Learn about this time related astrology technique for making predictions.

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Post by Youdah » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:07 pm

I do a few readings now and then in this forum.  It was rightfully pointed out to me that readings can be very wrong if the proper place and time are not calculated correctly.

When there is bad input, there is bad output.  In other words, without the correct data, the reading can be dramatically altered rendering a wrong answer.

When an astrologer answers a horary question, he/she has calculated a new astrology chart for the "birth" of the question.   When doing the mathematical calculations (usually with software now days), the data must be correct for the answer (the chart) to be correct.  Horary is  not like "psychic" readings, but based on the actual place and time of the question.

So, it is very important when you post a question to give your correct location (city, country) and your LOCAL time.  An astrologer can calculate your local time using the Mystic Board clock, but it is a courtesy to just give your local time.  It's easy enough, just look at a clock!   :smt007

So when you ask a question and request a reading, be sure to give the
following information.

1.  The question. Must be asked with strong intent, or focusing on the
question while you ask it (while typing).  The greater the desire, the
more accurate the reading.
2.  Your location (city, country - or state for USA based questions)
3. Your current date with the format clear and unambigous between
  month and day.
  03/04/10 is not good as the format could be referring to 3rd April 2009
 or the 4 of March 2009.
 Month should be clear and preferably in the format of Calender name
 3rd April 2009
 11th Feb 2009
3.  Your local time.
 please EITHER use 24 hour time as in 16:44 for 4:44 pm
 or just the normal am and pm designations for morning
 and afternoon
 3:30 am is three hours and thirty minutes in the morning

26 minutes after midnight can be either
00:26 using 24 hour time
12:26 am using the am/pm designation
00:26 am using the am/pm designation

Thank you!

Astrology Reader
Posts: 654
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Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:50 pm

As I do more readings here at MysticBoard, I have run into some other problems that are affecting the readings!  So, I add this information to the "HOW TO" post I made earlier.

1.  Be clear of the date.  When you write 12.4.2007, for example, this can be read as December 4, 2007 OR April 12, 2007.  It is better to write out the month so that there is no question about the date.  I can assume that I know the date, whether written in eastern date notation or western date notation.  But this just causes some readings to be inaccurate!

2.  I am glad to have all information that you can give me.  The clearer you are in describing the question and surrounding circumstances, the more accurate I can be in interpreting the chart.  However, you should ALWAYS note the time that the question came into your thoughts with intent and desire!  If you write for 10-15 minutes, for example, I have no clear and accurate TIME when the question was asked!  Again, this just causes inaccurate readings.  Always look at the clock and give me that information in your request.  If you have time to write me several paragraphs, then you have time to give me an accurate TIME!

3.  There are always more questions than readers!  Sending a reader a PM or constantly "reminding" him/her that you haven't gotten a reading yet is just rude.  We do this voluntarily, giving our time to help others or to "hone" our astrology and reading skills.  Fussing because the reader hasn't gotten to you yet is very annoying, and likely to cause me to skip your request and read someone else first!

4.  While you are waiting, please visit other areas of the website.  If you don't do readings, there are always people in need of comfort and someone to listen to them, a human being "out there" who cares, in the "I need a hug" forum!  This is a good way to GIVE SOMETHING BACK for the help you have requested!

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:19 pm

I can confirm that Youdah no longer read for us, due to paragraph 3 above.

I find that his "setup" for asking question is the same, and I urge you all to take his thoughts into consideration when you ask questions, and don't flood the inbox to any Reader.

It is always nice when one takes the time to give thanks for the works that are put into a Reading, when, or if, you get one, even if the answer was something else then you wanted.


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