Exorsim of Demons or Spirits.

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Exorsim of Demons or Spirits.

Post by Payewacker » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:35 am

Hi Guys,

I'm active on the Tarot forum. But, as you know, when we are associated to Divination and spiritualism, some people go to points beyond our experience.

I've now had a request to exorcise a "demon" haunting the house of someone some 300 km's away. I feel it's not a "demon" as such, but a spirit wanting some attention. But, in this sense i'm truly to be corrected!!!

Their explanation is that lightbulbs actually fall from their sockets, no sleep for the children and a major depressive "pressance". My sister and I, at times cleaned houses of elemental or lower spirits, but now, i'm on my own.

I suggested witch's protection bottless at the four corners, but also at the front door. Further, I also suggested that the lady of the house after having a bath, rinse herself with water saturated in natural coarse salt. She is said to have been a "loose canon" heavy drinking and perhaps other influences. She considers that she is being plagued by a demon.

Now, this is where the problem is handing itself down! As I have read the cards for the mother, now, they also beleive and insist on me cleaning this house or person!!!!!

Casting a circle, calling the quorters and all that is natural, but now i've got to do with forces or spirits unknown and would obviously be the first time, specifically demons or devils or ghouls.

I have a Grimoire, but feel that the torment a spirit is condemned to, as outlined is truly harmfull to that entity and would truly not want to even consider binding that spirit in a ever blazing pit of fire. Don't think it's good at all.

I'm reaching out to you guys for help here, please give me guidance and if needed as spell i can produce to protect the family and ask the spirit to depart peacefully.

Please guys, your assistance is absolutely crucial, help me here. I just want to help someone else!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Leof » Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:14 am

Hi Payewacker,

Sorry about your current situation.  I think it's most important to find out who or what this thing is haunting the place. Maybe getting a medium is in order. If it's something that's outside your hands sometimes it's best to just admit to it. These kinds of things can be dangerous. If you need any help I have a bunch of obscure texts and grimoires in my own collection with stuff dealing with that.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:57 pm

When one is drunk or drugged disembodied entities seeking to experience flesh but having something keeping them from going round the cycle to incarnate have an easier time entering the body of another. Some heavy drinkers speak of hearing voices in their head, and drink to drown out the voices, but this only makes it easier for them to occupy the body. Souls that have had a traumatic death have a harder passing to the other world and to cycle back through to life, as a soul needs much love to help it on this journey. In places where there have been a lot of traumatic deaths but it has just been swept under table, like Vancouver, have far more drug and alcohol problems, then places that have had even worse amounts and kinds of traumatic deaths and had the proper respect and honor given to the deceased and held ceremonies to help the souls on their journey to the other world. This I can see fitting with what you felt about a spirit seeking acknowledgment. In which case showing the spirit love and also setting boundaries can help a lot. Burning sage through the house can help too. Stibnite is a mineral that helps with entity protection as well as astropophylite.

If it's not merely seeking attention and is malicious then sage and those minerals may help, but I do not have too much experience with this. Although I grew up in family conditions that could easily have been influenced by dark spirits. The plus side is I'm now not easily disturbed. I suggest approaching it thinking the best, that it just needs some attention and love to help it on it's way, it may have had some tough experiences and that's what it knows so that's how it interacts with others till it is taught better, but also be prepared for worse.

Do you know anything about the history of the land it's on. Like I know one house that's built on an native burial ground and the native's died in war, and there were a lot of drug problems there the last I saw.

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:47 pm


I am so happy to hav read your posting. I have no idea as to the history of the land as such.

Today, i felt the urge to phone this girl, my God, what she told me was horrifying. Her ex-husband, whom she has to live with for the sake of the children does and says things you would not beleive!!!!!! He has in fact told her to f++k the dogs! It is absolutely so unacceptable!!!!!!!!!!! This is a good woman, what to do? How is it when they tell you to rather die, what about giving the evil eye? How am I to help her?

He is a total alchoholic and therefore the demon spirit, but we can all have a drink and really, do wer go that road?

