trying to understand what i am

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trying to understand what i am

Post by bsimmering » Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:44 am

since i was young I've felt linked to things , objects,  people ,natural things. I can look at someone across a room and feel what they are feeling and from that almost get what they are thinking about at the time. when i was a teenager i found that i could feel almost like a magnetic feeling when i put my hands together and across parts of the body and on things - the frequency and strength depend on the item and some things i don't feel anything from at all. ive also always known when storms where coming and how bad they would be and could feel when people where about to walk into a room when i was really young.   i haven't had any training of any sort and have only read a few books about auras and one about chi. anyone have any idea what i would be ? i dont think im psychic or anything as i cant really see the future or talk to the dead or any of that stuff (a little stereotypical i guess)

anyone got any ideas? im guessing the forum gets questions like this all the time lol .

thanks for any assistance anyone can offer.

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Post by Crow » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:01 am

An Energy Worker?  Curious to know what label they place us in.  Since we gots the same problem.  Still have yet to figure out what they call it.  You can harness Energy, you pick it up from everything.  Now where do you go with it?  :smt002   Sounds like you have the gift to draw energy.  I will be watching this topic. Thanks for sharing.

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Being in tune

Post by dessa » Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:20 pm

I personal do not like the label psychic, since it has more negative meanings due to those woh have made claims in an effort solely to scam or make money.

However the American Heritage dictionary defines it as this
Capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and mental telepathy.
Of or relating to such mental processes.

Since your talents are what would be considered extrasensory in that respect you are psychic, you pick up the energy of what is around you.

Please understand this is just my view and you and others may disagree with it, however....
Basically what you are? Is a human being, one who has the ability to tap into the threads of ALL THAT IS, everything has energy or life or soul or spirit to it, kind of think of it as a radio and a radio signal, you can tune into the right frequency to "hear" "sense" "feel" those energies that are part of others.

You mentioned knowing others emotions, feeling them some describe that as empath, or empathic ability. In some more extreme cases empathic ability is more than feeling what they are feeling, but feeling it so much that you are uncontrollably angry for no reason,... then learn that someone whom you happen to be strongly connected to is angry, it wasn't your own emotions you are having but someone elses.

Being able to get a sense or feeling or impression from people and things by touch is referred to as pyschometry, such as when a person touches an item owned by another and learns something either about where the item has been, or about someoen who owned it previously.

For some who have this talent in the stronger levels they won't own antques to much history floods them being around them.

When it comes to being able to sense the energy in the weather such as knowing when storms were coming some refer to this as elemental, that is an elemental is someone who is in tune with the energy of the elements, and nature and what is around them. Some can just do this with water, others with earth, others with air, some with just plants and trees etc.

I have gone to large cities for me it is to much, to many people, emotions etc, when I go through I guess you could call it a psychic growth spurt, I don't have barriers as strong, so cities are hard for me to handle, I become disoriented, lost walking a straight line.  But if I can get to a place where there are trees, the trees help me,

One experiment you may try is to find a place that is quiet where you won't be disturbed, sit under a tree, close your eyes relax your mind and body, take deep breaths and let the tree you are near, know you are there as a friend. See if you can gain impressions,

You may just find a sense of peace, you may however begin to see perhaps the last person that walked past the tree, or other events that took place nearby the trees are very observant... if you can than it is possible that your ability to know when storms are coming is something more than just that it may be that as an elemental you will only feel the energy shift of weather, but it may be that as an elemental you will be able to grow with it, feel when the land has something to share, such as annoyance when it is disturbed or polluted, or when a river or lake is upset, or even find you become more intune with animals, flowers etc ...

Use care if you do decide to explore this particular ability as it can be a lot to take in, since over all we do not treat the land very well as a race.

