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Pravin Kumar
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Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:30 am

Knowing Your Lies:

The more you know yourself the more chance there will be to know truth and break the chains of bondage to your lies. Without truth distractions will be used to keep your lies in place...

There are many truth seekers that know their answers are within their own heart, they don't need a cheering committee from the outside to tell them this. All truth is within, inner truth cannot come from some outside inspirational source. The difference between being free and needing to keep your distractions in place is knowing your inner self as opposed to using inspiration from some outside source that’s only a distraction.

There's so much nonsense that goes on in between our ears and it's a lack of inner truth that causes it. This won't be understood if you’re looking outside for your answers. Inner truth is not the truth of solving Universal secrets, it's the truth of simply knowing what you do and why. I don’t share to inspire others, I share to simply convey a message of truth to people through my writings, which are a tool to point to your own heart, this is what leads to truth and freedom. It's in the place of your own inner essence that you will be set free. This is the message that is conveyed to others, this is the next step in the evolution of humankind.

Someone suggested that I be like Mooji, but I can only see what has been awakened in me. I'm not trying to be like anyone but what I Am. If it's truth that's seen then that's what's written. I share from my heart, it's what has been awakened in me. If you don't understand your own heart you most definitely won’t understand what I share. I don't really care how inspiring something is from the outside, it will not break the chains of “I” if it doesn’t arise from within. When you go inward and find quietness from your own heart, you'll discover truth. This will allow you to understand what's truly needed to be set free and stop needing to keep the distractions in place that keep your lies in place; in whatever form these lies manifest...

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