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What would you call this?

Post by missouri » Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:12 am

Sorry if this is not the proper place to put this. I'm not sure where to put it. If this is the wrong place, I am sorry!

(This maybe long, if so sorry! :) )
I've had weird experience's that seem to happen more as I age. (Granted, I'm only 19.) I feel present's of people. I've never seen a ghost, but I can feel them. I've heard voice's, when no one was there. I think the most weird thing I've done, and it scared me after it happened was this. I woke-up one morning two year's ago. I had this incredible dreadful feeling. It felt like death. I told my best friend for a month and a half, everyday, "Someone close to me is fixing to die. I can feel it. I can feel it in my bone's. Someone is fixing to die." A month and half later my grandpa dropped dead of a heart-attack in his garage. My grandma, who was suffering from Alzhimer's (sp?), came to live with us. I could feel the present's of my grandpa. However, my experience's were about to get even more weird.

My grandpa died in October of 04. That december we were setting out Christmas decoration's. My mom has three candle's that she sit's on the coffee table every year. She hadn't burnt them at all that night. The candle's were sitting in three reef like things, and they all sat on saucer plates. That night, I slept on the couch. I noticed almost the very moment I laid down. I smelled candle's burning. I looked, but they weren't lite. So, I fell asleep. I woke-up the next morning to my mom knelt in front of the coffee table. She asked me, "Did you burn these last night?" I replied, "No, why?" She said, "Are you sure?" I said, "Yeah, I'm positive! WHY?!" She said "Come here, and look!" I walked around the coffee table and there was dried melted wax all over the top of the coffee table. I said, "I swear to God I didn't burn them!" The odd thing was, there wasn't any wax on the side of the candle, nothing on the reef's, and the top of the coffee table wasn't burnt. It was as if someone lit it, and turned the candle upside down, and poured wax on the table. But no one did.

Another intense was one day I sitting in the bedroom on the computer, and I felt like a shoosh of wind go past me. Like when someone walk's past you. I looked, and the bedroom door was shut. I turned around and no one was there. I still remember that feeling, and it honest to God felt like someone walked past me.

My mom has weird thing's like that happen to her too. She heard someone walking down our hall, and no one was there. Everyone was a sleep.

My grandma died 4 months after she came to live with us, and after that I didn't feel my grandpa's present's as strong. I still, to this day have weird thing's happen. I'll hear thing's fall, but nothing will be out of place. I hear door's open and shut, when no one is there. I've openly said out loud, "It's ok if your here, and letting your present's known. But I beg you, don't show yourself to me." I've yet to see anything thing. It's only sound's.

This past year alone, I knew that my uncle's dad wasn't going to die of cancer. I knew that something else was going to take him. He died two month's after I had that feeling in a fire. The day before my great uncle's ex-wife died, she was on my mind all day. I just felt like something was wrong. The next morning at 2:30 a.m. she died in a horrible car crash.

My mom has those same feelings, and she has dream's. I don't have dream's as of yet. My grandma (the one that came to live with us, she was my mother's mom) she had feeling's and dream's. My aunt, my mom's oldest sister, has feeling's. She actually dreamed of a child getting ran over by something. Then next day, I got ran over by a tractor.

I don't know honestly how to take all of this. It doesn't scare me. Like the feeling's of death, and stuff. I also know when someone close to me is pregnant. Even before they become pregnant. I know that they are about to, and I've been able to tell that since I was 12. Anyway, the feeling's and stuff don't scare me. Sometime's the sound's, like door's, voice's, hearing stuff fall and stuff like that. Kind-of freak me out sometime's.

Does anyone else here experience anything like this, or am I just losing it? lol Sorry that this is so long!!!



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Post by Samson » Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:53 am

No your not losing it, I have heard doors close and people talk as well and I can also feel them when they are here with me.  You can ask them to leave if they bother you, because at times when I just want to be alone I've ask them to leave and they go but they always come back.
I haven't seen anyone of them as of yet except my Moms dog, he came to visit me once, the others are my parents and who ever else they bring with them, it doesn't bother me anymore because I have excepted it and so life goes on.

