Ring of Solomon - its meaning?!

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Pravin Kumar
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Ring of Solomon

Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:14 am

Rahulji, Vivekji and others,

I think the Ring of Solomon is not bad at all on the Mount of Jupitor. Rahul you just said that the star on a good mount is good and on a bad mount is bad. Hence it is quite possible that Ring on any Mount could be as per the Mount whether good or bad.

Jupitor being a good mount, Ring of Solomon on it should be good. At least I have always found people with Ring of Solomon to be good kind hearted and helpful human beings. I cannot discount the ego factor. Man is incomplete without an Ego and once he is able to conquer his ego he realises HIM in totality. But that is impossible. Some amount of Ego will always be there.

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Pravinji and others

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:56 am

The ring of Solomon is undoubtably a good sign... how can Cheiro be wrong?
I was not trying to discount or underplay the ring of Solomon.
I was trying to vreate a thoughtprovoking topic basing some facts. See, everything in this earth has good and bad qualities (quote= einstein's theory that every action has an equal or and opposite reaction).

If would like to know and understand that the ring of Solomon is a very good sign.
What I intend to brainstorm myself through this active forum is that:-
Ring of Solomon as all texts say is a good sign.
But ( as Benham very rightfully stated that the csience is very logically) the logic does not make sense here. That is "If a ring of Saturn blocks the current of Saturn, then why not Jupiter? What wiil ring of Sun do or a ring in Mercury?
Maybe there are some hidden truths in Palmistry that we are not aware of!
I am not trying to say that something is  just good or just bad. Every bad can have something ggod to and vice vera.
I hope I acould make my mind clear.

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From Ray Douglas.

Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:26 pm

Namaskaar All,
This is an extract from Ray Douglas's book Palmistry and the inner self.
"Finally, the ring of Solomon is the sign that most palmist would give their eye-teeth to wear on their own hands (and ofcourse, some do possess it). It signifies an ultimate store of occult knowledge becoming available to its owner. Like so many other unusual signs, this is a splendid thing to have, but not at all something to covet. It symbolizes the knowledge and the wisdom of King Solomon himself, and by traditon that biblical King is said to have reached the heights of attainment, while still within the spheree of materiality (much like our Raja Janak-vivek). But, ofcourse, even the height of abstract materiality is still represented by the mount of Saturn - it is still goverened by mortality and death.

On the hand, the ring of Solomon has the effect of closing off the index finger, as though preventing the flow of influences through the soul. It is rather like a dam, holding back an enormous amount of energy that should be cycling freely. that energy can be put to work for good or ill, but its retention is really not contributing to the smooth running of the universe. It crystallizes or solidifies something that should be fluid, mobile and developing. In a lighter vein, it is said toenable its wearer to converse with the animals. But, converse or not, the saintly individual can still be brought to destruction by the teeth of a crocodile. Similarly, the man or woman intoxicated by the occult can unsuspectingly forgo the possibility of true spiritual development, of actually trancending the earthly power symboloized by Satrun, the grim reaper.'

I think this is what Rahul ji has in mind when he initiated discussion on this topic.
Indeed many a people get intoxicated by the power that occult study and practice brings with it.
It is easy to get Siddhi but very difficult to digest and hold it.

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Namashkar Vivekji and all

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:10 pm

Thank you Vivekji for helping me out in my Endeavour to reveal to all that there is a logic attached to Palmistry.
When it occurs to us that something is not logical in Palmistry/ Astrology, we must try to find the missing link. Everything has to fall to logic. Why?  Because the science in just very logical.
I did not realize the above until I read 'The Laws of Scientific Hand reading' By W.G. Benham.
So all you guys, read, reread this book until it becomes a part of you. Venture to read other books after you have 'understood' this, if you really interested in Palmistry.

Somehow I felt that The Ring of Solomon was blocking Jupiter's natural energy from flowing the natural way. as the ring of Saturn blocks, just like other rings do too in the palm
Clubbing this with the fact that in certain Puja, we open all fingers but the Tarjani or Jupiter finger, I felt I was absolutely on the right track.
Vivekji is very correct about the Siddhi thing that it is very difficult to get Siddhi but very difficult to hold on to it.
Sometimes I wonder was the occult sciences meant for us to delve in........ ?!
Inquiringly to ALL,

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Ring of Solomon with a star plus added lines and stars

Post by Yantoe » Wed May 05, 2010 9:20 pm


I am a novice palm reader. Mostly I look at people's palms if I like them or feel drawn to a person. This is something I have been doing all my life since childhood. Tonight I have noticed on my right hand a new deep line of Solomon with a star as part of the ring. This part I understand. The confusing line is a deep double line from the ring to my life line with a series of 3 large stars going across ways through the double line. On my left hand are two large stars on the same mount without a ring. The croux mystique has always been marked on my palm all my life in both hands.  Tomorrow I will be 42.

Does anyone know what the additional lines and stars could mean?

Thank you very much. Very happy to have found this site!!!!

Tanya x

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