Past Life

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Past Life

Post by Bandit81101 » Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:49 pm

I believe that a past life of mine, I died at sea.  I don't remember a lot, but the number 1357 always jumped out at me.  When I looked up ships lost at sea, I originally thought that it sunk in the year 1357, only to find that that number was associated with ships lost at sea in general.
I believe my family was friends with the captain of this ship, and that I was going to a different shore because I was promised to a man.  I also believe that the sea was calm when the ship hit trouble, and the main cause of my death was the mast falling and hitting me in the head.

Can anyone elaboreate or help here?  I wish to know if this is real, or a dream.  I'd like to know where the ship left port, where it was heading, maybe even the name of the ship or the year it sank.

In reality, any insite or help that can be given would be appreciated, as I would really like to know if this really was a past life of mine or not :)  It would make other "past life" possibilities I've seen for myself be more believeable as well.

Thanks much :D

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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:54 pm

How did this information come to you? Were you awake, sleeping, or meditating? Think about the feeling you get when you re-read your post? Is it real?

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Post by Bandit81101 » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:32 pm

It was inbetween sleep and being awake.  I can clearly see this deep red dress that the woman is wearing, I got the feeling that she was the only woman on the ship, back when it was still considered bad luck to have a woman on board.
There are parts of it that make it appear real, for instance the number 1357 that I then looked up.  But I am unsure...I want to believe that it is, but find the logical part of myself wanting to prove it to myself as well.

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