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reading request or guidance?

Post by lstar33 » Sat Oct 04, 2008 9:45 pm

I just broke it off with someone and wanted to know if this the right thing to do or if it is really an end or if things will change? Im very hurt and i just want some truth or anything because im not sure if I am following the right path and i def want to make sure that i am.

Thank you in adavance.

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Post by cedars » Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:53 pm

Hello Lstar33

No one can tell you if this is the right thing that you have done (or not) - breaking off with your partner.
You must have felt it was the right thing to do, under the circumstances. Please dont be so hard on yourself. You must have had some very good reasons to call it off..... that takes courage!
The pain and anguish must be at its peak at the present time and it makes you wonder about all sorts of things; if you have done the right thing and what if this and what if that....
As hard as it may be, respect your own decision and do not think on the 'what if' situations.

As I was trying to link in with you psychically, I got a vision of the Five of Cups in my mind. This is a man, wearing a black cloak, his head down, looking at the three fallen cups in front of him and not seeing the two cups standing upright behind him. This is very much the situation you are in now, lstar, and whilst everything seems doom and gloom to you, you have not lost it all. Once the pain and the confusion is out of the way, you will see things with a clear mind and realise that you have reason to smile again.

I also picked three tarot cards for you by way of guidance from the Rider Waite  and lo and behold, guess what I got:

Five of Cups. Knight of Pentacles. Four of Swords.

We've already been over the Five of Cups.
The Knight of Pentacles, a man in his twenties, who has a good head on his shoulders on money matters, is a slow mover in his actions and takes time to think things over before he acts - to some considered boring and unexciting - is either a person coming into your life or a message for you to make use of some his qualities to bring a slower pace into your life. The Four of Swords indicates a similar behaviour whereby time off to yourself to rest, think and be one with yourself rather than rush and make hasty decisions.
I am very tempted to say if the Knight of Pentacles is someone coming into your life, you are well advised to take things easy and slow as the picture in the Four of Swords where we have a person lying flat  with three swords hanging over him and one underneath. There is a window of hope with stained glasses in the symbol of his faith and he will return to Life once he has had time to reflect upon his inner self and what he wants from life.

All I wish for you now is to take it easy and let things settle down around you and in your mind.

Best of luck and blessings to you.

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Post by lstar33 » Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:03 pm

thank you for the reading as i was feling very down and have had to much time to think and i appreciate it so much!

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