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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:18 am

Six Points For 'Full Awakening'

John of Ruysbroeck was a great 14th century Flemish mystic who wrote many books, of which The Sparkling Stone is considered to be the most accessible. At the very end of this book he gives six points which are ‘needful to have fruition of’ (union with) The Divine, in nondual terms that is full Awakening. Here they are with my nondual commentary added:

1/ ‘True Peace’. Not clinging to (‘loving inordinately’) anything.

When one has realized that one is essentially Pure Awareness (Consciousness at rest – The Lover), and that all ‘things’ are That in motion (The Beloved - Cosmic energy), then one sees that Consciousness is the essence of all. This leads to Agape, universal love, in which there is no separation and overcomes all clinging for all is loved equally, loving existence itself. In this there is no need to cling to any (particular) thing as one is always immersed in The Beloved (manifestation) in which all things come and go.

2/ ‘Inward Silence. Empty and free of all images of all things which have been seen or heard.’

This realization, that there is no separate self, leads to a dissolution of self-image and so one no longer sees things through the filter of self-image, self-concern, self-referencing, self-aggrandizement, self-loathing etc. Then the background ‘programs’ concerning small self (which tend to continually ‘run’ in our minds) all cease which leaves a still mind, inward silence, ready to encounter the world ‘as it is’ unfiltered by memory and small self.

3/ ‘Loving Adherence to The Divine’. Realizing the Divine Presence out of pure love and not for any gain.

No separation, realizing that we are Consciousness Itself, is love in its purest form. In this there is nothing to gain, for That which we would gain we already are!

4/ Resting in this presence, ‘where love has fallen in love with the lover and each is all to the other’.

We are always ‘resting in this presence’ (whether we realize it or not) for that is what we are! In this there is truly no separation (love) and the ‘each’ and the ‘other’ are essentially one (of the same essence - Consciousness).

5/ Losing one’s self in This, ‘falling asleep in God’.

This realization is that of no (small, separate) self, but that all is Consciousness (God), and so one could say that one has lost one’s self; although it would be more accurate to say that one has realized that there is no small self (to lose).

6/ Entering a ‘Darkness’, which is beyond reason, where one feels ‘at one with God’. Dying to the self and ‘living again’ in (as) That.

The Absolute is ‘Radiant Aware Nothingness’ which is a (dazzling) Darkness in that it is Consciousness at rest (Pure Awareness) and therefore not light, which is composed of waves, or vibrations, and thus always in motion. However, this is ‘radiant’ in that it provides the illumination by which there is awareness of any ‘thing’, and this dichotomy between darkness and radiance is beyond reason. Dying to the self means discovering our true Self, which is readily achieved by self-inquiry:

Who Am I?

When we ask ‘who am I?’
We discover by and by,
Absolutely nothing there,
Radiant, pristine, ever aware.

That by which our minds can know
Thoughts and sensations which to and fro.
Awareness, in which objects perceived are seen
Without which we wouldn’t know they’ve been …

Once we actually realize who …
To awaken there’s nothing to do,
For that which we truly are
Is right here, never afar.

Give up the search, still your mind
There’s nothing left to find.
Awareness cannot be lost
Just overlooked to our great cost.

There’s nothing to want or get.
That which we desire is met,
When we look deep within
Neath body, mind and all its din.

If awakening is what you truly seek
Under the ephemeral veil you must peek.
Once the discovery has taken place,
You can see your ‘original face’.

Then you can totally let go,
Relax and enjoy the show.
Tranquil, content and ever at peace,
Let all ‘becoming’ finally cease!


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