K-A-R-A-K-A-S (Don't we all LUV those...?) <LOL>

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K-A-R-A-K-A-S (Don't we all LUV those...?) <LOL>

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:05 pm

Dear cyber-friend Biltu (many of you know him, I am sure) had a rather interesting sharing:
"Every planet has its own natural karakattwas and characters , but it is not everything. It gives the result by the placement of house in the Horoscope. Venus dose not create a role of Love and affection on every Horoscope, need to look what karakattwas it took on that specific Horoscope. I need to mention that Venus is not only for Love and Affection, it has other characters too. Every Horoscope has it's own Love and affection House, need to see what planet is the significator of that particular house. After finding out the planet of Love and affection House then we can predict what characters of " Love and Affection " would be from the characters of that planet. So Venus dose not create Love and Affection for every Horoscope, Every Horoscope has its own Love and affection planet. Then why we say at first place --- Venus is for Love and affection, because they are [...] wrong. My theoretical mind dose not accept it."

I thought this was a *gem* of a sharing but more appropriate for the discussion area and one of my reply was:
"If ... sharing to discussion zone, I would like to respond to your loss of faith in Venus and Love! The prime attribute of the astrological symbolism (karakattwa) of the planet that is nothing but a gaseous globe that is composed of sulphuric acid, physically"

So I took upon myself to move relevant *bits* of our discussion in the readings are and bring it here, where we often discuss general astro matters and karakas have always tickled the fancy (and confusion?) of jyotish afficianados.

I will post something later when I am in my home/office, but it would be great to make it a general discussion (multi-participants) as opposed to remaining one man's (or woman's) **gospel** ;-)

Love and Light,


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:48 pm

On J_R a question got asked about the influences of exalted lagnesh (Venus) in 6th house. Naturally, many responses emerged (MMMB principle of Jyotish! Munde munde mati bhinna; love the diversity!)

So I got curious and took ADB for a *drive* on that road!

186 charts (Rodden A and higher quality data) were Libra rising with Venus
in Pisces.

In the 186 charts, occupations ranged from athletes to artists, architects, astrologers,
anti-astrology evangelists, owner of auto store, computer folks, some homeless
individuals, a whole bunch of homosexuals, a few priests, an illegitimate child
born to a teenager school girl, a Brazilian porn movie actor, heart surgeries,
multiple sclerosis ONE journalist who was also an account executive, a spinal
bifida, a SIDS baby, quite a slew and spectrum there! One had a congenital
kidney disorder!!
25 had one or the other sexual disorders.
7 had one or another psychological problem
3 had work-related problems
4 had art-related occupations
5 had beauty-related tags (beautiful, beautician etc)
14 had occultism-related profession
9 had politics-related occupations
16 had achieved fame in their field
At this point, I fell on the floor and did a sashtaang dandwat to MA for
creating many astrofactors and us jyotishis not being forced to do Jyotish
based on one, two or three...! I had tears of gratitude flowing from my grateful

All *joking* aside, this is not a unique experience. Over the years (YES!) when a pronouncement is made, I often run real charts and try to see if a pattern exists or not.

Please don't get me wrong, some of the MMMB answers were pretty logical and made sense in the astrological framework context. Some had indicated that illness would ensue, or nativities will be sickly; others had connected the sixth wil illness (in contrast, Sandhu ji's message had more substance and at least in my experience a meaningful and observed indication that tied to karakattwa. I suspect that Biltu's curiosity might have been piqued by that thread (or NOT!).

Some of the database findings made solid sense too, regarding disorders, occupation related matters and so on, but I am certain that the VAST variations also seen would be more meaningful if each of those 186 could be individually scrutinized and analyzed because that would take other planets, other facets/influences etc, which approach I have always found to be more meaningful from a heuristic sense, with no undue sensationalism or magic formula approach. Some may argue as to how else we shall learn if we do not *cram* all these rules etc, like a parrot and then regurgitate those when a nativity walks into our offices. And many rules make little logical sense but often work! Many get cheesed off and even attack such rules. This may be reasonable and sensible sometimes, but the danger is that sometimes the baby gets thrown out of the bath-basin along with the dirty water!

I privately advised Biltu to get some context and background from a source, which is just one of many available, of course. Not sure if he had the time to do that; it is a time-consuming process and definitely not everyone's cup of tea.

In the skeleton of jyotish, there are many strong foundation rules and symbolisms, as we all know (or should know, if we are really interested in jyotish). Some of these being:

#Bhavas have assigned jurisdictions and responsibilities or attributes. Sometimes this gets muddled too if we read different books, even scriptural texts,

#Planets have such assignments too!
## as lords or rulers of houses (maybe we should change those imperial-sounding terms to something like CEO or DG or perhaps more appropriately Regional DG!
##Planets also have like many modern folks, multiple jobs! So we see them as lords of Bhava padas (arudha etc), or as dispositors of other bhava lords. They can also be Acting DGs for a Regional DG by virtue of being the lord of a bhavat bhavam house (L3 for L1, L5 acting for L9, etc; Note that there is ONE bhava where there are no bhavat bhavam acting officers! A workoholic never takes vacations and hence does not need an 'acting' officer :-)
##Planets also may wear three hats, in addition! One hat is inherent (Naisargika), one is fixed (Sthira) [both being general hats exceptions are there though for some planets], the third hat is variable (Chara) and varies from one person (chart) to another, but remaining the same for any given person for the lifetime. These hats are the karakattwas. If it seems more appropriate view them as 'uniforms' but remembering that these are not 'superficial' properties but more like the different skins or cases of a smartphone or probably some tablets. Even that is not a perfect analogy!
##Planets have their inherent leanings towards other planets (naisargika relationship) which are connected to the arrangement of lordships of other planets from the moola-trikona rashi and the zone of exaltation.
##Planets also have certain traits and tendencies ascribed to them, their gunas and beneficience (and maleficience). Additionally, they also have a bhava-based functional benfic-malefic property or conduct.

Hopefully, this is not overwhelming, for there are many other *layers* of responsibilities planets have, such as based on their role as ruler of nakshatras, and related sambandhas (tara sambandha).

So, the bottom-line is that focusing ONLY or MOSTLY on one attribute may work in a hit-or-miss fashion, but can be a dangerous slippery slope when a reading is being formulated. We all suffer from this tendency to buy into the obvious and even seasoned jyotishis have been seen to not entirely avoid that! Hence, we see them extolling when they see a planet in own or exalted sign or any of the other potential traps and pot-holes on the road of jyotish. The only way to avoid that most of the times is to remind oneself about it. A simpler and practical way of doing that is to practice with real and known charts (similar to the testing or exploration I showed at the beginning of this RATHER LONG POST!), or to chant the golden mantra for 1 million eight times, "One robin does not make spring, one swallow does not declare summer is here!" ;-)

Love and Light,

##There is also an attribute that depends on the bhava arrangement

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