is defense with majick black, white or gray?

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andrew banjo
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is defense with majick black white or gray

Post by andrew banjo » Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:01 pm

black majick itself is negative some thing negative has no power but your belief in the power of black majick is the issue as this causes mental poisoning which in extreme cases can lead to transistion white majick on the other hand is posiive depending on how u use it as it is the other side of the coin. the sun is seen as positive but the sun also burns  does that make it grey ? there is a lot of superstions regarding black and white majick  and grey the bottomline is majick is majick it all depends on the will of the person using it. fire can be used to warm yourself and it can be used
to harm yourself and yet it is still the same fire
if someone steps on your toes it is your responsibility to get that person to remove the feet of your toes u dont stand there sending them love with hope that they will remove it u act if someone is sending negative energy onto u in order to not aquire karma use the medium of the universe to act on such individual and not your selfwill whatever action the universe takes is not really your business as the universe acts only for the good of both parties even if the person suffers ill but also remember if you have the power to stop an evil person and you dont use it there is karma for that as because u have not acted that person goes on to do more evil to others and himself  because you have being dithering on right or wrong let the cosmic or universe decide that  and ultimately the evil that one sends out comes back to the sender hence if u under any psychic attack any magical operation u use to combat that attack at the end of it say if it pleases the universe it is done and remember not to give the cosmic or universe instruction how to go about dealing with the person as the universe knows exactlly how to administer divine justice as u used the medium of the cosmic there can be no karma on your head the same cannot be said if u vent all your anger and rage and thirst for revenge and send out negative energy to the other person as u are using your own will there is a danger that if your will is not in accordance with the will of the cosmic  u might incur karma for your actions even though you might think your actions are justified

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Post by tourbi » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:42 pm

I don't believe in revenge or curses.  That would be a reflection of me, not them.
Then energy sent to me by someone else is theirs and there responsibility.  I gently ask the energy be returned to them, with love, I often ask it be returned to them by the Goddess or God, returned to them for the highest purpose to be served for them.  
I am very careful to not do it with anger or with an added Image.  
I work hard to heal myself, to be the person I really want to be.  I don't want to bring energy of anger, cursing and revenge into my life.  I want to bring love, support and the highest purpose being served into my life.

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Post by Rising_Sun » Sun May 11, 2008 9:52 pm

beautiful enlightened thoughts have been posted. Thank you very much to all of you for this thread is truly inspiring :)
PrairieMystic wrote: I'd just like to add that in my tradition, magic has no color but it is the intent of the practioner that brings that.
this i think is very true and i believe everyone will agree since a lot of you posted this same thing in different words...

"true magic is neither black nor white, it's both because nature is both, loving and cruel at the same time. the only thing good or bad it's inside the heart of the witch"

(quote, the craft)

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