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reading request

Post by jld » Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:43 am

I want to request a reading from anyone who feels drawn to do so.  I feel like changes are on the horizon and am not sure what is the best route to take. There has been tension at work and I am questioning whether it is a good environment to be in. Thanks in advance for your time

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What exactly does the word GOOD mean to you, as you used it in your sentence?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:39 am

Hi J,

I am constantly drawn to any reading requests, where I feel that I can be of some assistance and guidance to a valued member and friend. Yours just happens to be one of these.

Your question was mainly centred on whether or not your current working environment is a "good one to be in".

That very much depends on exactly how you interpret the meaning of the word "good".

This month's reading is very much like a politician, in that like a politician it tends not to give either a simple or straight forward answer.

It is not because it is trying to avoid giving you an answer, but it is instead a case where what the answer eventually turns out to be is likely to be highly dependent on how you personally define what is good, and on the other hand what is not so good.

This equally applies to your relationships with either the company which you are currently working for, or those with your work colleagues (the people whom you work with and with whom you may be experiencing interpersonal conflicts with on an almost daily basis, leading to you requesting this reading).

If good means to you that there will be no further interpersonal conflicts from now on, and that you will not be further challenged in the way in which you will need to compromise and make your expectations about human behaviour more realistic than they presently are, your working environment during the next six months covered by this reading will NOT be that type of good, although it could turn out to be a better one if you take certain practical steps to keep you from doing or saying something in a moment of anger and frustration, that you could quickly and easily live to regret doing or saying, but the damage has now been done. It cannot then be easily reversed? One you have done or said it, you cannot then go back and change it to something less threatening, or make out that it never happened.

Often the best route to take in trying to deal with a problem is not the easier option. In the short term or immediate future it might look to you to be the best approach, but further down the line with the luxury of insight you will be forced to realise that often the longer term consequences of what only appeared to be the best way out or around a problem, can all too frequently turn out to be anything but the easiest and best choice.

What only appears to be the easier option if you are feeling uncomfortable continuing to work for that boss or with those people is to cut your losses and run towards getting a job somewhere else, or becoming self employed. If you were your own boss and were only responsible to yourself if your business falls flat on it's face, at least you would no longer need to deal with the insecurity of your position with a company, or have interpersonal conflicts with other workers, some of whom may be in positions of authority above you.

But your reading makes the important point that although this might be upsetting and uncomfortable for you in the short term, if you do not learn to deal with such issues in a mature and balanced manner NOW, then you may have to learn the same valuable lessons  at some later time, and that they are likely to be even more difficult and challenging when compared to what these were. And because these lessons and challenges were specifically designed to ultimately make you a stronger and more confident person within yourself through first hand experience, these valuable learning opportunities will be lost.

Now if you are being repeatedly intimidated, bullied, abused or feel that the situation is especially unbearable, and you have done everything you feel you can to make them stop treating you this way, then it is not the purpose of this reading to make you feel guilty if you think enough is enough, or to force you to just put up with it indefinitely.

How long has this been going on, and what practical steps have you already taken before now to fix things between you, the company or your fellow workers? The answer to that question is for your eyes only. It is included only to make you examine more closely with regards to determining whether you feel that the easier way out would be in your own longer term best interests.

If in contrast "good" means what is felt to be in your best long term interests for your optimum growth and development as both an individual and "social animal" (can't find a better term than this to describe the strong human need for social interaction with others of the same species as your own), then with the extreme exceptions I mentioned above your reading is telling you not to immediately take the easier way out that may turn out later to have been the worst one in either this or future jobs you may have.

If "good" means that staying the course and working with your feelings in a constructive manner during the next six months will give you valuable lessons and first hand experience which could stand you in even better stead in the future as a stronger and more confident individual who is more assertive instead of always being aggressive and not automatically go out looking for trouble where it may not necessarily already be, between now and the latter part of January 2012 is looking PRETTY GOOD (BTW pretty is the more polite and sanitised form of the word which I could have substituted for it, but decided at the last moment not to because it could unintentionally offend some of the more nervous members) from where I am standing.

I commend these insights to you as being worth considering in some depth, BEFORE and NOT AFTER you unknowingly burn your bridges behind you with the company or your fellow workers.

Whatever energies you presently put out towards your boss and work colleagues will eventually be returned to you many times over, either during the next six months or alternately well into the future.

