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what is this about?

Post by mifan2013 » Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:04 pm

Ok, since i was young, i've always seen all kinds of strange things going on.

1. often i can catch a glimpse of movement from the corner of my eye, but when i turn to look, there's nothing or no one there.
2. when relaxing or meditating in a room, i can feel when someone is coming to the door, even if they don't knock, also when calm and meditating, i can feel other's state of mind (such as calm and relaxed vs worried, distraught, thinking over some matter)
3. when i was young, there was a time i heard a voice call out my name when there was no one in the house except me, i was scared because before i heard my name called, i felt a shiver up my spine and the hairs on the back of my neck was tingling, when i heard it, it sounded like it was in the same room as me, i turned around and searched the house, no one was there so i ran out to the neighbor's house cuz my family was visiting over there.
4. when i sleep, sometimes have something like a dream/vision, and when waking up i can feel a presence in the room. sometimes it feels as if some invisible person was touching or caressing me.
5. i used to have a bird when i was a kid. at night we close the cage and cover it with a heavy cloth. sometimes the bird freaked out and was flying around the room, yet the cage was still locked and cloth not uncovered.
6. my friends and i tried video taping possible ghosts. one time we video taped while we were playing videogames, nothing our eyes could see, but later the video showed a kind of fog or mist coming out of the hallway and staying pretty low to the ground...
7. once we had videotape running and we heard someone outside, so we thought our other friends were coming to try and scare us, so we set up the camera to point to the back yard, and we snuck around to the back to get the jump on them. however no one was there. we got back in the house, and surprised to see the camera was shut off. we played back the tape, can hear us sneak to the back, but also heard footsteps and mumbling get close to the camera, then it was shut off. later that night, when everyone was over, there was some strange ball of light rolling around the kitchen floor, it flashed twice and disappeared.
8. twice when traveling my dad and i saw ufos, but he was driving so didn't take a picture, and i was young too so i didn't ask if he had a camera, i just enjoyed watching it.
9. my earliest memory that i can think of is when i was very young, barely able to speak anyway, i had a thought that the world was so boring, and especially because i was trapped in this child's body everything was too limited and boring.

Most of those happenings stopped after my dad had a large tree in our yard cut down. and later i grew up and got married, and moved to the other side of the country. however, recently some of those start happening again. mainly the feeling presence of another in the room with me and my wife, and also feeling something touch or gently hold or hug me, also can start seeing things/people/ dark objects moving in the corner of my eye again. And one new thing happened a few times, with my eyes closed i could still see people but not in the normal sense, it was like everything was black but i could see an outline of them, could see their facial features and some times their outline was different colors. It only happened during a two week period while i was in a very remote part of the world (no electricity or modern things for miles, but that place felt like it was really refreshing, good energy i guess.).

When I was young people said i was gifted, most of it was gone after i grew up, but somethings i can still try, like  sometimes i can see things before they happen for a short duration like once when my wife and i were newly married, she was showing me a game from her childhood similar to rock paper scissors (except it was chicken tiger and some other things),  and i was able to know what she'd pick and matched her every time for 10 times in a row.

this week i had first seen runes. i mean i know that they have them in games and tv and stuff, but i mean first time to see real runes. and  there seemed to be a sort of familiarity with them. like it felt right to know and easy to grasp.

so, what does all this mean if any?

i forgot to add this: once my dad got a strange message on his answering machine at work. he could hear what was going on at our house. weird thing is we got the message on his machine and heard it a few weeks before that event actually took place...

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:56 am

I've experienced similar things. Your probably just more psychically aware than others, simple as that.

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