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Re: What is mine...

Post by vivekvshetty » Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:41 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote: Astrologically, Vivek ji, I have always believed and observed that Heart is where Venus is and Venus is where heart chakra is!

Other qualifiers and conditions if met, the general caveat that prudent jyotishis issue! :-)

I do love cats and they know! ;-)

Love and light!

Your observation may be valid especially in todays world as they say in 'matters of the heart' Shukra does show up. The Heart chakra is more Shani if Tatva is considered. But then the Heart is special and has many connotations and different levels too. But Bhaava wise is it the 4th or the 5th?
Shukra they say represents the very deep selfish nature of ours. Selfish here means the nature of people to protect themselves (self protection) even at the cost of others. A deeply ingrained thing.

My two cents (what with the rupee sliding).

Now about the heart (Part II):

Vivek ji,

First a caveat! My conceptualization and learning of jyotish has never strayed away from core jyotish (Parashar and Jaimini and their followers. I have even kept away (actually never felt like approaching) from Tajik, Lal Kitab etc., not because they do not work or I disbelieve if someone claims they do, but something just never clicked in me about those, hence my education is limited. My approach had been of a self-guided learner. It has worked in my favour because I have great difficulty is learning if someone tells me to walk in the groove. Having a guru places certain impositions some of which are moral, sentimental and other lunar-dependent considerations. This must not be taken to mean that I do not respect those gurus or their chelas and chelis or schools, lest someone misunderstand. Being self-guided in that sense (at least in choosing my personal curriculum), I do not impose my views on others but just humbly add my perspectives to what others shares, but perhaps due to my limitations in communication or something, some folks have misinterpreted my statements and from time tried to *discipline* me or worse! I use a different ayanamsha, my interpretations at times veer off and away from the mainstream and therefore I have always avoided accepting the crown of thorns of GURUdom. How can one who never had a guru become a guru of another?

In my observations, I have noticed that astrology (Jyotish essentially but western schools too) is about duality. Nearly everything in it is a dance of a pair. Some exceptions, one particularly, do not break that rule! I do not intend to talk about that. I get the feeling you do not like long posts, and I tend to be a wordy fellow (old people love to talk!) -- ;-)

One of these dualities is seen in bhava assignments (in addition to the bhavat-bhavam and bhava-pada perspectives). The heart and the father. This has caused much anguish and even confusion and heated discussions that went on a dual track as well! The calmer and wiser discussants ended up respectfully with: "I respect you but we would have to agree to disagree!". Unfortunately there was a heena path too that ended up with vile language, much vitriol and even name-calling that made moderators and discussants and members, normally non-confronational and good folks stopping by for some civillized discussion and occasional harmless banter, when like-minded folks meet by synchronicity and a pleasant, soul-nourishing conversation and even friendship begins.

Heart has two connotations in our minds! One is the organic heart which is but a pump placed securely between the lungs and protected by the rib cage and the muscles around. Heart itself is a muscle with very special properties and an intricate electrical (nerves) network which have been extensively and intensively been explored by medical researchers. It is associated with the fifth house, in my humble perception.

The other heart which is more the object of scrutiny and adoration of metaphorists and philosophers and lovers (!) is associated with the fourth where our emotions, sentiments lie. But really speaking, those are in the domain of mind where our affect (as Raman pointed out) rest and arise and also there, the Rishis hinted the mother should be studied from in our astrology. We all know that the fourth house of Kal-Purush, the Time Incarnate, is cancer and is ruled by mother(moon; mind; matrikaraka etc) and there seems to be a direct connection between the fourth and fifth (just from heart-related considerations and not other attribute which would still make sense but complicate this thought sharing!): When we are agitated, our heart races, when fear strikes and overwhelms our mind, our heart sinks!

I hope my nickel was worth your attention, and worth at least the penny/cent/naya paisaa of old days! ;-)

Love and Light,

I think this post should be split to form a new thread as it would be easier to participate and understand too. If you agree, Rohiniranjan ji.

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Re: What is mine...

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:56 am

vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote: Astrologically, Vivek ji, I have always believed and observed that Heart is where Venus is and Venus is where heart chakra is!

Other qualifiers and conditions if met, the general caveat that prudent jyotishis issue! :-)

I do love cats and they know! ;-)

Love and light!