Either in this current job, or instead in a future one where you may eventually come up against identical or even worse problems than the ones you are facing now, but not having the benefit of these lessons which you are being presented with, you will be no better or perhaps worse off as a result.

All of this of course is easier for me to tell you, than for you to do it.

EoT  :smt002 Image

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Post by jld » Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:26 am

Thanks so much EoT for taking the time to respond. I am ready to move on but most likely will not do so until I finish grad school. There has been tension and the agency is struggling financially. My biggest concern is with one co-founder of the agency. She is rarely there because of health problems but she has been, I feel, psychically attacking me. A lot of my and my and my co-workers concerns came out at staff meeting so it was good to clear the air of resentments we had been holding onto...and it was done in a nice way. I just do not trust this one woman. I feel I will be ok and since I posted I have found the best way to deal with her spells and efforts to read me are just to pray for her and everyone else there and to stay grounded in my truth and essence. I do not like having to feel like I have to  xtra shield around her constantly but if I don't my energy gets drained. She tells people she can read their minds but then it is not accurate and things get twisted around. So I guess that is what I meant by good. I am hoping that things get better since we all talked and, like you said, want to watch what I am putting out there as well. Thanks again

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Involuntary psychic vampire alert!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:18 am

You are more than welcome, both for the reading as well as the friendly advice.

Rather than feeling that she is intentionally casting spells or psychically attacking you, it is more likely with her poor health that she is what is commonly called a "psychic vampire".

The feeling of your energy being drained away and the associated resentment of feeling that you are being involuntarily used to supply her energy using your own in the process is a very consistent symptom of the low energy condition of her own personal energy field or aura.

Being near to these people makes one feel emotionally exhausted as if your very life force was being stolen or drawn away from you, which is exactly what is happening in terms of the energies which are usually only visible using a special technique called Kirlian Photography, as well as of course by people who can intuitively read auras directly without using any special technology to help them.

The whole point is that many or most of these people have absolutely no idea that this is happening.  It generally happens unconsciously without any intention or effort on their part. All they know is that they feel better when they are around healthier people than they are. Which only encourages them to emotionally smother and overpower you even more.

I am not entirely ruling out the possibility that she is psychically attacking you (it does happen in some rarer cases), but my feelings for what you might feel they are worth is that if she is doing this maliciously and consciously, being in such a poor state of health that it effects her ability to do her job seems to me to be the hard way to go about it.

You are feeling the need to shield yourself from having your energies drained away by her for good reason, but she is not I believe consciously doing this to you or your work colleagues. It is a natural consequence of your higher energy field potential flowing towards her lower energy field potential condition, just like water naturally flows to the lowest point according to the law of gravity.

Water does not know what a high or low point is. It is just in its nature to flow from high to lower points. Psychic energy works exactly in the same natural way as this, at least when it is not being purposely manipulated by someone with the destructive intention to attack or harm another individual.

Until the woman in question becomes fully aware of what she has been unknowingly doing, and has started to understand why people have been avoiding or resenting her so much, shielding your energy field is probably the best stop gap measure for you and your fellow workers to be taking.

Also please take a look at the contents of the following web page, as I think that the visualisation technique of De-cording for which a sample script is provided, could possibly be the longer term solution to your problem, especially if she continues to work for much longer at the agency which she co-founded (or you do).

As you become more aware of your psychic energy during the Running Energy practice, you may notice 'cords' between yourself and an other person. By definition, a cord is an obsolete or unwanted energy connection with another.

Most ordinary communication is unconscious, happening below awareness between the chakras of those involved. And very often this unconscious communication establishes a cord between the people. Cords can be easily removed, although some ways of doing this are better than others. It's important to pull cords rather than cut them. Like an unresolved imprint, the remaining energy of a cut cord in your feeling essence can too easily attract another cording experience.

Although cording is a result of an unconscious agreement between two beings, it takes only one person to decide they no longer wish to participate in the agreement. Here is a script you can use to easily and safely remove cords, and free yourself from unwanted energy attachments with others:
Take care,

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Post by jld » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:21 am

Thanks for the info EoT about decording. I always cut cords before but this makes a lot of sense. Btw...things are improving and morale is lifting! Thanks again

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:33 am

This heartfelt message of appreciation has been seen by yours truly, and was much appreciated in return for the favour.
Btw...things are improving and morale is lifting!
That is wonderful news!!!!!!

Hearing that life is treating you better and more fairly than it was before I gave you this reading, is like beautiful healing music to my ears.

Good work J,

EoT :smt020

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