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To all

Post by prasanna » Tue May 24, 2011 10:24 am

I dont want to waste  your precious time reading my posts in this , If it gives U all ,  the feeling  or thinking ,   these are only News messages. Why do I update  them all , is to let U all know these  ,   Natural disasters are the real  outcome of  cluster of all Grahas in Aries till  this month end ,  (27-05-2011) especially  in the western parts of the Globe.  Kindly bare with me please. Thanks for  reading .

June 3 rd  I could  see  some thing worst than these all too . Kethu in Taurus can be more dangerous  too after 6th June. . According to this year Ugadhi  day planetary  positions  and the planetary lordship of Grahas for this year,  I see  more floods and dangers to lives of people . There could be  exceptional high rain fall . . Many parts of  the world can come under  more water and so  Floods will  be the  cause of  major destruction   and famine  should be felt less than previous years  in   this year .  .



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Volcanic ash to cancel hundreds of flights 37 minutes ago - AP 1:42 |

Post by prasanna » Tue May 24, 2011 2:44 pm

Bigger Icelandic eruption, but less airline angst

Picture shows the road near the village of Kirkjubaejarklaustur Reuters – Picture shows the road near the village of Kirkjubaejarklaustur May 24, 2011. People living next to the …

   Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano erupts Slideshow:Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano erupts
   Airlines Video:Volcano causes travel delays Australia 7 News
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By JILL LAWLESS and GUDJON HELGASON, Associated Press – Sun May 22, 6:53 pm ET

REYKJAVIK, Iceland – An Icelandic volcano was flinging ash, smoke and steam miles (kilometers) into the air Sunday, dropping a thick layer of gray soot in an eruption far more forceful — but likely far less impactful — than the one that grounded planes across Europe last year.

The country's main airport was closed and pilots were warned to steer clear of Iceland as areas close to the Grimsvotn (GREEMSH-votn) volcano were plunged into darkness. But scientists said another widespread aviation shutdown is unlikely, in part because the ash from this eruption is coarser and falling to Earth more quickly.

The volcano, which lies beneath the ice of the uninhabited Vatnajokull glacier in southeast Iceland, began erupting Saturday for the first time since 2004. It was the volcano's largest eruption in 100 years.

The ash from Grimsvotn — about 120 miles (200 kilometers) east of the capital, Reykjavik — turned the sky black Sunday and rained down on nearby buildings, cars and fields. Civil protection workers helped farmers get their animals into shelter and urged residents to wear masks and stay indoors. No ash fell on the capital.

Scientists said the eruption was unlikely to have the same global impact as last year's eruption 80 miles (130 kilometers) away at the Eyjafjallajokull (pronounced ay-yah-FYAH-lah-yer-kuhl) volcano, which left 10 million travelers stranded around the world.

"It is not likely to be anything on the scale that was produced last year when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted," University of Iceland geophysicist Pall Einarsson told The Associated Press. "That was an unusual volcano, an unusual ash size distribution and unusual weather pattern, which all conspired together to make life difficult in Europe."

Still, Icelandic air traffic control operator ISAVIA established a 120 nautical mile (220 kilometer) no-fly zone around the volcano, closed Keflavik airport, the country's main hub, and canceled all domestic flights. It said Keflavik would stay shut until at least noon Monday, canceling about 40 international flights.

Trans-Atlantic planes — including Air Force One, due to carry President Barack Obama to Ireland later Sunday — were told to stay away from Iceland.

The European air traffic control agency in Brussels, Eurocontrol, however, said there was no impact on European or trans-Atlantic flights further south and said it did not anticipate any impact through Monday.

Britain's Meteorological Office, which runs Europe's Volcanic Ash Advisory Center, said the plume from the volcano would spread largely northeast until Monday, but some ash would creep south and east, toward the crowded skies over northern Europe.

Where it goes after that depends on the intensity of the eruption and weather patterns.

A Met Office spokeswoman said if the eruption continues at its current rate, "the U.K. could be at risk of seeing some volcanic ash later this week." She spoke on condition of anonymity because she wasn't authorized to be quoted by name.