Though the fact that you can sense stroms may be that you are what was once called a weather witch, and if you grow with it could learn to tune into all aspects of weather around you,

As for the link you felt well here is my personal view spiritually speaking, I kind of think of life as being this wonderfully, huge, big rich tapestry, all interwoven, everything in all existance is interwoven together, pull one thread and you change the whole tapestry, the degree of which depends on how you pull the thread, and how close you are to what is being pulled.

So that link you felt could be you were aware of that energy thread that is connecting ALL THAT IS, all people, places, things, nature, animals, elements, together,

In the broadest most general terms this is considered psychic, as for the skills you mentioned, one seems to be somewhat of an elemental due to your awareness of storms, one seems to be some level of empathy, and one seems to show some level of psychometry,

Its all psychic, whether you are medium, spiritualist, telepath, empath, precog, clairvoyant, elemental, clairsentient, lightworker, natureworker, telekinetic, etc

Just as it is all music, whether it is classical, rock, country, blues, jazz, rap, punk, metal, it is all under the heading of music.

So you are psychic, but the definition in American Heritage Dictionary, but your skills are not in seeing or communicating with ghosts, dead people, angels, or guides, not with being able to see precognitive visions, or being able to use other forms of divination, they are with psychometry, and empathy and elemental connections,

But even that is not who you are since the post was trying to figure out what you are. What you are is a person, who is learning and growing in this life, and finding definintions that fit with that learning and growing process and some definitions or labels will be with you for a long time, others will be left behind as you grow change and adapt.

You are YOU...

A person or human being if you need a label, who has gifts or talents that can be used to help yourself and others, or can be an interuption and interference either in your life or the lives of others, the nice thing is free will means you get to choose all over again....

You choose all over again, because prior to being born you decided what your purpose was, and what skills you would need, but the birth process makes us forget why...


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Post by ravenuriel » Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:08 am

you are  Eclectic !!!!!

an Energy based Eclectic practitioner.

Doesn't that sound nice? I like it..

I can do some of what you have listed. I work with elements have even before I knew it..
Gotta tell you a cool story..

I was staying at my Grandmothers one weekend .. I will tell the story as it was told me. From my Grandma.

I was laying in bed the other night and it was storming outside lighting was striking in the field across the street and *Raven* starting talking really loud.. so I went to check and see why she was up .. and when I walked into her room she sat bolt right up in bed and screamed.. * THAT IS ENOUGH*  and laid back done.. and wouldnt you know it
the storm stopped. the lightening stopped the rain slacked off and the thunder stopped. just like that. it was the oddest thing I ever saw.

Gramma laughs about it now.. when she tells the story but I think she likes telling it.. I personally dont remember that

alright sorry.. I got off track.. but I wanted to share.


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Post by dessa » Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:08 pm

ravenuriel wrote:you are  Eclectic !!!!!

an Energy based Eclectic practitioner.

Doesn't that sound nice? I like it..

I can do some of what you have listed. I work with elements have even before I knew it..
Gotta tell you a cool story..

I was staying at my Grandmothers one weekend .. I will tell the story as it was told me. From my Grandma.

I was laying in bed the other night and it was storming outside lighting was striking in the field across the street and *Raven* starting talking really loud.. so I went to check and see why she was up .. and when I walked into her room she sat bolt right up in bed and screamed.. * THAT IS ENOUGH*  and laid back done.. and wouldnt you know it
the storm stopped. the lightening stopped the rain slacked off and the thunder stopped. just like that. it was the oddest thing I ever saw.

Gramma laughs about it now.. when she tells the story but I think she likes telling it.. I personally dont remember that

alright sorry.. I got off track.. but I wanted to share.


I loved the story, LOL talk about being elemental, and with the innocence of a child you had no way of letting your mind interfere with your ability.

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Post by landofshadows » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:36 pm


I would say you have the traits of an Empath or Empathic nature, also know as a telempath.

It's not a hard concept to grasp, brain waves are like magnetic signatures and radio waves, you have a method, no doubt natural, or given through a Gaurdian Angel, that lets you tune into others waves.

I hope that helps... There are many Emapthic people out there.


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