reading request :)

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reading request :)

Post by mystic67 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:41 pm

I am trying to figure out if I should go to nursing school or not, its been
a while for me as far as college goes. Is there a way I could get a reading
on whether I would be succesull at nursing for a reading?
Thank you so much
DOB 6/7/65  2:18am warren, ohio

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Post by Airgon » Mon May 25, 2009 10:27 pm

Nursing looks acceptable as a general approach.
You have an intuitive ability with people and
managing although I would suggest as Jupiter
rules the 10th and is in the third with applying squares
to Saturn, Uranus and Pluto ( all in the 6th ) that
a very low pressure job - hospital perhaps not
a doctors office for example would be good. Saturn
is in 12th in Pisces and trine Neptune in the 8th so
medical I would agree with - as in nursing - but
high pressure will be a problem as pressure ( Saturn )
does not allow the trine to Neptune ( in the house of
life/sex ) to activate. Venus is in the 4th and square
the Ascendant so I would say when things are
easy then its like nothing can go wrong but any stress
will activate the squares and real difficulties will commence
and probably not resolvable ( Neptune sextile
Pluto and Uranus - the more you struggle the
worse the difficulties ( squares ) become. Always
go for the easy and low stress and let feelings
guide you. Part of fortune is in 9th so study is
weakly okay - "start slow, keep low rise higher
take fire" is the best motto perhaps.

In addition  - you have transiting Saturn conjunct
Natal Mars around early ( 7th ) august 2009. If you
can wait until after that to activate things probably
a good idea ....

Interestingly - Solar Arc 1year for 1 day Ascendant
is conjunct 2nd house of money in early August 2009
and this progressed Ascendant is trine Natal Uranus
Are money concerns pressing ?

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