University of Iceland geophysicist Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson said the Grimsvotn eruption was "much bigger and more intensive" than last year's eruption and 10 times as powerful as Grimsvotn's last explosion in 2004.

"There is a very large area in southeast Iceland where there is almost total darkness and heavy fall of ash," he said. "But it is not spreading nearly as much. The winds are not as strong as they were (last year)."

He said the ash now is coarser than in last year's eruption, falling to the ground more quickly.

Grimsvotn's eruption in 2004 lasted for several days and briefly disrupted international flights. The volcano also erupted in 1998, 1996 and 1993.

Sparsely populated Iceland is one of the world's most geologically unstable countries, sitting astride the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the Eurasian and North American continental plates rub up against one another. Frequent earthquakes push magma from deep underground toward the surface, and volcanic eruptions are common. The ground is covered by hardened black lava from past eruptions and steam belches from the earth — harnessed by Icelanders for geothermal power.

Volcanic eruptions in Iceland often spark flash flooding from melting glacier ice but rarely cause deaths. Usually they only have a local impact, but when they do draw the world's attention, it's in a spectacular way.

The 1783 eruption of the Laki volcano spewed a toxic cloud over Europe, killing tens of thousands of people. Crops failed and famine spread.

In April 2010, the Eyjafjallajokull eruption prompted aviation officials to close Europe's air space for five days out of fear that the ash could harm jet engines. Thousands of flights were grounded, airlines lost millions of dollars and weary travelers slept on airport floors across northern Europe.

Some airline chiefs complained that regulators had overreacted. But a study last month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concluded the shutdown had been justified. It said the hard, sharp particles of volcanic ash blasted high into the air could have caused jet engines to fail and sandblasted airplane windows.

Scientists said there were already signs that the latest eruption was tapering off.

"The intensity of the eruption has decreased markedly overnight," Matthew Roberts of the Icelandic Meteorological Office told the BBC, saying the ash plume had fallen to about 6 miles (10 kilometers) high.

Gudmundsson said the duration of the latest eruption would probably be short.

"In two or three days, the worst should be over," he said.


Jill Lawless reported from London.

Dear readers,

Kindly read the above  bolder words  of the reporter . I pray his wish should  come true. . At he same  time .......... There are  no possibilities of this assumptions coming true because I see  this cluster is getting scattered after 31 st  MAY only and not before , so the effect of this eruption has some possibility of coming under control too only after that . . But this cluster  gets  clouded  more in Aries   on 29th May when Moon too  CO Joins there . So I predict 29t h  May   to be deadliest day too . This  eruption could turn   into vital  force like last years eruption and may cause more danger to  Men and Material . It can become  more serious  and cause a big  Earth  quake too .  Let us  pray  my prediction should   go wrong . . Thanks .


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Post by prasanna » Wed May 25, 2011 3:53 pm

There is a possibility of Meteoroid /Asteroid hitting the earth on June 2 2011 due to presence of Mars Jupiter Venus in Aries.

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Post by prasanna » Wed May 25, 2011 4:03 pm

Wednesday 25th May 2011

Grimsvötn Volcano, Iceland

The eruption at Grímsvötn volcano in Iceland has caused the cancellation of 252 flights in Europe. The flights have mainly been from Scotland and England, with minor disruption in Denmark. There is a possibility that the ash emissions will reach Germany, disrupting flights there. A Ryanair test flight from Scotland reached an altitude of 41,000 feet without noticing any effects of ash on the aircraft. In the areas surrounding the volcano, livestock have been killed. Some animals were blinded by the ash fall and fell into ditches where they drowned. So far the fluorine content of the ash is low, and the effects on livestock has been less than expected. Jökulsárlón, which is a glacial lagoon by the foot of Vatnajökull, has changed with the icebergs being covered in black ash and look like floating rocks. A large amount of lightning was recorded in the eruption plume.


