son recalling a suicide...

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son recalling a suicide...

Post by amcnally » Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:54 pm

when my son was about 3 he started telling me about his aunt carol...and details about how she was so sad and has to wear the same clothes everyday...the bad men took her to the woods and shot her...even more details that I realized later that night were SPECIFICS of my aunts suicide that happened when I was 16.  So obviously that was 15 years before he was born.  What do you think about this kind of thing?  I realized later the he was born on her bday and wondered if there could be something to that?? We never talk about this within the family. I have no pictures of this aunt.  He descibed what she looked like etc...Please share your thoughts on this!

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Post by narf » Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:12 am

i had a friend once who claimed to be a white which who told me that young children around 3 to 5 years can start sprouting things from there past lives and such, as they are still pretty close to that time of being born and theyre memories can still somewhar be linked to this past life.
maybe something like this is happening with your son and the fact that he was born on your aunts birthday makes a closer connection.
i have one question though, didnt your son talk about bad men taking your aunt away and shooting her, yet you talk about a suicide? were the circumstances of your aunts death vague or not straight forward in some way?
i mean no disrespect to your family and there tragic loss, but if so maybe your aunt is trying to tell your family something through your son.
i hope you find some answers, and dont worry about your son, kids can be extremely open minded and resilliant
take care

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Past Life Passing

Post by Delphina » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:43 pm

Hi A Mcnally;

I have had a few conversations with my daughter since she was two about her past life.  When she was born she had a lack of pigmentation on her chest about the size of a quarter.  When she was two-three she told me about a dream that she was having where she was shot in her previous life.  

I had her talk about it and explain as much as possible to me as she could. I would write down everything so that we could go over it if she wanted to add anything later.  Then we discussed the fact that it was a past life and she could let it go.  

She still has the same spot that does not tan, same size and it has basically stayed in the same place.  She is now going on 18.  The depigmentation is in the same spot that she said she was shot.  

At two-three years of age their imaginations are not active enough to make these things up. Ask as many questons as he will permit.  Let him know it is okay to talk to you about it. Also explain that others may not understand and to ask you first before they say anything to someone else. Ask him about other dreams, other lives.  This is a wealth of information at your finger tips that will diminish if you don't keep it active.  Even my daughter doesn't remember everything she has told me.  But I do :)

By all means let him know this is normal, and anyone that doesn't understand just doesn't want to.  I always felt if they are old enough to ask the question, they are old enough for you to start introducing the answer.  As parents it is up to us to feed the information slowly enough so they don't get scared, but fast enough so that they don't lose interest.

Enjoy this time, it gives you an insight to your child that only you can share with them.


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its true

Post by marie clay » Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:44 am

cuz kids havent had 'reality' shot through them yet {ie, what they see, they believe, without thier brains telling them it isnt real and filtering it out}  they are very psychic and might honestly remember there past life. also they will see things that us 'grown ups' would normally filter out. they really are our links to the past :)

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Post by Austin » Mon Jun 11, 2007 11:04 am

Very interesting. When i was 3-5 i told my mother of two past lives. I was a Scottish fisherman i told her. Later on, about 19 i had a vision of a Scottsman writing in an adobi hut on a wooden table near a candle-light.

I also told her that we were Indians once, Native Americans. She was on a horse and i was picking flowers and putting them in a basket and giving them to her. Then i got on another horse and we rode off. She was female, and a mother to me in that life-time too.

Edgar Cayce stated that we don't always stay the same gender, by our own will of course. However, he mentioned we have the tendency to stay in with our "group", our spiritual community. So, basically you have given birth to yourself! Over and over again! hahaha
E.C. stated that we can detach from our 'comfort zone' as i use the word for here, our spiritual brothers of whom we are close to and be born among others, perhaps, for example on the other side of the world at the time your more-known spiritual partners are living on the other side of the world. As mentioned this is not usually the case and of course i have no right or knowledge to say that's not "usually" the case because i don't know how often it happens.. So, sticking with what E.C. said we tend to stay in the family or in the community meaning your mother from this life could be your best friend, born of another family in the next.. and male!

E.C. basically stated that we have "unfinished-business" here in Earth, and the relationships you have with certain people, bad relationships or good relationships, will carry over to the next life and that is your chance to fix that relationship.. To these people and people who know people who have been killed in past life-times, here is my advice;
It is most likely that at some point in these person's life they will encounter the soul of their murder(s) in this life-time. It MAY be known to those who know of THIS (information from the "victim") by the relationship between the "victim" and the current "murderer(s)". They may say how much they hate these or that person and it is for you to know that it is from trouble from a past life. My recommendation to the outside observer, who can connect the dots, to encourage the "victim" to suck-it-up by any means as to mend the relationship as to forgive the "murderer(s)" of their past deeds. Whether the victim knows it or not, wants to believe it or not they will keep living until they forgive the other and destroy that sub-conscious and unseen energy, in this case bad energy, between the two. If they choose to be blind to the spiritual aspect of that progression, what harm is there done in overcoming one's own ill-guided emotions toward another? Overcome one's own personality to accept and forgive another.. We here, atleast will know it's more grand for that individual on a spiritual level.

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