Astrology of Down Syndrome

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Astrology of Down Syndrome

Post by » Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:01 am

Astrology of Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome
Also called: Trisomy 21 ---
Down syndrome astrology.

Down syndrome is a condition in which a person is born with an extra copy of chromosome 21. People with Down syndrome can have physical problems, as well as intellectual disabilities. Every person born with Down syndrome is different.
People with the syndrome may also have other health problems. They may be born with heart disease. They may have dementia. They may have hearing problems and problems with the intestines, eyes, thyroid, and skeleton.
The chance of having a baby with Down syndrome increases as a woman gets older. Down syndrome cannot be cured. Early treatment programs can help improve skills. They may include speech, physical, occupational, and/or educational therapy. With support and treatment, many people with Down syndrome live happy, productive lives

What are the chromosome basics of Down syndrome?

Genes on an extra copy of chromosome 21 are responsible for all characteristics associated with Down syndrome. Normally, each human cell contains 23 pairs of different chromosomes. Each chromosome carries genes, which are needed for proper development and maintenance of our bodies. At conception, an individual inherits 23 chromosomes from the mother (through the egg cell) and 23 chromosomes from the father (through the sperm cell).
However, sometimes a person inherits an extra chromosome from one of the parents. In Down syndrome, an individual most often inherits two copies of chromosome 21 from the mother and one chromosome 21 from the father for a total of three chromosomes 21. Because Down syndrome is caused by the inheritance of three chromosomes 21, the disorder is also called trisomy 21. About 95% of individuals with Down syndrome inherit an entire extra chromosome 21.
Astrological factors of Down syndrome

Mars- Muscle control  and chromosome factor .
Mercury – nervous system and intelligence.
Moon- Mind
Ketu – Cognitive ability
Rahu- confusion
Saturn – For chronic, degenerative diseases.
Venus for sperm and egg  as it contributes 23 chromosomes  each through sperm and egg.
House and lords-5th ,6th ,8th ,1st and 4th .
Sign Aries,Gemini
*Three seats of disease are recognised, viz., if the Lagna is movable and in Urdhvamukha Rasi (3,6,9,12 from sun), then the disease can be seen
above the neck ; if fixed and Thiryugmukha (2,5,8,11 from sun), the disease is below the neck and above the waist, and if it is common and
Adhomukha (1,4,7,10, from sun) the disease will be below the waist.

Mercury:  Cold, Dry and Melancholic.  Light, subtle, mobile; the Nervous temperament.  Mutable modality - flexible, adaptable, ambiguous, restless, changeable.  The brain, mind, nervous system and Psychic Faculty.  The faculty of Common Sense.  The Mundane Mind - agility, dexterity, cleverness; basic skills and competencies.  Communication and the Throat Center - hearing and speech.  Pneuma and the respiratory function - Air.  Arms and hands, digital dexterity.  The throat and thyroid gland.  Mental nature and temperament, according to sign, house, aspects.  The intellect and intellective faculties in general.  The Ideation faculty.  Transportation and commerce.  The clever con man or trickster.  Balance and homeostasis.  

Diseases due to afflictions of the Karakas of houses

If the Karaka of a house is in the 6th house Associated with Saturn and Rahu, the native suffers From a chronic disease indicated by the house in Question.

*Three seats of disease are recognised, viz., if the Lagna is movable and in Urdhvamukha Rasi (3,6,9,12 from sun), then the disease can be seen
above the neck ; if fixed and Thiryugmukha (2,5,8,11 from sun), the disease is below the neck and above the waist, and if it is common and Adhomukha (1,4,7,10, from sun) the disease will be below the waist.

Adhomukha Rasi - is the Sign that Sun currently in.
Urdhwamukha Rasi - is the Sign that Sun was last in.
ThiryugMukah Rasi - is the sign that Sun will next move to.
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