Pisces - Symbol of The Fish

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Pisces - Symbol of The Fish

Post by mahender_mehta » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:33 am

As the twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents the twelfth and final stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. Here, the desire is to use all that has been learned and assimilated in order to gain perfection; of man as an individual and humanity as a whole. This perfection leads man to his rightful place in the universe. Though not all Pisceans occupy their time with such lofty aspirations as attaining their rightful place in the universe, the notion of perfection is a strong factor in their personality. They find it difficult to deal with people and situations that do not live up to their idealized images. It isn't that they can't see things clearly, they just don't want to accept things as they really are. Seeking greater perfection than the real world is capable of producing, they often turn to religion or other spiritual and philosophical disciplines.

Their natures tend to be too otherworldly for the practical purposes of living in this world as it is. They sometimes exist emotionally rather than rationally, instinctively more than intellectually (depending on how they are aspected). They long to be recognized as greatly creative. They also dislike disciple and confinement. The nine-to-five life is not for them. Any rebellion they make against convention is personal, however, as they often times do not have the energy or motivation to battle against the Establishment.

Pisceans tend to withdraw into a dream world where their qualities can bring mental satisfaction and sometimes, fame and financial reward for they are extremely gifted artistically. They are also versatile and intuitive, have quick understanding, observe and listen well, and are receptive to new ideas and atmospheres. All these factors can combine to produce remarkable creativity in literature, music and art. They may count among their gifts mediumistic qualities which can give them a feeling that their best work comes from outside themselves, "Whispered beyond the misted curtains, screening this world from that." Even when they cannot express themselves creatively they have a greater than average instinct for, and love of, beauty in art and nature, a catlike appreciation of luxury and pleasure, and a yearning for new sensations and travel to remote, exotic places.

Pisceans react emotionally to everything they experience in life. Before they take physical action, before they sort out the practicality of what they are doing, and before they reason things out intellectually, they give in to their feelings. Compassionate and fair-minded, they are not at all afraid to bend unbreakable rules if the situation demands a more humane approach. They make excellent judges, sensitive administrators, and inspirational teachers. Their surplus of emotions implies an addictive nature, and thus it is necessary to avoid habit-forming drugs and other substances. To maintain their emotional equilibrium, they need a private spot or at least a private time for daily retreat and relaxation. The most creatively stimulating and soothing environment for Pisceans is near water, preferably the ocean.

The modern ruler of Pisces is Neptune, planet of the spiritual and sensitive qualities in man. Ancient astrologers assigned Pisces Jupiter, a planet also associated with spirituality as well as thirst for knowledge and understanding. These planets represent similar traits and both of them influence Piscean personalities. They are idealistic, sensitive, and love to play martyr. They are often shy and would much rather impersonate someone else than be themselves. That's why so many are actors, artists, writers, and dreamers. Their association with elusive Neptune makes it hard to predict how Pisceans will develop. Some of them are neat and well organized, while others become slovenly and careless. Personal habits are often a direct reflection of emotional reactions to their environment. Their imaginations are limitless, an ability that makes them successful writers of fiction or turns them into pathological liars. Unique ability to understand the abstract can make them gifted mathematicians and theorists, or it can put them so out of touch with reality that they make no sense at all.

In their employment they are better working either by themselves or in subordinate positions. Their talents are individual in a commercial business or similar undertaking. They would be afraid to manage more than a small department, worrying always that they would fail in a crisis. They can make fair secretaries and bookkeepers. Their sympathy equips them for work in charities catering for the needy, as nurses looking after the sick and as veterinary surgeons caring for animals. As librarians or astronomers they can satisfy their mental wanderlust, and their fondness for "faraway places with strange-sounding names" may turn them into sailors or travellers. Many architects and lawyers are Pisceans, and when the creative abilities are combined with gifts of imitation and the ability to enter into the feelings of others, Pisceans find their fulfillment on the stage. Their psychic and spiritual qualities can lead them into careers in the church or as mediums and mystics. They may find an outlet for their creativity as caterers, and are said to make good detectives because they can imagine themselves in the place of criminals and understand how their minds would work. In technical occupations they are well employed in dealing with anaesthetics, fluids, gases and plastics. Because of their lively versatility and inability to concentrate overmuch on any one project, Pisceans often simultaneously follow more than one occupation.

Pisces are very special people whose sensitivity and awareness will always appeal to a select group. Pisces are capable of high intellectual achievement and their magnetic, mysterious, engaging and delightful personality is heightened by an intriguing sense of drama. Creative and intensely imaginative, Pisces are more successful as a writer, musician, or artist. Pisces is the sign of the poet and the dreamer; they strive to create a world that comes closer to their own unique vision.

The Pisces lover as an individual has an idealistic view of love and romance. Because of their sensitivity, they often prefer a fairy tale scenario to the real thing. To Pisces, there is no difference between love, affection, and romance. A Pisces needs all three. The Pisces individual who is deeply in love may sacrifice themselves for their lover.

The Pisces friend commitment to easing the pain of others often draws them to less fortunate individuals, but pity is not involved. Pisces are sympathetic listeners, they a have strong link to the past and are likely to keep the same friends for years. Also, because of their intense family ties, Pisces natives may count a sibling or other relative among their closest friends. Pisces is also loyal, unselfish, and generous, always ready to help a friend who has fallen on hard times. Naturally kind, with a deep appreciation for the inner qualities of others, they are not concerned with the superficial and with what others see on the surface. PISCES look at the inner soul, the essence. There is no more sensitive, perceptive friend, nor one more warmhearted, caring, devoted and sentimental.

Piscean colors are pale green, purple, rose, and gray-blue. Vulnerable parts of the body are the feet and lymphatic system. Swelling, allergic reaction to drugs, and sore feet are common complaints, but their emotional nature can also make them vulnerable to psychosomatic illness. The Piscean birthstone is the aquamarine. The sea-colored aquamarine becomes invisible when submerged in water. This is an appropriate representation of the shy Pisceans who often wish they could disappear as easily. Flowers for Pisces are the orchid, lilac, wisteria, water lily (lotus), poppy (white), and pansy.

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