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Post by soul_flower » Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:58 pm

Brandi  :smt006

No your not losing it lol,i cant say i have had that much happen to me,but i have had weird things go on.I get freaked right out and right now im trying to let my fears go so i can make more contact with who ever visits me.

My family did have a beach house (they sold it a few yrs back) anyway.The owners died,i guess from old age,and they did come visit,but only my aunty heard and had them in her dreams,They were very friendly.I must say,from the moment i saw that beach house i was sooooo scared to be alone,dont know why.Then one day things just changed,for no reason i know of.A group of us all went swimming and my mother stayed behind.She was doing some things,when she heard all these dishes smash,doors slame shut,so when she went to look,all doors were open,do dishes smashed.

From that day on,people heard things, a ball bouncing at night,outside only one room,my aunty heard someone say help me,and my bother saw a little girl one night.Things went on well forever,we have sold the house now,not for that reason tho lol.But yeah i know what ur going thru,and it is weird.My aunty and mother are never scared about that stuff,but i am,to scared lol.....Sorry its so long!!!!!

Tamara :o)

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Post by missouri » Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:44 am

Phew! Glad I'm not the only one. ;) I am, also, trying to lay my fear's down. I would like to expand this (if you even can). I find it all very interesting. I always kind-of known that I am more intuned with thing's more than everyone else.

Tamara, your post reminded me of something that happened here in this house about 7 year's ago. We were having a Christmas party here, with family and friend's. We were all in the front room, and we heard something crash in the kitchen. My cousin Allen (an adult) went in there, and a butter knife that had been laying in the bottom of the sink. Was laying in front of the frig. Which was a good 5 feet or more. I still can't figure that one out! Also, about 3 month's ago, my brother, his girlfriend, my sister, her boyfriend, and some other family member's were here. We were talking about my grandma and stuff. About that time, this shelf my mom has above the tv on the wall. It has picture frames on it. All three of them went flying off the shelf. Just out of nowhere, and no one was standing over in that area. It scared me at first, but the more I think about it. The more I think of the possiblity that it could have been my grandma. Just saying, "Hey, I'm here! I can hear you talking about me!" LOL!


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Post by soul_flower » Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:51 am

Brandi  :smt006

I am trying so hard to let my fears go,its so hard to open up tho,but i know this site and all the lovely people on here will help,i find it a comfort coming here.I believe in everything on this site,i could talk about these subjects till the cows come home lol,i talk to much too,can ya tell  :smt003

I have been told by a very good friend and spiritual lady,who did readings for me that i should learn more about this stuff and open up as i have a "gift",like we all do.She also said i have many spirits around me who want to make contact but im putting up walls.She passed away a few yrs ago but what she said has always stuck with me.

Some pretty freaky stuff goes on at ur house hey lol,well not freaky,i guess i shouldnt look at it that way.Your right,it probably is ur gandma saying,hey there hehe.Thats my problem tho,when things do happen i never think,well that could be someone saying hello to me.But then again im on my own all week,well,my 1yr old son and i,so i freak myself out,very much.So i know how you feel girl lol,but you sound stronger than me with that stuff,i guess it is hard to open up to this.But like you i WANT and NEED to do this,i am really into all this and i hope it doesnt take me to long to understand that it isnt scarey....

See,told ya i talk to much LOL  :smt002

Tamara :o)

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Post by Samson » Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:26 am

If you have fears, this is the best place for both of you to be.

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Post by soul_flower » Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:00 am

I agree with you Samson,this is the BEST place to be!!!!!!

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Post by Samson » Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:51 am

I'm happy to help out when I can.

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Post by MsBlanch » Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:52 pm

Just my two cents, but I feel our friends and loved ones are able to drop by, what better time than a holiday or family gathering.

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