First horary? Probably cliche but an answer would be appreciated!

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First horary? Probably cliche but an answer would be appreciated!

Post by Stardust410 » Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:32 am

1.When will I have a successful pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby?
2.Cleveland, ohio
3.26th January 2011  
4.7:27 pm
Like I said I know it's probably cliche and probably slot of questions like this are posted but I've been trying for a while and I'm just really curious as to when or if it'll happen.
Thanks in advance!

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Post by Airgon » Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:52 am

Hi Stardust410,

Your ascendant is 29 degrees 25 minutes of Leo indicating
late degrees... as in perhaps the question has been investigated
previously and a new understanding of the question needs
to be internally understood... at which time a new horary
chart can be drawn.

Ascendant is ruled by the Sun with the Sun in the 6th house
of details.... not in the 5th of pregnancy or connected to the
5th or its rulers ( corulers etc )... in addition, the Sun is
disposed by Saturn ( Saturn is retrograde in the second House )
but note that Saturn is the ruler of the 5th, 6th and 7th Houses
in this chart.... indicating that there is attention on the
5th house of pregnancy ( as Saturn rules it ) but also
on the details involved ( 6th House ) and also on the
relationship involved ( 7th House ).  Lots going on here
and more thought must be given in formulating the
question to make the question more detailed and personal.

I would say that the horary question needs additional formulation
so we can draw a new horary chart with new date, time & place;
and that the natal chart would be useful for Saturn transits
or similar Sun based or Moon based progressions.

In addition, note that conception has something to do with
the mothers natal Sun and Moon. Another reason to look
at natal chart.
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