Ascendant is Via Combusta

Learn about this time related astrology technique for making predictions.

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Ascendant is Via Combusta

Post by AyeCantSeeYou » Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:27 pm

If the ascendant is via combusta in a chart, does this always give a 'no' to a question, regardless of what it is about?

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Post by Airgon » Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:53 pm

From skyscript Deborah Houlding we get

"- The area between 15 Libra and 15 Scorpio is termed the Via Combusta: 'Fiery Road' or 'Combust Way'. It is considered to be a debilitating area, particularly detrimental to the Moon. Al Biruni wrote of it:

"The combust way is the last part of Libra and the first of Scorpio. These two signs are not congenial to the Sun and the Moon on account of the obscurity and ill-luck connected with them and because each of them is the fall of one of the luminaries. They also contain the two malefics, the one by exaltation (Libra, Saturn) the other by house (Scorpio, Mars)."

This may be a very ancient aphorism, originating from the period when 15 Libra corresponded with the autumn equinox."

This is more a description of the state of the querant
and serves as verification of what the question
would be about ( if we are talking about the Ascendant
being in the via combusta ).

Some charts are very difficult and it is conceivable that
some particular chart would have the Ascendant in the via
combusta and absolutely no other indication that resolves
the client question - then possibly this would have some value
but the real deal so to speak in Horary is comparing the
aspects of the rulers and then the moons aspects to the
ruelrs and that takes care of well over 85% for purely
getting a result from a chart.

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Post by Cairene » Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:21 am

Arigon, what if Asc is Via Combusta -but Signifactor Venus is in 5th H Pisces. Would this Signifactor be in a positive position? (For a love horary for example).

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Post by AyeCantSeeYou » Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:35 am

I believe it would depend on other aspects to Venus. From what I've been reading, no one particular aspect can be taken as a definite. All the aspects for that planet must be looked at.

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Post by Airgon » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:31 pm

Ok - if we take an example chart of
Feb 18 2010 at 22:1360 in New York, New York
as shown below...

Ascendant is in via combusta ....

With modern rulers for a house 1 and house 5 question
Querant is ruled by Venus in 5th house as Libra is ruled
by Venus
Quesited is 5th house ruler Neptune in the 4th.

No aspect between querant ruler or Quesited Ruler
so no future for querant with a 5th house result.

Observe Venus has no applying aspects
[ Venus Seperating Conjunction Jupiter
Venus Seperating Sextile Pluto
Venus Seperating Conjunct Sun ]

There are however good aspects with the Moon
to Neptune which alows this chart to grant a positive
result for a first and fifth house query but Cairenes
question was
"Arigon, what if Asc is Via Combusta -but Signifactor Venus is in 5th H Pisces. Would this Signifactor be in a positive position? (For a love horary for example)."

If we use traditional rulers ( and regiomentus house )
then first house ruled by Venus - Venus in the 5th.

Fifth house ruled by Jupiter - Jupiter in the 5th

Again - same result for traditonal rulers - no aspect between
first and fifth ruler but Moon supplies the final positive

Observe Moon makes an applying sextile to Neptune
and Jupiter ( fifth house rulers Modern and Traditional
respectively ) ...

The Moon is always the Querant co-ruler so if we were
asking for a result from this chart of 1st and 5th house
question we would say the result is positive as we have
an applying sextile ( to both modern or traditional
rulers of the fifth house ). And there are some more good
aspects the Moon makes that confirm this answer.

Anyway :) the via combusta is debilitating, and we see
this immediately echoing in the chart with the ( primary )
rulers of 1st and 5th house not having aspect and only
through the Moon does the chart work ( Moon granting
a positive reult perhaps indicating that through emotional
or group interrelationships the result will be provided -
resolution of charts being a more advanced topic )...

Does this help Cairene ?
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Post by Cairene » Sat Feb 20, 2010 1:52 am

What if your asc is 14 LIB 29'? I have one with this just now.

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Post by Airgon » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:44 am

Like for example Feb 18, 2010 at 21:37
in Canada, Toronto  as shown below ?

Not sure if this would have a Via Combusta Ascendant
as via Combusta really starts at 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio...
perhaps you can provide some detail here Cairene
on this ?

For traditional rulers ( probably describe love better
but depends on client description )

Ruler of querant is Venus and co-ruler is the moon.

Ruler of quesited ( 5th house question ) is Saturn
( ruler of Aquarius ) and the co-ruler the Moon.
Additional co-rulers of the 5th are Sum, Jupiter and Venus.
Neptune is in 5th but not a traditional ruler, Neptune
is a modern ruler )

Ruler of Ascendant in the 5th ( Venus in 5th ) [Good}
Moons last aspect applying sextile Neptune. [Good]
Ruler of 5th Saturn is retrograde indicating review or revision
of situation by quesited and is in 12th house of reserve. [Bad]

Venus and Jupiter are benefics in 5th house. [Good ]
Ruler of Asceandant ( Venus ) is exalted [Good]
Ruler of 5th Saturn is exalted [Good]

Moons first aspect is applying sextile to planet in the 5th ( Moon
applying sextile Neptue ) [Good]

Sun applying sextile a maleafic Pluto [Good]
Neptune applying sextile a maleafic Pluto [Good]

Ruler of 5th Saturn applying sextile Mars ( ruler of second
the future of querant ) [Good]

Overall for a 1st and 5th house question - a positive result.

Does that assist Cairene ?
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Post by Cairene » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:27 pm

Airgon wrote:
Does this help Cairene ?
Yes, Airgon, this helps so much. Thank you.

I hate to ask another question on a post that's not mine (sorry) but - why are we looking at 1 and 5 house rulers for an aspect? What is 5th H representing? I thought we just look to 7th H (for him) or perhaps 3rd H (for the text?)

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Post by Airgon » Sun Feb 21, 2010 2:20 am

Yep Cairene I guess you got me there - I just kind of went with
the 5th house because of the text

"Arigon, what if Asc is Via Combusta -but Signifactor Venus is in 5th H Pisces. Would this Signifactor be in a positive position? (For a love horary for example)."

Love horaries are not so easy and the reason is that a committed relationship
like a husband and wife - but where there is some kind of a mutually open
dedicated agreement is 7th house for sure...

But a more speculative fun and pleasurable love especially including
some kind of physical activity  especially personal is a 5th house

The problem for the Horary Practitioner is to resolve whether this is
either a 5th or 7th house... which is why I will occasionally request
additional information as I am trying to see which ruler. either 5th or 7th
( in the respective current zodiac position ) describes the other party.

Often the question will show immediately if the question is 5th or 7th house
but sometimes this signature describing the other party needs to be used.
So 5th house ruler in this chart is Saturn Rx in the 12th House in Libra -
that "Saturn Rx in the 12th House in Libra" combination should describe
the other party OR as you so rightly say it could be the 7th house
in this case ( ruler of 7th is Sun and sun in the 5th in Pisces should
describe or relate to the other party ). In any case a quick question comparing
the two to the client will confirm which of the two to use ( either 5th
or 7th ).

For each particular chart the rulers should be directly obvious from
what the client is asking - if not then ask questions back and forth
until the either the rulers are obviously exposed to the Horary
Practitioner or use a new chart.... and there are many options
for a new chart but for this forum, MysticBoard,  I just settle on the
chart of the client asking the question ( not for example my understanding
of the question ) as long the chart describes the question.

So I guess, yes, 3rd for text and 7th for "him" - but as always the chart
must describe the situation.

"The road goes ever onwards..." :)

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Post by Cairene » Thu May 27, 2010 11:57 pm

fabulous work, Airgon, and thanks, Aye! Explanations really helped!

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