Hymn For The Irish Pantheon

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Hymn For The Irish Pantheon

Post by LADYSILVERMOONGODDESS32 » Tue May 05, 2009 11:23 pm

I recently added a few more verses to this, what I call my Tribal Hymn, and since I don't believe I've shared it before I thought this might be a good time to do so. I'm posting it in this forum because each verse seeks to encapsulate (inasmuch as four lines will allow) an individual deity of the Irish pantheon based on the myths, dindshenchas (place lore), poetry, etc. in which they can be found in the extant MSS and/or other sources.

Anything found in the MSS also passes through my own personal gnosis before it gets to belong to a verse, as the point of the Hymn is to honour not only the deities mentioned but also my personal connection to them. Each verse contains clues to the deities' stories to trigger my memory as I sing the words, and I try to include specific phrases or adjectives from the texts themselves whenever possible.

If anyone is interested in where I found certain details, please let me know and I'll do my best to track them down for you. Also, if you can spot an Irish deity I've left out that you feel is worthy of a verse, please let me know! There are 33 at present.

Tribal Hymn

To Aengus of the Brugh na Boinne
Who’s magic-born of passion
As foster-father of the young
You offer great compassion

To Aine of the shining lake
Who ripples out great laughter
Your light feeds life, which is and was
And shall be ever after

To Airmid, your father’s daughter
Peacemaker and gentle friend
Of herbal knowledge so extensive
You possess the tools to mend

To Bóann of the sacred source
A river through the land
A triple cord of knowledge flows
Through those who understand

To generous Bodb Derg
Of great knowledge, loss and magic
Protector of your progeny
Your daughters’ lives so tragic

To Brighid of the living flames
Your mantle brings great healing
The muse, the smith, the mother’s aid
The poet’s heart and feeling

To the Cailleach of the gaping void
Regenerative womb
Your face half-hidden ‘neath your veil
Draws life from every tomb

To Cian, the adventurous
Shape-shifter and wise
Your death incurred a vengeance
Only your son could devise

To Clíodna of the fairest hair
The shapeliest of maids
Your wave still floods the freckled strand
With grief that never fades

To Creidne Cerd, the artisan
Of golden metal molding
Your rivets, bosses, rims and hilts
Their strength in battle holding

To the Dagda who is sacred fire
The truth that burns inside
Your hunger is insatiable
Great host by fireside

To Diancecht, the old physician
Master-healer of the gods
A power over death you wield
You fight for life against the odds

To Donn, the strong and solid one
The bull against the waves
Your blood rejuvenates the soul
To live the life it craves

To Eithniu in your tower
Of the light that shines within
You are the silent motion
Where the brightest thoughts begin

To Ériu of the Sacred Isle
Your name outshines your story
For indissolubly you’re bound
To Ireland and glory

To fair Étaín, the hard-to-win
You took a scarlet flight
To be reborn and raised again
By honour wed aright

To Fann of deepest wisdom
Of waterfalls of song
A moment’s beauty fills your eyes
Your tears a soothing balm

To Flidais of forgotten trees
Of wolf and deer and night
You walk unharmed o’er lonely moor
The wild tamed by your sight

To Fróech, handsome warrior
Of cattle herds and splendor
A lady’s hand required you
To face a last contender

To Fúamnach, the jealous queen
Druid-reared and clever
Refusing to be set aside
You serve yourself forever

To Goibniu of the clanging anvil
Sound of industry and strength
You brew the ale of eternal life
Oh, make this life a goodly length

To Lugh, the many-skilled one
Who earned the sage’s seat
Out from your eyes there pours a light
No darkness can defeat

To Macha of the golden hair
Swift champion of skill
Brave victory sure when warriors’ lives
Are honed by your proud will

To Manannán, the ocean’s son
Trickster, traveller and friend
You sprightly guide our footsteps
Though the path may twist and bend

To intoxicating Medb
Queen of women’s power and mystery
In your hand you hold the cup
Of sovereignty through history

To Miach of the skilful hands
You grew the healing plants
Survivor of the hardest lesson
Sing o’er wells the magic chants

To Mider, king of Brí Léith
Unblemished and unsung
A judge of law and fosterage
You speak with silver tongue

To the ever-moving Morrígan
The battle-seasoned queen
Through you we start to understand
The darkness we have seen

To Niamh of the golden hair
Who loved a hero’s story
You crossed the sea on milk-white steed
And won a champion’s glory

To Nuada of the silver arm
The right and godly king
Deciding for the greater good
Prosperity you bring

To honourable Ogma
Of courage, strength and zeal
You’ve eloquence and mastery
O’er words that wound and heal

To Sinann of the curious mind
Came bubbles in a dream
Out from the source of knowledge flows
Your hazel-budded stream

To Tailtiu of the earth-bound trees
You sacrificed your land
And in so doing gave your life
The wild cleared by your hand

To all the members of our Tribe
Exalt and be exalted
For all who tend a Celtic flame
Exalt and are exalted

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