Hi I'm new, question of smells??

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Hi I'm new, question of smells??

Post by DearLeanne » Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:40 am

Hello everyone,
I'm new here, just wanted to ask a question. Previous life activity largely seems based around dreams, images etc,
However, about four/five months ago, I kept having the strange occurence of being able to smell a strong 'bonfire scent'. I smelt it mainly when on the way to uni and there, but never really at home?

I got confused by the possibilities of it being
A) A spirit,
B) Previous Life

(I say a spirit as I feel like I've had one attached to me recently (past two months) I don't feel like I know (him), and it's freaking me out!!) And this one is in my house, but I mainly sense it at my partners flat?

Has any one else experienced this?

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Relationship in past life carry on in this life as well?

Post by Lostnfound » Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:29 pm

Hi...I have been thinking about it allot...i have a friend...i would call him my best friend, close friend...a boy friend...a lover or i dont know wt exactly! but we are together since last 20 years...even though we were apart from few years but was in touch...at times vague touch...he is the only man in my life who keep coming back..i know i can't get him in my this life...i never think of any harm for his partner in this life...but have a strong feeling and desire that if I can get the punishment of my sins done in the past life then I can have my desires fulfilled in my next life...which cannot just be fulfilled in this life. we had some very ugly and bad fights between us as if everything is finished and we can't bear to see the face of each other but we keep coming back together. I dont expect anything from him...he cares for me beyond his reach. we discussed everything together and try to find out the problems of each other lives, be it a business/work/personal life.  Something feels incomplete if the opinion of one another is not taken over something important. We have developed a rather strong telepathy that if we are thinking of one another then the other person calls or sends message. I dont call it mere love but somewhere we have a strong bond between us which is beyond relationship...20 years is a big time...we were apart from each other as i said before but destiny keep bringing us back. Somewhere in my heart Iam scared of all this and want to go very far from him. Even though I will go away or settle down with somebody else in my life down the line, I will be desiring to have him in my next life. Is it like that I have some kind of bond with him in my past life....i wanted to go for a past life regression....i just wanted to know if both of us really share something from our past lives...am i thinking in the right direction...can somebody please guide me.

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Post by mystic67 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:34 pm

I would tend to say spirit too, I have had differant scents come to me from seemingly know where too and always felt
the presence of a spirit along with it. One for me is pipe tobacco, which felt like the presence of my neighbor from child
hood. If you associate someone in spirit with the smell they may come to you that way. When I smelled the pipe
he was the first thing that popped into my mind. Go with your first impression. Although in your case it doesn't seem
you associated anyone with the smell. It could be an old occupant of your place.

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