I don't feel that i need the help here, yes maybe to bind the shit hanging around her. But please, she needs help.

I brought some of her hair, to if need, do a spell, i can get it from the grimoires, but, we are one people, to suffer these spirits, will it be good?

I ask you, please let's help this girl!

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:19 am

Be careful using spells out of a book, there not always what they seem to be. Delving in magic is not a thing to do, you must know what you are doing when using magic.

Amethyst can help with sobriety for the exhusband. I quit smoking with the aid of one.

Stibnite as I said is good for proctection from entities. I suggest finding one in a crystal store, or invoking it's energies by tapping into the frequency of the stone or suggesting this to her. I have experience with this stone helping a lot. Note bigger ones can be pricy but a small one can still be very powerful and is more portable and affordable. I had one on a necklace that I made once, then I let my friend where it for a while and the stibnite fell off, he gave the stibnite back to me, and I thought it very odd that I was wearing the necklace for weeks and the stone stayed firmly in place, then when he wore it, it jumped off. I later connected it with many other problems that this friend was having that seemed to have nor real basis. Like making the simplest things into arguments. It's seems w/e spirit/demon was plaguing him facilitated some distance between him and the stone.  Stibnite also helps stabilize ones financial situation. Which could help her with independence and allow her to choose weather to continue relations with this man free of obligation.

From the sounds of it her ex is not the only soul acting through his body. The signs of this being drunkenness and speech and behavior which is out of character. If he welcomes the mojo's into his body then not much can be done other then avoiding him. But if he wants to reclaim his body then the lingering spirits have to leave. by they may make a fuss in doing so. Alcohol increases ones susceptibility to lingering spirits coming into their body.  So if the spirits are in dominance they will seek a steady supply of booze in order to maintain dominance.

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:02 am

Hi Aegeus

Thank you so much for your advice!!!

You know i'm Wiccan, and we use spells to assist and help as far as we can, but our spells are basic and friendly so that no harm is done at all.

I will most definitely make sure that this woman get these crystals. But get a load of this.

I had to go to JHB for bussiness yesterday, and back again. This is an 11 hour round trip or let's say an eleven hour day with at least 7 hours solid driving.

On my way home about 5 yesterday afternoon, got a call from her, that she is 5 minutes away from our tow. Now, i live on a farm about an hours drive to town. Well, got home, and was just settling down, to receive a sms from her that i "urgently" need to go and see her. She had to leave again today, because her son has a rugby match. I consider her now as a spirit vampire of note?

So, being who i am, and really wanting to help this girl. Got in my car and went to them. (by the way, no payment). So now, a Tarot reading. We know what is happening, the reading absolutely refelected the current state of affairs and then gave her some very needed but somewhat "harsh" advice. No, I gave her the advice in a stronger than normal way--here, i think it's needed. You can't continously be s+++++g and shouting and not wanting to move out of the situation.

In this 4 hour "consultation", she told me about how many pshyciatric institutions she's been in, hypnotised how many times and just rankatanking on and on!!!! Have been treated and still on treatment for depression. Priests, pastors and how many people has tried to drive "demons" out of her, what a load of ****. Some claim, that her house is so evil, they can't even go in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell? Her daughter sees "red eyes" in the one bedroom. Well, truly, i now start wondering about this lot?

I'm really not unsympathethic! She probably do suffer depression, but how possible is it, that this is a conditioning that she is bringing into her, and her children's lives. I don't think what she said a bout the husband is "generated" to attract sympathy, people don't normally go around saying things like that?

It is so obvious that she do need help, spirits most definitely control a person's mind, but she also needs to take charge and do what is neccesary to remove herself from this situation, or am i wrong?

This has truly exhausted me, i'm really so tired, got home about 12 o'clock or later last night. I have my own set of spirits in my house, but truly we live in harmony, although they rattle the place sometimes, the really don't "upset" the normal running of the house, or cause harm and i really don't mind them. Most of us has always had them around. Some are only so narrow-minded not to consider them at all.