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Really interesting

Post by SeekingHelp » Wed May 25, 2011 4:28 pm

Wow prasannaji, your predictions are working... keep them coming this way. I also heard of Christians telling about judgement day and end of life day. Judgement day was on may 21st 2011 and the end is on 21st oct 2011 as per the bible. may be all these prophesies are going to be true. earth quakes, volcanoes, tsunami's floods and etc... it has been everywhere this year already. You also say there is going to be a meteor strike as well... may be 2012 end of everything may not be  false after all.. we can only wait and watch...
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Post by prasanna » Fri May 27, 2011 4:06 am

Grimsvötn Volcano, Iceland

The eruption at Grímsvötn volcano in Iceland has paused. The ash plume has decreased from 24 km high at the peak of the eruption, to 3-5 km yesterday, and last night only steam was being emitted from the crater. No lava or ash was visible in the crater. The glacier south of the crater is covered with black ash. The glacier north of the crater is white. Keflavík International Airport in Iceland was reopened at 8 am this morning. The ash cloud has reached UK and Europe where more than 500 flights were cancelled.


@ SeekingHelp, Thanks for your feed backs and appreciation as well .


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Post by prasanna » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 am

Eurocontrol: No major ash impact on air traffic

In this image from television, people watch a plume rising from the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland Wednesday May 25 2011. image from television, people watch a plume rising from the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland Wednesday …

   Hundreds of flights hit as ash reaches Britain Play Video Airlines Video:Hundreds of flights hit as ash reaches Britain AFP

By SLOBODAN LEKIC, AP Aviation Writer – Thu May 26, 7:01 am ET

BRUSSELS – No significant disruptions of air traffic are expected in Europe in coming days as a result of volcanic activity, Eurocontrol said Thursday.

But the international airline pilots association warned its members to remain vigilant.

The European air traffic control agency said activity from Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano has declined sharply.

"As a result, there are no areas of high concentrations predicted or observed over Europe today," said Brian Flynn, head of network operations for the Brussels-based agency.

"There are no flight restrictions anywhere," he added.

Earlier in the week ash clouds forced airport closures and hundreds of flight cancellations in Britain, Germany and elsewhere in northwestern Europe.

Some ash was projected to still linger over small parts of northern Scandinavia and northern Russia early on Thursday before dispersing later in the day. Other clouds were drifting between Iceland and Greenland.

But Flynn said these would not disrupt air traffic.

"Any significant ash concentrations are far out over the sea, at very low altitudes and well away from the air routes or airports," he said. "The expectation for the next couple of days is that there will be no disturbances to air traffic whatsoever."

While experts say particles in the ash could stall jet engines and sandblast planes' windows, some airline executives have argued the flight bans were a massive overreaction by badly prepared safety regulators.

Last year, European aviation authorities reacted to the April 14 eruption at Iceland's Eyjafjallajokul volcano by closing vast swaths of the continent's airspace between April 15-20. More than 100,000 flights were grounded, stranding an estimated 10 million travelers worldwide.

The International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations said that despite the all-clear it was still recommending to its members to "to err on the side of safety."

"IFALPA recommends that pilots plan (flights) to avoid areas of contamination at any level," a statement said.


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Holiday-makers spared as eruption eaeases, but ash could still cause disrupti

Post by prasanna » Sat May 28, 2011 4:10 am

Hrafn Gudmundsson, a meteorologist at the Icelandic met office, said: 'There are indications that it’s ceasing really. There’s no plume detected since 0300 GMT and the last plume was around 0210 and since then there seems to be mainly steam coming from the crater.

'It is not officially declared over. We have every indication that it's been ceasing,' he added, saying it was up to geophysists formally to declare it over.

Yesterday, the Met Office had predicted the ash could be at its worst over Britain on Friday. They also said it could disappear entirely from UK skies by Saturday, and clear further away on Sunday.

This morning it said the eruption had ceased but there was a small level of seismic activity inside the volcano which could lead to further eruptions.

BA boss Willie Walsh said the group's test flights over Scotland and the north of England showed no threat.

Forecasters were unclear whether the existing ash would cause problems on Friday - they said it would depend largely on the direction of the wind.

The eruption of Grimsvotn forced the cancellation of 500 European flights on Tuesday, with Scotland especially hard hit.


Iceland volcano update: Holiday-makers spared as eruption eases, but ash could still cause disruption on Friday


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