Your observation may be valid especially in todays world as they say in 'matters of the heart' Shukra does show up. The Heart chakra is more Shani if Tatva is considered. But then the Heart is special and has many connotations and different levels too. But Bhaava wise is it the 4th or the 5th?
Shukra they say represents the very deep selfish nature of ours. Selfish here means the nature of people to protect themselves (self protection) even at the cost of others. A deeply ingrained thing.

My two cents (what with the rupee sliding).

Sadly, from this year, the cent (canadian naya paisaa) has been abolished and so the minimum currency-coin is the nickel or five cents. Any collected cents are only worth the copper they contain, so I will not add two cents but the lowest coin in currency, the nickel or five cents!

I have an astrology based classification of chakra rulerships which I believe I have shared earlier. It simply is based on rashis and planetary orbitals. The eyes are the portals of light and hence represented by sun and moon (leo and cancer) which is associated with agya chakra, then comes the planet mercury so virgo and gemini rules the next chakra which represents kantha, thyroid region, voice (mercury), next down are the rashis of venus associated with spiritual heart and compassion, next down is mars (scorpio and aries) and is associated with two major organs of metabolism and fiery activity: liver and upper gastrointestinal system. Next down is Jupiter (sag and pisces) where absorption of nutrients etc occurs and Jupiter is about absorption and incorporation of wisdom and spiritual nutrients. Finally at the root is saturn (aquarius and capricorn) where our hidden strengths lie dormant as well as all elimination of that which is non-essential occurs.

The two rashis form a spiral (like DNA) around sushumna and the odd signs represent the soorya nadi and even signs the chandra nadi. Interestingly, major nerve plexii (like one of the major railway junctions with all the rail-tracks running and criss-crossing.

Yes venus is taken as selfishness and covetitiousness and to some extent greed and possession, but those are negative manifestations of venus which in its higher form represents compassion and sharing. I relate that to the mythological allegory of Shukracharya who was willing to die for his lovely and beloved daugter and taught essentially his competitor counterpart Brihaspati's sone who was there pretending to become Shukracharya's disciple and learn the principles of sanjivani tantra, but fell in love with the daughter and the rest of the nine yards! That is the higher form of Venus, in my books. :-)

(I will respond separately to the bhava question)

Love and Light,

Namaskaar Rohiniranjan ji,
I have another listing. This is tatva based.
Prithvi= malaa (i wont translate the word for sensitivity sake)= Budha.
Jala= Sukraanu or its counterpart in females = Shukra.
Agni=Jataraagni= Mangal,
Vaayu = breath = Shani
Aakaasha = sabda = Guru
Manas = comparision = duality = Chandra
overself = world mind = Surya.

The Raashi model you gave is beautiful and reminds me of Paramahamsha Yogananda ji's explanation of how Kriya Yoga accelerates the evolutionary process in a human.

Nakshatra wise i feel Moola Nakshatra has a great deal with the Moolaadhaara.
And if i see mythology then Gajendra Moksha is a beautiful allegory on a person getting stuck between Moolaadhaara and Saadhisthaana. The Raashi involved is Makara and the debilitation of Jeeva. Just thinking aloud.
See the deities involved and the Gajaendra. Indra, Ganesh (or you may say Indra's Vaahana) and Vishnu the deity of Swaadhisthaana.

By selfishness i meant the selfishness of the sperm to fertilise the ova and the race against millions of its kind. This is later visible (in some cases to the extreme) as sibling rivalry.  This is not bad and ofcourse the exaltation shows how selfishness taken to the extreme is moksha (seeing everything as self).
On the topic of Kundalini, chakras and naadis there is a viewpoint that i hold (one of the two that i hold). Kundalini is nothing but the natural intelligence innate in the body and this intelligence is called prakriti. The body is an alchemical apparatus in which one form of matter is converted into another without any intervention from our personal intelligence. In fact our personal intelligence would be an hindrance to the process.
Just thought of sharing with you.
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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:11 pm

Vivek ji,

Rishis gifted us (humanity) with hints but stopped short of joining the dots! Even the shapes of the rashis as we look up are really dots which we mentally join and see the shapes. Life forms watching the same skies from another solar-mandal in our milky way might be seeing the same skies but from a different vantage point and therefore having a different *view* and naturally a different ecliptic or zodiac!