I'm now also drawing in the help of my sister being a pshycologist, works on the aura, does reflexology and "spirit healing".

I wear a Lapiz Lazuli, which i have charged for spiritual protection, but truly think, i need to recharge it.

We have a dam close-by, which we call the "crystal dam" most rocks contain huge numbers of crystals, although i have a few, i'm going to go digging for a nice "big" crystal cluster.

Once again, thank-you so much for your advice, it was really needed.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:49 pm

Warding off evil mudra can be quite effective also. This could easily be taught to the kids.

Chysocolla is relaxing, heals feminine energies, and helps one get out of  disharmonious relationships.

"Chrysocolla is best known among Native American Indian cultures for its capability of strengthening the body's resistance and bringing about calm feeling where there has been upset and turmoil."

"Chrysocolla make s abridge of energy between the Earth and the Sky, the physical and the spiritual planes.  A stone with very feminine energies, chrysocolla ease the mental and emotional pains of any troubled relationship by relieving tension and bringing out your inner strengths.

When attempting to remove yourself from a troublesome or even dangerous relationship or situation, especially those filled with emtional tension, draw a nine inch circle on a piece of paper.  Set a peice of chrysocolla in the center of the circle, sit and meditate on what this situation is costing you in manners of self-esteem, physical danger, emotional stress and psychological duress, as well as monetarily.  Force yourself to see it for it's full and true ugliness....no excuses!  Do this for nine nights, each time moving the stone closer and closer to the edge of the circle.  In the meantime, take whatever measures are appropriate and necessary for you to be safe.  By the end of the ninth night, you should be able to remove the stone completely from the circle.

If however, you have procrastinated, and taken to steps to physically help remove yourself from this situation, moving the stone to the edge of the circle will not gain you freedom from the problem.  You may start again, but you should consider why you were unable to do it the first time, before beginning again." - http://shimmerlings.com/gemstones/chrysocolla.htm

Another thing is just like a bully the spirits will get bored fast if one is indifferent. It's only fun for them if they get a reaction. Dark spirits would be afraid of light if they are identifying with dark, so laughing and smiling through it all will likely put and end to their charade.

Don't get caught in martyrdom, do what you feel led to do, but remember you can only save your self. If your are doing well then you are in a position to influence others positively.

Jet helps lessen depression. It absorbs negative energy and turn it into usable energy.

I find warding off evil mudra combined with happiness mudra with the other hand to be very effective.

I've heard conflicting things about using books, if you have experience and know what your doing great. I have heard that book's that are obvious and the first thing one would find when looking to get into magic can be put there as stumbling blocks for anyone not taking magic seriously enough. Anyone taking it seriously enough goes through the bother find out for them self. Even good books will sometimes have errors deliberately to see if one is just blinding using the book or connecting within them self just as the author has done to come up with such a thing.

It is right to put responsibility back in her lap, she attracted this situation somehow and if she truly wants to get out of it she can find a way. Be ware of people who say that want a solution but just want to make noise, the way to tell is to give them a solution. If they act upon the solution they are genuine, but if they don't act upon the solution hearing about it will cause anxiety as it is taking away their excuse to either not do anything about it, or to continue complaining about it. Also know the difference between complaining and expressing a need and be sure the solution is apt.

Light has nothing to fear of darkness. It seems you know this, but if you can impress this upon the family the result could be miraculous. Music can be very good for spirits. The amount of tripping happening in my life there must be spirits working with me. I play drums Which I have been told helps for having a good relationship with them, as they like music. Someone told me they can see spirits dancing when I drum. Any music can do this. Getting the kids learning music could do a world of good.

Also keeping busy helps immensely, as busy hands are happy hands, and boredom leaves the mind to wander and there is no end to the phantoms a bored mind can come up with.

Some symbols can invoke protection also like Algiz, rune from the elder futhark.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:02 am

Except it can be necessary to hide ones light so that it can not be blown out.

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