Psychic Vampire, ghost, or maybe just a dream.

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Psychic Vampire, ghost, or maybe just a dream.

Post by Lovelife » Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:20 am

Disclaimer: Will probably be long as I am a detail person and and it's a lot to write.

I've had very few paranormal type of experiences, but I wanted to share this experience I had about 6 yrs ago.  I have always wondered what it was that happened and I have some theories, but would love to hear what others may think.  

When I was 20 I moved in with my boyfriend at the the time and his mother.  His mother was a massage therapist who also did Reiki.  She told me when I moved in that there was a ghost that lived with them too.  She explained some things this ghost had done... kept turning on the radio at all hours of the night, move stuff, make noises, unpacked her sons things when he moved back home... she also said a few other things like she woke up and she saw him staring at her boyfriend in bed with a look of anger on it's face, and would cause damage to things on a couple occasions.  From her stories I always wondered if their were two ghosts.  One nice one who was more playful... and one who was more angry and violent.  But I never said anything.

One night she gave me a massage and did Reiki and I then laid down to watch tv.  I normally sleep on my sides only never on my stomach and rarely on my back.  The tv was on in front of my bed and i was laying on my back with my hands on my upper stomach area.  I somehow fell asleep I guess and in my "dream" I heard someone knock on the door.  The room looked exactly the same and the door was to the right and the tv was on.  There is a good 10 ft or so b/w the bed and the door.  So I say come in and nothing happens.  I hear another knock.  I start to feel a little creeped out but I say louder this time "Come in!".  Almost instantly the door opens and there is someone standing a little inside the door.  Now what I see is not an actual person, but a person shaped area that is all pitch black.  The room is dark tho and only lit by the tv but I can only make out the shape of the person.  I instantly feel afraid and I know it's a male (tho I don't know how).  He is pretty tall tho like 6' ish.  He doesn't say anything, but moves in that stop motion way that ghost/apparitions move in the movies.  Kind of jerky like but also quickly to stand at the foot of my bed.  Now I am in the same position and terrified now tho this being hasn't said a word and I also am unable to move.  Then super fast he is on top of me.. almost laying over me but with his hands next to my shoulders in a push-up like position.  He isn't touching me but I am unable to breath now.  I then instantly wake up in the exact position with a huge gasp for air.  So in real life I also wasn't breathing.  It also wasn't that I was holding my breath in fear but for a short time I just couldn't breath no matter how hard I tried.

It was all pretty fast in real life.  I have never had sleep apnea before that I know of or since.  It is weird to dream immediately after falling asleep as I wasn't asleep longer than 10-15 min.  I have wondered if it was a psychic vampire as I have read much about them and it seems to fit somewhat.  They supposedly get on top of you and drain energy, and you can wake up during it and feel like you can't breath.  But I also wondered if it was the ghost that I thought may be more aggressive than she thought.  Or it could have just been a dream.

Any thoughts?

And again sorry so long.  :)

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:24 am

Sure does not sound like that was a friendly spirit, lovelife! I have never thought about it but for the longest time I've had similar experiences at my previous home, now that I hear you talk about it. Never saw anyone, that I remember, but waking up because I would not be able to swallow or breathe sounds awfully familiar. Psychic vampires - yeah that's what they are, aren't they?!
I had a sleep study done at the time to see if I had sleep apnea or anything like that, because I either didn't sleep restfully ever, woke up earlier than needed between 3-4am out of nightmares in cold sweat, and was so tired during the day, that it became debilitating. They assumed I was borderline narcoleptic, but after talking to someone here on the board I understand that it was spirit oppression. If you still have any such experiences I would definitely take protective measures (talk to some experts on the board) and pray! It has not been happening since I live in my current home, I think, but I have found that calling on your guardian arch angels helps a lot when negative energy is out to make life hard for you! It's been helping me!


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Post by Lavender-oasis » Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:39 am

I suggest that you get some Tourmaline Quartz to protect you from what sounds like a physic attack.

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Post by CityHunter » Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:08 pm

Hi, Lovelife.  What you encountered isn't any ordinary psychic vampire or a ghost.  Its also not a dream.  There are scientific terms but what I usually call that state wherein you are seemingly in our own world but in a parallel dimension is "the twilight zone."  Ha ha, grew up watching some of those episodes.

To continue on.  As your boyfriend's mom is a masseur and a reiki healer does she do protection measures?  Reiki is a healing art which gives off a lot of positive chi to others.  What a lot tend to not note is the negative energy absorbed or cleansed away from the subject.  This is what, I opine, is attracting those unwanted forms to the mother and son.

I encountered something like what you said but before I further elaborate could you recall if you spotted eyes on that dark form?  As for protection measures, besides the tourmaline prayers from the heart will work too.  If you are Catholic or Christian I strongly suggest that you recite the Apostles' Creed before and after you sleep.  If of other religion do ask your priest or minister for the best prayer for such need.

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Post by Horser55 » Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:57 am

Goodness E, you never told me that story!

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