Gemini - Symbol of the Twins

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Gemini - Symbol of the Twins

Post by mahender_mehta » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:23 am

Geminis readily adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. The Twins are the astrological symbol of Gemini. Adopting a twin-like similarity to other people is easy for Geminis. They not only have a unique ability to understand what others are thinking, they also possess great cleverness for imitation. In this way they can maneuver themselves into many favorable positions. They can also lose sight of their own talents and ideas by being too willing and able to adopt the traits and immerse themselves in the personal situations of others. They tend to say what others want to hear instead of saying what they really think, or what they know to be the truth.

Gemini, as soon as this is the sign of the Twins, are dual-natured, elusive, complex and contradictory. On the one hand it produces the virtue of versatility, and on the other the vices of two-facedness and flightiness. The sign is linked with Mercury, the planet of childhood and youth, and its subjects tend to have the graces and faults of the young. When they are good, they are very attractive; when they are bad they are more the worse for being the charmers they are. Like children they are lively, and happy, if circumstances are right for them, or egocentric, imaginative and restless. They take up new activities enthusiastically but lack application, constantly needing new interests, flitting from project to project as apparently purposelessly as a butterfly dancing from flower to flower. To them life is a game which must always be full of fresh moves and continuous entertainment, free of labor and routine. Changing horses in the middle of the stream is another small quirk in the Gemini personality which makes decision making, and sticking to a decision, particularly hard for them. In love they are fickle, not intentionally so but because of the basic inconsistency of their emotional nature, which has an amoral aspect to it. Their is a side to Geminians which can become deeply involved emotionally, and another, hostile to sentimentality, which stands back from a romantic situation, laughing at it and the protagonists in it, including themselves while analyzing it intellectually. Gemini subjects take nothing seriously. So, in love, in spite of their temporary depth of feeling, for the intensity of involvement lasts only while it is new, they are superficial, light-hearted, cool, flirtatious and unimaginative in the understanding of the pain they may give others. They like intrigue, the excitement of the chase, but once they have caught the prey, they lose interest and look around for the next creature to pursue. In less serious situations they make witty, entertaining companions, good acquaintances rather than friends. Even at their worst they are never dull - there is usually playfulness below the surface, and they can be brilliant conversationalists - but they can also be quarrelsome, prattlers, boasters, liars and cheats.

Since they are apt to spend more time talking than eating, many Geminis are able to stay fairly slim. Their body is usually very flexible and agile, and they enjoy gymnastics, bicycling, swimming, and other activities that keep them physically fit. Favorite sports are tennis, racquetball and similar games in which they can participate with a partner. As a rule, they are adept at tinkering with mechanical devices or doing repair work. Gemini talents also include design, interior decoration, arts and crafts, magic and illusion, and music.

Vulnerable parts of the body are the arms, hands, fingers, lungs, and nervous system. Respiratory problems and various nervous conditions are common Gemini complaints. Agates are traditional Gemini birthstones. Appropriate to the multifaceted Gemini personality, this mineral is streaked with many colors. It may seem Gemini is scattered and thus weakened by the wide range of interests and abilities, but the steel-like hardness of agate is a reminder that the Gemini personality and character can be just as strong as it is varied. Gemini flowers include the lilac, azalea, and lily-of-the-valley.

Introducing Gemini, the sign of the Heavenly Twins, is the third Zodiac sign. Geminian subjects are noted for their duality: they seldom restrict themselves to doing just one thing at a time. Being the first sign of the air element, Gemini bestows a light intellect. This is reflected in the fact that Geminians tend to know a little about a great range of subjects. Geminians must be aware that superficiality can lead to shallowness of character, and that restlessness may prevent them from ever managing to achieve their full potential. While recognizing that variety is essential for them, Geminians must try to develop continuity of effort if they are to achieve inner fulfillment.

