The old dog

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The old dog

Post by Raymond » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:36 pm

Almost a year ago I was asleep in bed and very early in the morning I was awakened by a noise. The only way I can describe the sound is it came from the next room and sounded like a communicator on the Star Trek TV series  When they would turn it on It made a chirping noise. Well this thing made a very similar noise but it was louder and had a guttural sound to it as if it was from an animal of some sort.

At the same instant I heard the noise I noticed my hands were laying on my chest and my hands and chest felt as if they were vibrating. The vibration in my chest was so strong that I could hear it.

I am a Reiki Master and thought the vibration had something to do with that but id did not have a clue as to what made the noise.

A couple of weeks later the exact same thing happened again. After I heard the sound I just lay there quietly and felt the vibration. It actually felt really good. It was as if some machine was sending a very relaxing and wonderful feeling vibration into my body, although I could sense the sgnal was coming from my hands.

For several nights after that I would wake up and feel the vibration but it finally went away anid I never felt it again. The sound also did not come back.

A few weeks ago my wife and I came home from work, we pwn a business together, and found our dog in the spare bathroom with the door closed. The dog is a small breed weighing no more than 45 pounds and is a little over 15 years old. Very feeble but doing good for his age.

Well, we were rather disturbed to find the old man locked up like that and could not figure out heow it happened so I decided to investigate. I have a very sensitive, remote video camera that I record video from onto my computer. It will only record if it sees something moving in the field of view.

I set up the camera so it would watch the outside of the door and left it for the day. That night, sure enough, the old man was closes up in the bathroom. I review the recording and see him investigating the door over and over again. Well, he sometimes does that when he is looking for my wife so I assume that is waht he is doing. Searching for her. The next moment he is walking into a dark bathroom and the door closes behind him.

Aha. I put the camera in the wrong place. I should have put it inside the bathroom as the culprit is inside not outside.

So, I move the camera and wait for the next day. When we come home that night he is back in the dark so I go to investigate thinking I had actual evidence as to what was happening. I review several 1000 frames of video, watching the dog peek into the door over and over again and finally he goes in. The next couple of frames just show the door closed and the poor old man trying to get out. Not a clue as to how the door closed.

Well, my wife and I discuss the situation and decide it must be the spook that has been hanging around our place for several years. (That is another story by itself) So we blame it on the spirit that lives with us.

To stop the nonsense we try closing the door when we leave but it did not help. The doors latch is not real good and pressing on it will sometimes ope it. So we come home and find him entrapped one again. I decide to fix it once and for all and got ot Wal-Mart and purchase a little accordian fisture to keep kids from entering a room. It is just high enough so the old man cannot get ovet it. That works like a charm, for a while.

One night I am having a bad night of it so I go and lay down on the living room couch so as to not disturb my wife with my tossing and turning. I am laying there half awake and what do I hear. The chirp is back only this time it is different. It starts off with the same chirp but then it turns into a shrill whistle like a wold whistle. The one you use to get someones attention. It came from the same room only it is a lot louder now.

I get up to investigate and what do I find? The old man is back in the bathroom. I think about it for a while and decide that my spooky friend has lured the dog into the bathroom with a whistle and then closes it behind him. So we begin using the baby door day and night.

About two weeks go by and it is Saturday afternoon. My wife and need to go do our grocery shopping so we leave. We aren't gone for more than an hour and when we get back only one dog is at the door to greet us. Where is the old man? Great we forgot to put the baby door up.

My wife takes her bag of groceries into the kitchen but I stay put for a little bit. I sense something is going on. At that same moment I hear the chirp and the wold whistle right next to me. Only this time it is obviously trying to tell me something. That darn dog has closed himself off in the bathroom again and please don't blame it on me. I have told you it was happening twice now and I didn't do it!

So that is the story. Whatever ti is that makes the chirp can hear us talk, has intelligence and is very sociable. Except for things getting moved now and then or my seeing orbs and shadows, it does no harm.

My question to all of you is have you ever run across anything like this before? What in the heck kind of spirit am I working with here? Any and all ideas and obversations are welcome. I am both fascinated and frustrated with this creature and I want to know who and what it is.

Oh yes. Any ideas about the vibration would be welcome als. Thank you!

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