Can I have a reading, its my birthday soon.

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Can I have a reading, its my birthday soon.

Post by cameo » Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:45 pm

My birthday is on the 23rd of this month, so Im a Capricorn lady, 57 years old.  I was wondering if anyone will give me a reading, either phychic, tarrot, astro, anything.  Im wondering what life has in store for me over the next 12 months.  If anyone can do a reading for me I would love it.  If you need any more details then just ask and I will give the details needed for you to do a reading.

Thanks in anticipation.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:56 pm

You are at an age where retirement is a high thought in your thinking process.  You are considering your options (financially and emotionally) to see how it fits your life plan.  And then again, how much of a life plan have you actually thought about?  

There may be a package available from your work that is enticing you.  And then the fears set in.  As you get along in life, you realize your needs are less and your wants become more.  The longer you work, does not mean that the pension will increase - you have proably arrived at the max even now.

It is important to plan for retirement.  This is a serious thought.  Retiring with the idea of 'rest' without some plan can be very daunting when there is time on your hands and you don't know what to do with it.  Even a favorite hobby will not hold you for long.  (I had a friend who liked painting.  After she filled her home - she had no more room to paint.  So she did an art show but was reluctant to sell her work - they were her creations/babies).  

Your spirituality has been rising over the last decade.  It is important to examine it from a free perspective.  You have been locked into some old patterns you would like to examine.  Be sure to get the best advice when opening yourself to spirituality combined with psychic activities.  They can be done exclusive of one another - so if spirituality is your preference - be sure of the path you take to develop.
Last edited by spiritalk on Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cameo » Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:06 pm

Thank you spiritalk, much appreciated.  God Bless you for taking the time to read for me.

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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:25 pm

Hello my name is DragonKnight and I Will to do a reading for you.

I will read thing as i see them looking at your spirit, body, chakras, elements of work home and play.

Your Colors in you aura/spirit, are primarily yellow (solar plexus), secondly Red (root), and thirdly blue (third eye).

Your coloring points to a routine type of person at home in 'your' world but one that also seeks to understand thing further.

The small things in you like like jewelery and trinkets you value highly, they are an expression of who you are and they have an impact on emotion and self image. Part of your character as an organised person, is to take the time out and spend time in the elements; like a day at the lake, or near the sea. This in it self is a calming, as nature tends to have a way of being relaxing, and lunch near water is always fun, dress is also important too, not to flash but nice, well ordered, and thought out, these things are like chocolate for a sugar tooth, nice on occasion.

In your heart there as a scar that you got when a close friend of yours died, this death has effected the relationship that you now have in the home, because it left a guilt that, when you had the chance you didnt express your feelings, and it has lead to small white lies that tarnish the depth of feeling that you now have to the people closest to you. Your faith in gods steering hand, and your exploration into the deeper parts of you, are a reason to keep hope, and to connect with life more intimately.

Your chakras are closely connected to each other with one blending into the other, You have a good grip on what your reality is, seeing things as they are.

There seems to be a impact or call in your life that I believe.  You once you spent time with a young adult helping him, and that gave you a feeling of fulfillment, purpose, working again in that fashion may bring new light to your soul.

There is karmic debt over you. You need to be honest with the love in your life, and be honest and free in expressing you feelings, to those that are and those that have been. This is a guilt karma.

Blocking your understanding of the universal as a whole is the inability to relate to intellect of animals. There is much to learn from observation and communication 'freely give that, that is freely given to you' There is much more to the universe, and our world than what can be seen, some of the unseen things that are inside and/or outside can be the most powerful forces. The world is large and these days out of sight out of mind dose not kick it any more. Movement in the astral is just as if not more so important now than it ever has been for human consciousness, life is something that is all around, as on earth even the ant can ask 'who am i'

''The fires of the soul search for love through light''

Without knowledge of what goes into something is a reason to learn more, say if you find it hard to eat beef, wouldn't you feel consoled if you knew the truth? Where? How? Wouldn't that give you better position to make decisions from, help you understand that people speak without knowledge or compassion, plain naivety.

One of the images that i have run across several time while reading you is a weeding ring does that have any deeper significance to you??

I sense a good routine, a passion for romantic & horror films. You may well know some one that is expecting. There appear to be three important people around you, a good work friend, partner, child, and cat, maybe?; Also there are three spirits, one large, two minor.

Scanning over your body, i see neck and lower back inconsistencies, and also a kidney issue on the left side.

In The future, over the coming year some things will come to fruition, there will be a series of events that will take you focus intensely, but will be rewarding. There will be a breakdown of communication, but don't be afraid, you will have a hand in designing you fate in the latter parts of you life.In life there is balance. Evil and good, Life and Death There are forces around you.


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Post by cameo » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:51 am

WOW DragoKnight, that is absolutely amazing.  I cannot thank you enough.  The whole of the reading was 'so just me' that I almost wondered if you knew me personally. lol.   Honestly, you have covered almost every aspect of my life, and got the true measure of things spot on.  

You are very gifted.  Thank you for spending the time to do such a lengthy reading for me.  I have PM'ed you a more detailed response as validation of many of the things that you have said for me.

God Bless

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Oldie - but a goodie.

Post by sabbath siren » Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:58 am

I feel like I've come inside for a break and this thread is like a good, sit-down dinner.  So much here and everything is within reach.  Actually, both readings have struck a double chord - that never happened before.  
Your interpretation of reading was so clear, it felt like stepping stones, to me.  Much to take away and rehash, later.  This will be very helpful.

Quiet thanks x

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Hi Can I have a reading?

Post by sk116 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:55 pm

Can I also have a reading if you guys don't mind?
My situation is like this:  I was married in April 3, 2010, and after 3 months, the person lied, manipulated, and tricked me to go back home, when I did, he sent divorce papers behind my back.  This was annulled and finished in Feb, 2011.
I want to know when my real marriage will be, who the person is, and how will the marriage be like?  I don't feel that the first person was my real soulmate.
Do I have another marriage in the future ?

My date of birth is November 6, 1979 at 11:55 PM in Elmhurst, Queens, NY.

Also, I want to know when my career will take off.  I am a medical doctor, but I have not gotten residency yet, and I am only in small jobs now.  When will I get the medical residency?

Thanks so much,

hope to hear soon!

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