Traditional Groupings As you read through this book you will come across references to the elements and the qualities, and to positive and negative, or masculine and feminine signs. The first of these groupings, that of the elements, comprises fire, earth, air and water signs. The second, that of the qualities, divides the Zodiac into cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs. The final grouping is made up of positive and negative, or masculine and feminine signs. Each Zodiac sign is associated with a combination of components from these groupings, all of which contribute difference characteristics to it.

Geminian Characteristics The Geminian ruling planet is Mercury, which often inclines its subjects to be good communicators. Gemini is also of the mutable quality, which heightens the properties of Mercury and the intellectual approach characteristic of the sign itself. Gemini is a positive, masculine sign, and is regarded as the most youthful of all the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Although many different colors will no doubt appeal to individual Geminians, there is, overall, a tendency for them to favor shades of yellow.

Symbolism Certain herbs, spices, flowers, trees, gems, metals, and animals have long been associated with particular Zodiac signs. Some associations are simply amusing, while others can be useful.

Flowers Azaleas, lily-of-the-valley, ferns, lavender, and myrtle are all Geminian flowers.

Spices No spices are particularly associated with Gemini, but many people of this sign tend to enjoy spicy food, perhaps seasoned with aniseed or caraway.

Trees All nut-bearing trees are ruled by Gemini, but especially the hazel and the walnut.

Herbs Lemon balm is good for curing a stitch, and arrowroot can be applied to a blister. An infusion of nettles soothes a soar throat. All of these herbs are governed by Gemini.

Metal Mercury is both the Geminian ruling planet and, as its popular name, quicksilver, suggests, the Geminian metal.

Gems Agates and emeralds are Geminian stones. But Geminians like all colors, so glittering gems will appeal to them.

Animals The chattering monkey is certainly a Geminian beast, and so, traditionaly, are small swift, brightly colored birds and butterflies.

Profile The overall appearance of a Geminian is usually a lively, often reflecting restlessness and a keenness to be up to the minute. Geminians are often recognized by their sprightly, light-footed way of walking.

The Body The Geminian body is usually long and lean. Because you have afast metabolism, you are not inclined to put on weight; so if you are tall and slender, the chances are that you will stay that way for the whole of your life. Your arms and legs may be long, and your hands prominent and flexible. Some Geminians give the appearance of being a little bony. Geminian shoulders are not wide, and may tend to slope a little. It is very important for you to keep moving in order to burn up your high level of tense, physical Geminian energy.

The Face Many Geminians have fine hair that is cropped into an easily manageable style. Your forehead could well be rather broad, which will make you appear intelligent, and your eyes will be extremely alert, giving your whole face mobility and a bright expression. It is generally said that Geminians never stop talking, and it may well be the case with you that your lips do not seem to stop moving. You are also likely to have a particularly attractive mouth. The geminian chin is typically sharp, and sometimes pointed, which adds to the overall lively appearance.

Style Geminans are fashionable, and like to wear the very latest style - often favoring separates. Sometimes, though your need for variety, a "mix and match" policy may not pay off, and your appearance could become haphazard. However, with a little experience most Geminians can develop the gift of mixing separates in clever and interesting ways. Accessories are very popular among Geminians, with trendy hats, sunglasses, bels, and fashion jewelry generally much in evidence. You may manage to accumulate quite a collection of things. Most colors are popular among Geminians, but yellow particularly so.

In General Even if you do not possess the typical Geminian physique, it is probable that you will still be immediately recognizable, even from a distance, because of your distinctive way of walking: Geminians seem to positively bob up and down, as much as they move forward.

Personality Geminians possess nimble minds and bodies. The Twins which symbolize the sign, represent the Geminian need to be active in a number of different fields at the same time. Simply because it is not in your nature, it would be wrong to urge you to do just one thing at a time. The rest of us must, however, see to it that in due course you get around to completing each project you start. This will probably subdue any restlessess and help you to achieve a sense of inner satisfaction.

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