Can I Control Which Past Life I Visit

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Can I Control Which Past Life I Visit

Post by XxLenorexX » Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:03 am

My friend and i have a very special connection, we're like sisters and we haven't even known each other for a year. Sometimes we'll do past life regressions with each other.
From what we can gather from hers is that we were best friends in a past life and someone who was very close to me (maybe a brother) was dieing He had some disease that Jewish people get, i can't remember what it's called for the life of me, we called him Y because he spelt his name Bryan. Well he died and we hung ourselves.
About a month ago i woke up and i felt the worst pain i could ever feel in my neck. (Right at the place where a neck fractures when a person is hung). the weird thing was that i didn't physically feel it. It WAS there and it hurt so bad like i said the most painful thing i've ever felt. Yet i didn't feel it. It's so hard to explain, it was there but it wasn't.
For some reason when we do my past lifes i go all the way back to italy in the 1700's and the next time i'm in a dark place filled with people i don't know.
Is there any way to control which past life you go to?
And for that matter is there any way to do a past life regression with only yourself? (I have no way of seeing her until after the holidays)
I'm still so cunfused, i can remember that night so vividly and i scarce fall asleep without thinking about it and if it was because of what happened in my most recent past life.
Please any help would be wonderful!

Vinay Jha
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Not a good thing !

Post by Vinay Jha » Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:16 am

Regression into past lives is not a virtue, it takes place when a doomed Spirit sees its road to future blocked.

But some gifted persons can help others regress into past lives momentarily, with a view to help that person. I've witnessed both cases.

I was helped by a gifted person to see my past life. But I am not interested in the past. It is dead and gone, and I've learnt the lessons from it needed for shaping my future.

A spirit fond of regression becomes a ghost after death.


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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:34 pm

That to me sounds like an excuse and justifications for not facing the past. A spirit without closure becomes a ghost. Like if the body dies a traumatic death then the soul can have a harder time moving on, or if people close to the soul take to it traumatically it can make it harder for the soul to go on it's journey. As long as there is darkness that you hide from, that darkness has more power then you.

Those feelings that are bugging you are something that still needs to be dealt with, something that is still seeking resolution. By understanding the past we can better understand the present and have a better idea of how to move forward.

You can to a degree choose what you connect with, but if something needs to be dealt with it will come up anyway. If you are not ready handle dealing with something then you can shut off from it, but when shutting off from the bad you are also shutting off from the good. When opening up again while this does make it possible to access abilities and aspects that were active in the past it also brings up all the reasons why you shut off from it in the first.

I've dreamed one night where I was connecting with a life I lived 2300 years ago, and I woke up with a headache as if I were hung over. This is part of healing the energy. I also got sick when I went to deep in connecting with the past. You have to be careful and know you are ready to deal with something and even then go slowly as there is a fine line between healing the past and compromising the present. By being more centred in the now things from the past which bear relevance in the present will come up.

Yes it is possible to connect with the past alone but I wouldn't advice, it. It is too easy to get lost within the self. There are crystals that help, but even with those you want to have someone you can trust to give you a more rounded view and keep you in check. This can be done psychically over any distance, but it can be more direct and more comforting having them in close proximity. It's not the kind of thing you need to do frequently. Just doing it a bit and then working through the energies brought back works well. It's important not to over do as it can compromise the present.

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Post by Vinay Jha » Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:46 am

Do not distort my statement. I said "I've learnt the lessons from it (my past life) needed for shaping my future". How my statement can be construed as "not facing the past" ?

Studying the past is studying history for helping the future, but living in the past is a mental disorder.


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Post by Aegeus » Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:51 am

I guess it's a language barrier. The statement I was responding too was the one that mentioned how souls who like past life regression too much become ghosts. I realize that a lot of bad can come of dwelling on the past, but learning from it while not holding on to it is different. Also it is highly unlikely you have learned all there is to learn from the past.

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