Help! -please advice me in regards to spells/ways to help myself and tangibly improve my life immedi

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Help! -please advice me in regards to spells/ways to help myself and tangibly improve my life immedi

Post by hope999 » Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:30 pm

Dear All
You may remember me from a little while ago. I was interested in black magic practioners in the UK owing to  a hex i believe has been on me my whole life. I seemed rather victimising/marginalisng in my posts as wanted quick help from a black magic practioner to remove the ehx and didnt want to do anyhting myself. not really owing to laziness - as explained before, i have tried over 45 different ways to help myself over 20 years and nothing has i am tired more than anyhting. i stopped all of those things in the past 4 weeks and EVERYTHING has worsened.
So i am now asking for your help - has anyone experienced endless bacd luck and found a way to remedy it. I now hav eno monye owing to the continued bad luck, so have to find ways or ways that do not incvolve monye to help myself.

I am currently in severe depresssion, i dont want to see anyone, go to work. I am moving and scared that if things continue as they are - i will end up on the street with nothing, no job (this has happened in the past). I fell in love with someone 3 weeks ago, but he is too ill (mentally) to sustaina  relationship and all my friends betray me /are aware of my mental state and do not want to help. i need to life myself out of this and stop the pattern of b ad luck. before anyone sugests that i am "thinking" myself into this and thus it will perpertate. i tried postive thinking/ "the secret"/one command" etc and nothing let up. hence how and why i am at dire straits.

I eagerly await your kind advice on how to get my life to look like what others have for granted. i.e a loving partner,stable job, friends that care about you and don't betray you. and not constantly impoversished.or evne just one out of those.
thanks so much

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Post by Rising_Sun » Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:16 am

I had a hard time understanding your post because of your spelling?
I wouldn't recommend you black magic to remove a hex. You should try positive thinking, meditation and yoga. We are what we think.
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Post by ammo » Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:54 am

Agreed, I just got out of a "bad luck" spell as you are in and the only thing that really helped was to think lightly, stop letting everything bog you down, have fun and screw the rest. Positive energy attracts positivity. It takes a bit more effort to be positive when you feel crappy but it's well worth it. That's what life is all about anyways, if circumstances do not offer you a reason to feel good then you have to find a way yourself. That is the best advice I've been given and the best advice I can give.

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Post by landofshadows » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:29 pm


Cast your mind back to when you feel this HEX occured, if someone has placed a HEX upon you it could be linked to an item, normally small, and something you may wear, like a necklace or ring... Or it maybe something you would wake to or fall asleep with.  When people place a HEX on another the object is normally something the person wont give away and something they come into contact with each day, so the HEX lasts.

If you feel you have had this item from birth, then it could be a keep sake someone gave at birth to you...

The item can have the Curse/HEX lifted, but it takes time and the bad luck will diserpate over a period depending on how powerful the curse/Hex is...  Placing the item in a Box made of Silver, or conatining silver to each side, and filling the box with rock salt and placing the item within it should slow break the afffects of the curse/hex.  You can add various Seals and symbols to enhance the reversal of the curse/hex.

You could if you wish give the oject to someone else, the HEX/Curse will move from you to them (Almost right away), but the affect may then return to affect you three fold should they then pass the item onto another... The person who placed this Curse/HEX upon you once you pass the item on will get their pay-load 3 fold on them, but revenge is a horrid thing and I wouldn't suggest it.

If you can't find the object or have no idea what it could be then my advice would be to get a charmed object, a lucky keepsake to try and counter act the affects, ones you create yourself that have a true connection to you should work better, try if you can to use one made of silver or plated in silver... Take the object to a pyschic/medium/spiritualist to have it carmmed or learn how to do it yourself.

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No quick fix

Post by MystivFaerie » Sat May 09, 2009 5:00 pm

There is no quick fix for your situation. What you want, even in magick does not exist. you need to concentrate on what you do have, surely there is something good in life- like you are still breathing....
we go through this existance chasing our tails and blaming everyone else for things that may not be theirs to claim. everyone is unique in circumstances .
the first thing to do is find the positives, make a list of them and then write your wishes underneath it . Once this is done take the paper out on a full  moon and burn it, scatter the ashes and thank the gods for listening.  then just go about life and try to see the positive in others and yourself and things should gradually change. I do recommend you see a doctor for the depression though


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Post by GavinKabal » Mon May 18, 2009 7:07 pm

I would also suggest meditation, also High Magic, a good ritual to start with is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.  You need to move your consciousness from your lower self, or ego, towards your higher self, the Divine in all of us.  Meditation and High Magic helps you to do this.  All bad emotions, and many sicknesses, result from being too involved with the physical plane and letting our ego rule our kingdom of our flesh.  The Lesser Banishing Ritual brings the light from the Divine down into your center of consciousness, and helps banish unwanted influences, and the harmful emotions of your ego.  But, your ego will fight for its control, you must persevere in your efforts to meditate and aspire to your higher self.  Nothing worth having is easy, and you have a habitual method of following a lower path, you must fight to replace this with a higher one, and believe me, the joys and treasures that result will be worth every effort.  I wish you the best.
Come out the darkness into the Light!- G.D.

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