We have inherited in a sense many lists, many perspectives for the same limited fundamental factors: Planets, rashis, bhavas. nakshatras and secondary derivatives of those, most of which are very easy to conceptualize but a few not so easily. I think the point behind these discussions (conversations really!) is important. We jyotishis because of the nature of our daily dealings with nativities sometimes fall prey to becoming too bookish, too technical, too mechanical. It is fine and works great but there is so much more in this wonderful way of thinking that we have been granted: jyotish/divination. Perhaps all these different way of classifying might also be pointing towards the fact that as we develop and grow (closer to spirit-spiritual awareness) the factors remain the same but unfold or express or indicate different level of the same label. Perhaps exaltation-debiliation is one indicator, perhaps yogas in a nativity's chart indicate the same too, also dasas which create the ideal circumstances (forum?) in which the spiritual awareness accelerates and also decelerates at times. There are many more modifiers and modulators and moderators that play a part. Astrology helps identify these and when we understand the flow of time and progress of self, it can help our motivation to exercise extra effort, extra attention, or at times save us headaches by not hitting our heads against walls and courting frustration!

As we chase the obvious and begin to fall in love with it, a glance up at the skies above in a sense reboots us to the reality that there are trillions and gazellions of bright dots above us and it is our task to connect those and identify patterns in this ocean of apparent randomness! It ceases to remain random when we begin seeing patterns there and simply grow! Hopefully, wiser...! :-)

Have a wonderful Friday!


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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:14 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:Rishi,

The actualized 'I' falls within the domain of astrology, while Beingness-Consciousness is beyond astrology...
Reminds me 'also' of Ramana Maharshi.
Yes. But isnt it within Jyotish?
You will have to less miserly with words, Rishi or we all will get confused due to semantics :-)

Why is it (what?) within Jyotish? And you will have to write a longer posting to explain, how!

Love and Light!

The beingness- Consciousness reminded me of a utube video of Ramana Maharshi, my son Ritam introduced me to.
He is passionately interested in the works of a 'David R. Hawkins' which is not the same but related.

Ramana Maharshi had atmakarak moon with ketu in the 6th. from Al; & Shani in 3rd. from Al. This shani was opposed moon in D9.
Ramana, I believe, experienced, beingness- Consciousness.

I was only wondering if this Beingness- consciousness could be explained by Jyotish (not astrology).
Or and, if Beingness- Conscuiosness is beyond astrology.

Like my present memory has not experienced/does not remember any/my 'past life'...........similarly my present memory has probably not experienced 'Beingness -Consciousness".

Thus not sure......



Please give dear Ritam our collective love and blessings!

Everything can get explained by Jyotish, but does that necessarily mean that we understood REALITY?

That *uncertainty* always remaining is what gives the seepie (pearl-Oyster?) so much inner pain, while the PEARL within grows?

Our dear friend Votive shared a very beautiful post today, but only managed to cover the trident! The 'left-out' quadrant is where many of the problems lie!

Even the SCYTHE so promising failed, for it was not divine but simply human! Watch Dr. Zhivago! Loved the music but not necessarily the THEME!

Love, Light, To each his own...!

Vivek ji & Dada,

Sorry for the delay in replying dada; Also thank you for the blessings for Ritam!
He read this thread with much concentration & Joy! Of course, he doesnt understand Jyotish.

As said about Ramana Maharshi ji's chart, as he experienced the beingness- Consciousness... the 6th. from the Arudha Lagna having Ketu + chandra gave attracted the Beingness- Consciousness' belief as I have observed in many cases.

The combination in the 6th. from Al attracted such spirituality (difficult in terms of personal experience; probably adverse health attracted this too.)....moon for mother as atmakarak could have been a factor in attracting spirituality along with spiritual leaning [ketu], moon [softness/mother]; also sani as charamatrikarak in the 3rd. from Al opposing moon in D9.

Dont these get heightened in 3/6 from Al?!

The joy from within could be experienced, & he enjoyed the spiritual experienced+gave it to the world in a positive way in Venus dasa.
Note:= venus with mercury in the 3rd. from lagna unafflicted/well posited;
having the fair strength of Mars/mental strength here (rasi dristi).

Now 3 from Lagna (more personal experience)

I have noted this fact in charts of the emancipated spiritualists, & would love to see a different example if possible.

If my reasoning is correct, then can we not explain this phenomena with Jyotish?


