quincunx signs; Taurus quincunx signs are Sagittarius and Libra

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quincunx signs; Taurus quincunx signs are Sagittarius and Libra

Post by astrologer50 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:08 pm

Quincunx (aka Inconjunct) 150?

Taurus quincunx signs are Sagittarius and Libra
But with Libra they have the same ruler ie: Venus therefore there is a mutual reception going on here. Quincunx themselves are bit like an itch you cant scratch, never quite understand where each other is coming from. Little miss of something missing and can cause health problems if issues not resolved.

Spiritually any connection with another person is a Learning Lesson whatever contact but these quincunxs, people don?t really understand where they have gone wrong. My belief is that people come and out of our lives for a reason, usually there is something we have to teach others and perhaps learn from them anyway.

Taurus earth and fixed; is very practical down to earth, highly sexed, romantic, affectionate sign. It is a fixed sign as is, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo and ALL the fixed signs are stubborn and dont really like making changes unless it suits them, but usually lots of loyalty and fidelity going on. Taurus has expensive tastes, doesn?t do cheap and cheerful, likes the finer things in life. Likes gardening, cooking, great organiser, secretary, likes methodology. Doesn?t like surprises, likes partners/lovers on an even keel like themselves. Very patient but if you keep pushing will explode in volcanic manner eventually.

Sagittarius is fire and mutable sign, therefore restless wants lots freedom and independence and movement within relationships. Sagittarius the sign of born careerist, teacher and traveller. Very philosophical, broad minded free thinking and duplicitous. ALL the mutable signs can be duplicitous, do as I say but not do as I do! Sagittarius doesn?t usually like being stuck at home doing nurturing it wants to be out having social life and social contact (and drink?.) with people and independence.

All fire signs tend to act first and think later. Some Sagg can be bit of thrill of chase me merchants or catch me if you can, cos they like to play the field first and usually quite late for settling down. Taureans wont understand this need to be out all the time and why they not content like them to be in the family unit. Sagg may well feel bit stuck in a rut and want to do things without partner which will inevitably make Taurus feel insecure and unloved.

Libra is cardinal and air sign. ALL air signs want to talk and Librans can be very charming diplomatic people but extremely indecisive. Doesn?t want to have to deal with anything ugly or unpleasant or argumentative around them even though quite capable of starting an argument themselves. So Taurus doesn?t have any problems making decisions and wont understand why Libra procrastinates so much. Taurus will have tendency to make decisions for both. Taurus may not talk enough for Librans or socialise enough

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