Please help me understand my palms

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Please help me understand my palms

Post by clearwater29 » Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:07 pm

Hi All :smt006 ,

I have a basic understanding of palmistry i.e. what each line individually means, etc., but I do not know how to put it together to look at these objectively for myself. I seem to see things that I want to see :0.  Would someone kindly tell me something about my fate, relationships and myself in general? It will help me immensely if I knew my weak areas of improvement or something that I need to watch out for in the future or even develop upon the strong areas if any. Do I have a Simian line on my left palm?

Also, there are two relationship lines on my left palm but hardly any on the right. Would you kindly be able to throw some light on this?

I am 30, male and right handed.  Btw the pictures have turned out rather huge, please let me know if you’d like smaller or different shots.

Thanks in advance. Really looking forward to some comments  :)

Right hand

Left hand

Side of right palm

Side of Left palm
Last edited by clearwater29 on Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by clearwater29 » Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:31 pm

Sorry I should have posted this in the palmistry reading sub forum. Please would amoderator kindly move this thread to the right place?


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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:37 am

Moved to the palmistry reading forum,

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Post by Aegeus » Sun Apr 19, 2009 5:42 pm

Hairiness; sign of lots of testosterone.

Dagaz rune connecting the mind and heart lines. Looks like a side ways hour glass. In depth descprion of meanings for this symbol are easy to find. I understand it as balance between all extremes. It resembles an infinity symbol too.

There's not a simian line as I know it. The three main lines form Ms, which is known to mean blessing.

The heart line forks meaning you can tune into others feelings well.

On the right hand which would be now or the future the lines are more idependant, which is good. On the left, being the past the mind and the heart are to close. The mind must respect that logic does not apply when it comes to matters of the heart, and learn to let the heart be. A balance must be found between having high ideas about what life can be, and having these ideas grounded in reality, and also seen in a more realistic way. In the past the mind was dragging down the heart. In the future their can be a tendency to over compensate and set ideals that are unrealistic.

Best aspects are vitality and mentality, although more clarity and focus could be reached for all. The heart needs cleaning. I would suggest working with a hear chakra crystal such as dioptase. Dioptase is more pricey then some other stones. Perhaps if just starting our with crystals rose quartz, kyanite or huelandite. The best advice I could give is trust your instincts what your most attracted or most adverse to is probably what you need. I say adverse because often it's what we need most that we avoid(think of how vampires respond to sun light, or crack heads to vitamins).

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