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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:17 pm

Namaskaar Rohiniranjan ji and Rishi ji,
I will respond to both Rohini ji and Rishi ji's last post.

THe Rishi's i believe were never interested in written format as this kind of written knowledge transmission has its pitfalls and dangers. The texts were written merely as a guide - a skeleton and consists of hints and aphorisms for easier memorisation.  The Teacher was expected to fill in the gaps for the sincere student and make him understand the basic concept behind the Sutras or slokas. This in time gave rise to lineages and what is called parampara. Some people believe that there is no parampara Jyotish but i feel without lineages how could Jyotish survive for so long and inspite of many onslaughts on it in the medieval ages. There are paramparas in Kerala, upper parts of gadhwal, many Raaj Jyotishshis passed on knowledge within the family and this is a parampara although a guarded one. Many Sanyasis frown on the way Jyotish is used just to predict materialistic events but are very knowledgeable in secrets of Jyotish.
Rohini ji you took a very difficult route and a very lonely one, trying to connect the dots and my admiration and respect for you is just because of this courage of yours. I also come from a zero background as far as Jyotish  is concerned and my initial struggle just to understand the basic alphabets of Jyotish was frustrating to say the least. Somehow Jyotish had already cast its spell on me  and so i kept at it. I was totally put off by the Classical texts of Jyotish and the translation of the same but still slowly started picking up a few things. Initially Bhasin ji's books were God send for me and i had some success amongst friends and relatives. Still the depth and breadth of Jyotish eluded me. I am a Lazy fellow and like you i did not burn midnight oil nor used good amount of elbow grease, there was no niyama in my study. When i see the body of work you have done on Jyotish i really feel that this is what great effort produces - a work totally devoid of presumptions and hence very fresh and to that extent original.
You may not find yourself to fit the chela mould but i wonder what it would have been if you had a real Jyotish teacher added to your very natural 'flair' for hard work.

I give an example of a teacher (Pundit Sanjay Rath ji). In texts we all read about 'Trika' Bhaavas these are the 3rd, 6th and the 11th. Now someone like me would read it and memorise it without understand what was meant by the Rishis. Pundit ji explains that it is called so because these three bhaavas are the Exaltation, moolatrikona and swakshtra of Raahu in the natural zodiac and goes on to reveal much more on them. Someone like me would have taken a lifetime to guess this. Even you would have taken some time to connect the dots. Here i am not speaking about techniques for predictions (actually different approaches) but the understanding of the very basics of Jyotish.

And you thought i disliked long posts!

On Rishi ji's observation i marvel. He stumbled on Praavraajya yoga combination just by observation.  Rohini ji you have serious competition. Rishi ji's method of working is so much like yours but the route is different (he hints at a very mathematical approach), but the hard work and elbow grease shows.

Thank you for the wonderful friday and saturday as well.
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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jun 16, 2013 2:38 am

Dear Vivek_ji,

When my path has been on a journey alone (never lonely ;-), and that is true, how can I have or feel any competitiveness? :-) That would be paradoxical, would it not?

With due respects to all teachers, ancient and contemporary, perhaps this is a good illustration of why I was thankfully spared by MA (destiny?) from having 'a real Jyotish teacher!'.

So when people upon reading in a book or hearing from some say a planet is combust and spoiled by sun, I think, hmm... would sun destroy its natural friends, and its 'orbital' neighbours mercury and venus? Would sun that is a functional benefic too would indiscriminately burn any and all by its mere presence? Then how come some say that when sun is in caizimi (sp.) it super-energized the planet it is with. Real teachers do not like questions like that!

Jyotish is full of knowledgeable people from all walks of life and each more intelligent than the other, but then why is there so much munde munde mati bhinna? Even in something so mathematical like ashtakavarga, why were Parashara and Varahamihira's recommendations not IDENTICAL?

Why aspects are called drishtis in Jyotish? How can mathematical points, though distinctly felt as astrologically important entities cast glances, similar to planets with pindas (bodies).

Why Great ancients spoke instead of writing and when spoken instructions were so powerful and memories were strong (some of the priests still display that through their clear recall of passages after passages thanks to lifelong repetitions and rote), why did they feel the need to leave 'notes and hints'? These are all fodder for speculation and second guessing of what they thought or pondered and could be a pursuit somewhat fraught with biases, risks, preconceptions, conditioning etc. It is like walking on the razor's edge and at best a slippery slope!

