriend has come to share new lessons with you now that you are moving on to something and someone who is better for your mental and emotional health when compared to the woman you were with before.

The process of opening up your third eye will probably bring a lot of these painful memories to the surface, but just as you do with troublesome and persistent negative thoughts during your meditation sessions, let these memories go by you without in any way becoming attached to them. You have a new love and relationship to warm your heart. Do not throw water on the fires of your passion for your present love interest, (and on her sexual feelings for you) by constantly comparing her to your ex or expecting them to be each others friends.  

You cannot love both women at the same time. You must make your decision, then put the other woman out of her misery by really letting her go; COMPLETELY. I believe that your current lover will not be the one whom you will choose to let go, but you have the gift of free will and I therefore do not have the right to force you to choose her over your ex, if you do not want to. Whichever woman you ultimately select, there will be associated lessons with each of them, although the curriculum could look very different and incredibly more challenging, if you chose your ex ahead of lady number 2.

Be kind to yourself and to your newer girlfriend, by completing the separation process with your ex lover during the period of the next six months. Or expect that your third eye opening efforts will be significantly delayed and much more difficult than they otherwise might have been, if you do not end this three person relationship soon.

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Post by chaosone » Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:04 pm

thank you eye of the tiger.  I appreciate it :)

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There are no quick or easy solutions to any of this

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:52 pm

Marc you are more than welcome for the reading.

These love triangles are often very difficult for us to get out of, without hurting somebody's feelings, including our own.

Breaking up is even harder to do when there is a third person still involved in your relationship.

There are no quick or easy solutions which this reading by itself could possibly offer you, as to how to best minimise the pain of the final separation.

Do not be too hard upon yourself for being fallibly human, and having feelings for two vastly different women at the same time.

It goes with the territory of having a kind but confused heart.

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