Lest you misunderstand, I am not saying that these are wasteful exercises but since none of us (including you and I) are really fully self-realized nor attained spiritual salvation, it is healthy to keep asking questions, and particularly to ourselves. Personal biases are surreptious and subtle enemies of truth and will creep up on any of us, unless we keep asking quesions and never take things or words for granted.

I realize that some may not feel the need of that and may be happy where they are and what they have, but then growth and personal growth stops and then the question arises, "Why are we still here when salvation has already been attained?"

Growth only stops when true salvation has been attained and that point onwards, life ends its very purpose: Growth and further learning!

And as everyone knows, learning involves asking questions! From others and most importantly from ourselves!

Love and Light and Growth!


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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:38 am

vivekvshetty wrote:Namaskaar Rohiniranjan ji and Rishi ji,
I will respond to both Rohini ji and Rishi ji's last post.

THe Rishi's i believe were never interested in written format as this kind of written knowledge transmission has its pitfalls and dangers. The texts were written merely as a guide - a skeleton and consists of hints and aphorisms for easier memorisation.  The Teacher was expected to fill in the gaps for the sincere student and make him understand the basic concept behind the Sutras or slokas. This in time gave rise to lineages and what is called parampara. Some people believe that there is no parampara Jyotish but i feel without lineages how could Jyotish survive for so long and inspite of many onslaughts on it in the medieval ages. There are paramparas in Kerala, upper parts of gadhwal, many Raaj Jyotishshis passed on knowledge within the family and this is a parampara although a guarded one. Many Sanyasis frown on the way Jyotish is used just to predict materialistic events but are very knowledgeable in secrets of Jyotish.
Rohini ji you took a very difficult route and a very lonely one, trying to connect the dots and my admiration and respect for you is just because of this courage of yours. I also come from a zero background as far as Jyotish  is concerned and my initial struggle just to understand the basic alphabets of Jyotish was frustrating to say the least. Somehow Jyotish had already cast its spell on me  and so i kept at it. I was totally put off by the Classical texts of Jyotish and the translation of the same but still slowly started picking up a few things. Initially Bhasin ji's books were God send for me and i had some success amongst friends and relatives. Still the depth and breadth of Jyotish eluded me. I am a Lazy fellow and like you i did not burn midnight oil nor used good amount of elbow grease, there was no niyama in my study. When i see the body of work you have done on Jyotish i really feel that this is what great effort produces - a work totally devoid of presumptions and hence very fresh and to that extent original.
You may not find yourself to fit the chela mould but i wonder what it would have been if you had a real Jyotish teacher added to your very natural 'flair' for hard work.

I give an example of a teacher (Pundit Sanjay Rath ji). In texts we all read about 'Trika' Bhaavas these are the 3rd, 6th and the 11th. Now someone like me would read it and memorise it without understand what was meant by the Rishis. Pundit ji explains that it is called so because these three bhaavas are the Exaltation, moolatrikona and swakshtra of Raahu in the natural zodiac and goes on to reveal much more on them. Someone like me would have taken a lifetime to guess this. Even you would have taken some time to connect the dots. Here i am not speaking about techniques for predictions (actually different approaches) but the understanding of the very basics of Jyotish.

And you thought i disliked long posts!

On Rishi ji's observation i marvel. He stumbled on Praavraajya yoga combination just by observation.  Rohini ji you have serious competition. Rishi ji's method of working is so much like yours but the route is different (he hints at a very mathematical approach), but the hard work and elbow grease shows.

Thank you for the wonderful friday and saturday as well.
Dear Vivek ji,

Thanks for the wonderful praise from your side.

Pravrajya yoga is reasonably easy to identify; but I was talking about the 'quality' of the yoga typical to the native.

If there was competition between Rohiniranjan ji & myself, our Learning (singular & collective) would have got stunted, just as blindly following a Guru stumps (the downside) Learning.
My Learning has been to follow with Respect whatever we can from a/the Guru (rather Guide), & let our personal experiences (keeping in touch with our basic nature) follow.

Of course, for some the experience is different.
RR ji, Yourself, biltu & myself do not fall in this category.

Thanks again!


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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:54 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:Dear Vivek_ji,

When my path has been on a journey alone (never lonely ;-), and that is true, how can I have or feel any competitiveness? :-) That would be paradoxical, would it not?

With due respects to all teachers, ancient and contemporary, perhaps this is a good illustration of why I was thankfully spared by MA (destiny?) from having 'a real Jyotish teacher!'.

So when people upon reading in a book or hearing from some say a planet is combust and spoiled by sun, I think, hmm... would sun destroy its natural friends, and its 'orbital' neighbours mercury and venus? Would sun that is a functional benefic too would indiscriminately burn any and all by its mere presence? Then how come some say that when sun is in caizimi (sp.) it super-energized the planet it is with. Real teachers do not like questions like that!

Jyotish is full of knowledgeable people from all walks of life and each more intelligent than the other, but then why is there so much munde munde mati bhinna? Even in something so mathematical like ashtakavarga, why were Parashara and Varahamihira's recommendations not IDENTICAL?

Why aspects are called drishtis in Jyotish? How can mathematical points, though distinctly felt as astrologically important entities cast glances, similar to planets with pindas (bodies).

Why Great ancients spoke instead of writing and when spoken instructions were so powerful and memories were strong (some of the priests still display that through their clear recall of passages after passages thanks to lifelong repetitions and rote), why did they feel the need to leave 'notes and hints'? These are all fodder for speculation and second guessing of what they thought or pondered and could be a pursuit somewhat fraught with biases, risks, preconceptions, conditioning etc. It is like walking on the razor's edge and at best a slippery slope!

Lest you misunderstand, I am not saying that these are wasteful exercises but since none of us (including you and I) are really fully self-realized nor attained spiritual salvation, it is healthy to keep asking questions, and particularly to ourselves. Personal biases are surreptious and subtle enemies of truth and will creep up on any of us, unless we keep asking quesions and never take things or words for granted.

I realize that some may not feel the need of that and may be happy where they are and what they have, but then growth and personal growth stops and then the question arises, "Why are we still here when salvation has already been attained?"

Growth only stops when true salvation has been attained and that point onwards, life ends its very purpose: Growth and further learning!

And as everyone knows, learning involves asking questions! From others and most importantly from ourselves!

Love and Light and Growth!


@ the first part in bold= I learnt certain concepts from Vivek ji  & You, but I did not follow it blindly & grew on them.

@the second part in bold= So well expressed! so my Learning continues...>>>>>

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:59 pm

RishiRahul wrote:

@ the first part in bold= I learnt certain concepts from Vivek ji  & You, but I did not follow it blindly & grew on them.

Thanks Rishi, but I was talking about "a real jyotish teacher". I speak only for and about myself, but if something I wrote, clicked with you and you benefited from that - that does not put me in that hallowed category :-), unless you were trying to tell me something which went over my head <LOL>

@the second part in bold= So well expressed! so my Learning continues...>>>>>

That applies to pretty much anyone who is alive, walks on earth, does not have his head in the clouds, and not attained eternal salvation


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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:11 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:

@ the first part in bold= I learnt certain concepts from Vivek ji  & You, but I did not follow it blindly & grew on them.

Thanks Rishi, but I was talking about "a real jyotish teacher". I speak only for and about myself, but if something I wrote, clicked with you and you benefited from that - that does not put me in that hallowed category :-), unless you were trying to tell me something which went over my head <LOL>
Rishi=What I meant was that I have got some great guides like vivek ji & RR, but I did not follow them blindly, which they did not expect me to do also.
This is what 'a real Jyotish teacher' is; rather any teacher of any discipline.
Means a teacher should not fall in a 'hallowed' category, but should be given due respect if whatever taught was gainful.
I just agreed with you, but in a different way.

@the second part in bold= So well expressed! so my Learning continues...>>>>>

That applies to pretty much anyone who is alive, walks on earth, does not have his head in the clouds, and not attained eternal salvation

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:06 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:Dear Vivek_ji,

When my path has been on a journey alone (never lonely ;-), and that is true, how can I have or feel any competitiveness? :-) That would be paradoxical, would it not?

With due respects to all teachers, ancient and contemporary, perhaps this is a good illustration of why I was thankfully spared by MA (destiny?) from having 'a real Jyotish teacher!'.

So when people upon reading in a book or hearing from some say a planet is combust and spoiled by sun, I think, hmm... would sun destroy its natural friends, and its 'orbital' neighbours mercury and venus? Would sun that is a functional benefic too would indiscriminately burn any and all by its mere presence? Then how come some say that when sun is in caizimi (sp.) it super-energized the planet it is with. Real teachers do not like questions like that!

Jyotish is full of knowledgeable people from all walks of life and each more intelligent than the other, but then why is there so much munde munde mati bhinna? Even in something so mathematical like ashtakavarga, why were Parashara and Varahamihira's recommendations not IDENTICAL?

Why aspects are called drishtis in Jyotish? How can mathematical points, though distinctly felt as astrologically important entities cast glances, similar to planets with pindas (bodies).

Why Great ancients spoke instead of writing and when spoken instructions were so powerful and memories were strong (some of the priests still display that through their clear recall of passages after passages thanks to lifelong repetitions and rote), why did they feel the need to leave 'notes and hints'? These are all fodder for speculation and second guessing of what they thought or pondered and could be a pursuit somewhat fraught with biases, risks, preconceptions, conditioning etc. It is like walking on the razor's edge and at best a slippery slope!

Lest you misunderstand, I am not saying that these are wasteful exercises but since none of us (including you and I) are really fully self-realized nor attained spiritual salvation, it is healthy to keep asking questions, and particularly to ourselves. Personal biases are surreptious and subtle enemies of truth and will creep up on any of us, unless we keep asking quesions and never take things or words for granted.

I realize that some may not feel the need of that and may be happy where they are and what they have, but then growth and personal growth stops and then the question arises, "Why are we still here when salvation has already been attained?"

Growth only stops when true salvation has been attained and that point onwards, life ends its very purpose: Growth and further learning!

And as everyone knows, learning involves asking questions! From others and most importantly from ourselves!

Love and Light and Growth!


@ the first part in bold= I learnt certain concepts from Vivek ji  & You, but I did not follow it blindly & grew on them.
RR: In that case I too have learned bits and pieces from so many authors (ancient many and contemporary few) in Jyotish and other disciplines that are corroboratively coordinated with jyotish. And I am not trying to be funny but a lot I have learned by observing two cats! ;-)

@the second part in bold= So well expressed! so my Learning continues...>>>>>


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A pause

Post by vivekvshetty » Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:33 am

Namaskaar Rohini ji and Rishi ji,
i am guilty of this and hence i will reread all the posts in this thread afresh.

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Re: A pause

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:11 pm

vivekvshetty wrote:Namaskaar Rohini ji and Rishi ji,
i am guilty of this and hence i will reread all the posts in this thread afresh.

I do that routinely and it is actually quite refreshing to do so! We all for the most part respond to the most recent message due to occupations and preoccupations etc, but when we revisit a thread from time time even while the thread is warm (active) it is beautiful to see how when several people collaborate and add their thoughts to a thread it is interesting to see how much more interesting and rich it becomes through the contributions of several as opposed to one or two. Such as the thread about LIFE!

This has been my greatest cause of disappointment. Usually only one or two or three are responding and then what can be an additive discussion and pooling of mental resources turns into a ping-pong match or at the most a mixed-doubles tennis tournament &nbsp;:smt015

Love and Light :smt004


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Post by Votive » Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:14 am

Makes one ponder, why isnt Jyotish more like a larger football typr team game, nor even a basketball sized team!
Is it only with Jyotish or also other subjects where the answers are plural and the approaches maze like, where either the followers are like ants walking in a row or scattered away chaotically.
Amazingly, in such places, where one is probing and connecting grey areas, people say, either you are with me or you are not. They want answers in black and white, in true and false fields.
And why do some find Gurus and the others struggle with the mysterious case of the willing yet reluctant Guru.....

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:29 am

Votive wrote:Makes one ponder, why isnt Jyotish more like a larger football typr team game, nor even a basketball sized team!
Is it only with Jyotish or also other subjects where the answers are plural and the approaches maze like, where either the followers are like ants walking in a row or scattered away chaotically.
Amazingly, in such places, where one is probing and connecting grey areas, people say, either you are with me or you are not. They want answers in black and white, in true and false fields.
And why do some find Gurus and the others struggle with the mysterious case of the willing yet reluctant Guru.....
HAHA! The answer had always been so simple, my friend!

Perception is Reality!

Have you perceived it? Then you must have seen it!

Love and Light!


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